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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Bioshock: Truly worth the hype

TheBigFatJ said:
NintendoTogepi said:
Yes, it's the best 360 game, and third best game of 2007. (behind Super Mario Galaxy and The Orange Box)

Orange Box is also available on the 360.

Yeah, but

1. Team Fortress 2 is horrible on 360, only 16 players and it hasn't gotten the new maps and achievements

2. The Half-Life series is meant to be played on PC

3. Portal requires very precise and quick aiming which I find very hard to do with analog sticks

4. The game is meant to be played on PC

So yeah, Orange Box 360 = Suck, Orange Box PC = OMGWTHAWESOME 


Top 3 favorite games: Super Mario Galaxy, The Sims 2 (PC), The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

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Agreed. BioShock's greatest strength is the atmosphere, which is at least as good on the 360 as on the PC. The action is relatively slow-paced, which makes the controller work reasonably well, and there's no multiplayer. After trying both demos I decided to go with the 360 version.

The Orange Box, though... that really needs to be played on the PC to be enjoyed to the fullest. TF2 gains the most from the PC, but HL2 and Portal work better on the PC as well.

Well I just purchased this game and I must say it is indeed living up to the hype so far. The atmosphere while creepy is simply awesome, definately a game I would advise any 360 owner to purchase.

Strategyking92 said:
sc94597 said:
Pretty good. I thought the story was complex for an fps. I have the pc version. I can't say how good the 360 version was.

I would say the pc version is better, because of the control scheme (mouse and keyboard rules!)

but still, they are both the same game.

lol my brother has Bioshock for 360 and PC and he plays it BOTH with his 360-Contoller

NintendoTogepi said:
TheBigFatJ said:
NintendoTogepi said:
Yes, it's the best 360 game, and third best game of 2007. (behind Super Mario Galaxy and The Orange Box)

Orange Box is also available on the 360.

Yeah, but

1. Team Fortress 2 is horrible on 360, only 16 players and it hasn't gotten the new maps and achievements

2. The Half-Life series is meant to be played on PC

3. Portal requires very precise and quick aiming which I find very hard to do with analog sticks

4. The game is meant to be played on PC

So yeah, Orange Box 360 = Suck, Orange Box PC = OMGWTHAWESOME


uhm your 2nd and your 4th argument is the same and by the way your 3rd is bad, because there are gamers who are very accurate with analog sticks. And because I don't play Team Fortress 2 my conclusion is:

Orange Box 360 = Win, Orange Box PC = Win

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I really love this game, last year was amazing between bioshock, mass effect, call of duty and halo 3 (shooters). I still playing them. But, we are talking of bioshock, so, in a few words, my favorite 360 game so far (mass effect second). I music is great to. I have played the game twice, normal and hard, like 40 or 50 hours, because i walk through all the map watching the details, searching the diarys and trying to find every little room.

I hope all the ps3 owners buy this game and can see how good it is.

The only thing abouth the game than i didnt like its than i found all the diarys, and they didnt give me the achievement T.T

End of 2011 (made 02/01/11) 
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Xbox 360: 67.837 m 
Ps 3: 60.726 m

Best Games/Serie of the Generation

starcraft said:
naznatips said:
Eh, your opinions. My issues with it:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2. Same enemies, less powers, less RPG stuff, simpler plot, better setting.

-It was ridiculously easy. Even the Big Daddies rarely presented a challenge if you did the preparation. If you did die, you'd come back with (basically) no penalty at a Vita Chamber and could go attack again.

-The "moral choices" thing was total bullshit. Murdering little girls or not is not a "difficult moral decision," and the bears they gave you more than made up for the lower Adam you got for saving them. Black and White moral decisions are more than a decade old. Something new please.

-The plot fell to shreds at the end (honestly one of the worst endings I've ever seen), and the game just felt like a job after confronting Ryan. The objectivism was poorly handled as well.

Overall, a good game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe an 8.5-8.9 on a 10 point scale.

I disagree with most of your points, though it is very much a matter of opinion.

True indeed!

And you can make one more tick for me next to Naz.

It was a good game, but FAR from the hype is was given. I think now that we are something like 9 months past its release its a bit tough for people to be as hyped as they were then.

Personally I would take any installment from the HL series over Bioshock...yes even HL1 (I'm sure the graphic whores will be up in arms).  But like I said it was still a good game, its just not in any "best of" category for me tbh.

To Each Man, Responsibility

The wrench is the best weapon, just get the tonics for electrocution when enemies hit you and your set.

Really good game, but it's not my favorite on the 360.

Good, game, great enviroments, probably one of the best of the last year (Behind SMG and Orange Box), I have never played SS2 but if is better than BioShock I might give it a try...

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

Well, to be honest, Bioshock was last years second biggest letdown for me, right behind Crysis. I could write a huge post about why, but I've written the same things in so mnay threads so I won't bother, and I know I'm not alone in feeling this.
Bioshock's impact on console shooter audiences show well and truly how incredibly mediocre console shooters as a whole really are.