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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What third party has been the most loyal to Nintendo this generation?

im surprised people are saying ubisoft, they only had like 2 good games on the wii, and most of their games have been ports

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yushire said:
brute said:
^ubisoft has supported it more the namco
In its first year, YES...  but as of now, its just port city and cash-ins EA was better than Ubi will ever be. Ubi even admitted to it.


yes i know EA has been better,but i said it has supported it more then namco

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Ubisoft did at the very least publish a great Wii game--No More Heroes.

Indeed, if you want to go with Third Party Developers, not publishers, I'd say the most loyal developer for the Wii has been Grasshopper. Suda goes somewhat slowly, but he's already delivered his best game yet for the Wii (NMH) and is gearing up for at least one more (Fatal Frame IV), if not, if rumors are to be believed, a good handful more (NMH2, the crazy Suda/Kojima project, etc.).

But otherwise it's hard to say. Sega has given the Wii bad games but hasn't shut them out of good/major games either, and are going to be publishing Mad World. Capcom hasn't delivered crap, but won't be making RE5 for the Wii (before there's uproar, yes, it probably couldn't be done on the Wii regardless. It might be too powerful) and kind of half-assed the Okami port. However they've also given us one great port and some good games overall, and we will be getting Street Fighter 4. So that's good.

So I guess I'd say Capcom. I give EA no credit for giving the Wii the big franchises--theyt're contractually obligated by their affiliates to do so.

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Hudson and Sega by a mile.


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NightDragon83 said:

I would definitely have to say that Capcom has been the most loyal third party towards Nintendo over the previous 2 generations. Although most of the infamous "Capcom 5" eventually found their way over to the PS2 (you can't really blame them considering the GC's poor performance) Capcom honored their agreement with Nintendo and delivered arguably the best game of last gen, Resident Evil 4, on GC and kept it as a timed exclusive for most of '05.  And so far they've released nothing but quality titles on the Wii (even if most are ports) with more to come like Monster Rancher 3.

You mean Monster Hunter, right?

I think Sega has been the most loyal.........who woulda thunk that 15 years ago?

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tehsage said:
MontanaHatchet said:
That's kind of a confusing question. Given the success of the Wii, several companies are flocking to it. So how do you define loyal? Ubisoft has been supporting the system since launch, although they released some crap games and used it as an excuse to somewhat ignore it. Electronic Arts supports pretty much every system.

Sega seems to fit the category the best, although they're really only going with the console that sells their games the best. They've released, to prime sales the Sonic series, some arcade ports, and their first Monkey Ball game.

 I would define loyal as developing quality games for the Wii.

Loyal is a hard word to defy - first off you have Activision who were right there at launch with Tony Hawks Downhill Jam which wasn't met with delight (hey I liked it and still own it) but it was there on the shelves at launch, they then released Guitar Hero 3 at the same time as the other versions and not several months after with a gimped version with it being one of the first third party games to have a full online mode and treat the Wii as an equal platform.

They then pissed on Rock Bands parade with their GH4 annonuncement with the Wii version including DLC after EA stated Rock Band wouldn't and again this will be out of the blocks alongside other versions.  Activision have single handedly proved to a lot of people ( and probably persuaded EA to release Rock Band on the Wii) that if you give Wii a decent version it will sell just as well.

For this alone I choose Activision.


brute said:
yushire said:
brute said:
^ubisoft has supported it more the namco
In its first year, YES... but as of now, its just port city and cash-ins EA was better than Ubi will ever be. Ubi even admitted to it.


yes i know EA has been better,but i said it has supported it more then namco

Which is better, tales of symphonia, sky crawlers and Fragile or Emergency Heroes? Thats all... 


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out

If only loaylity matters, than I would say that the most loyal third party would be Nibris. Because they only develop for Nintendo and no one else.

However loyality means nothing without results ...

Hm, here are the number of games I have from 3rd party publishers:

Capcom: 4
EA: 2
Atlus: 1
Ubisoft: 1

And Ubi only published No More Heroes, so that barely counts.

So I'm gonna have to go with Capcom, even though they haven't really invested much into Wii, dollar-wise.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I guess we should strike Capcom from this list, seeing as how Street Fighter 4 apparently isn't ocmign out for the Wii after all. Because super high end graphics like we've seen for SF4 so far inside a 2D fighting game can only be made on an HD console....

My consoles and the fates they suffered:

Atari 7800 (Sold), Intellivision (Thrown out), Gameboy (Lost), Super Nintendo (Stolen), Super Nintendo (2nd copy) (Thrown out by mother), Nintendo 64 (Still own), Super Nintendo (3rd copy) (Still own), Wii (Sold)

A more detailed history appears on my profile.