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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Street Fighter IV will be released in all HD consoles and PC except for Wii

Shameless said:
PS360 and PC will be entirely the same engine and have relatively similar graphics capabilites. They'd have to change a lot of things for the Wii, somehow integrate a motion control system etc.

Huge amount of unnecessary hate in this thread.
besides we all know the best graphics will be can be teh pc version if they want 



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I'll be playing this bad boy.

@yushire (I HATE the RTF quote thingie):

Well, the existence of Smash Bros. tournaments and sites like says that Brawl is certainly "core enough" to be played on a competitive level. Smash Bros. isn't a "core only" game like some fighters tend to be (Virtua Fighter, I'm looking at you) and is mainly aimed at the mainstream/casual/party gaming audience, but it also works just fine as a gamers game.


I don't know a single fighter that has sold well on the PC. Thus IMO, a port on the PC is a waste of money and effort.

Warning: The preceding message may or may not have included sarcasm, cynicism, irony, full stops, commas, slashes, words, letters, sentences, lines, quotes,  flaeed  gramar, cryptic metaphors or other means of annoying communication. Viewer discretion is/was strongly advised.

Gotta say im a little dissapointed by Capcom but it makes me wonder. Can the Wii really render thoes (artistic) graphics i mean so far with games like SMG the wii certainly does the job. Thats the only reason why i think Capcom is not releasing it other than the wii aiming for a different demographic.

Most of you are being babies. So its not comming out for the wii...get it for another console if you want to play it. I don't cry like a baby cause metal ger isn't coming out for 360...I go out and buy a ps3 instead.

And if you think Street fighter sucks and doesn't get played anymore...boot up street fighter 2 on xbox live. More people playing that game online than 80% of other live games.

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I've got the feeling this will be easily the best fighting game in years.


Ajax said:
I've got the feeling this will be easily the best fighting game in years.

I wouldn't go that far...I don't se Urien, Alex or Remi in the lineup... :)

But it will be good to see the game get an update for next gen.

Ajax said:
I've got the feeling this will be easily the best fighting game in years.
 Or the biggest financial slap in the face Capcom's had in years. Really a mixed bag.

I would. I think it will be much more than just a next-gen update, I think Capcom will really deliver an original SFII like experience as they say they will. It´s wait and see of course, but let me just get hyped once all right?


Ajax said:
I would. I think it will be much more than just a next-gen update, I think Capcom will really deliver an original SFII like experience as they say they will. It´s wait and see of course, but let me just get hyped once all right?

I hope this and the new King of fighters is a success...then we can see Killer Instinct 3 in 2D maybe.