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Forums - General Discussion - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (here be spoilers!)

Warning-- from here on out there will more than likely be spoilers *everywhere*! Consider yourself fairly warned.



So we saw this today and my feelings on this movie can be summed up in one simple comment: George Lucas can now go to Hell.

Ugh, for the first third of the movie I was just sitting there thinnking wow, Harrison Ford sure is old. For the second third I was thinking well, not bad but not good either. For the last third, I was just pissed off.

How can you survive a nuclear bomb blast by hiding in a refridgerator?
Why the damn monkeys in the jungle?
Aliens? ALIENS? FUck off George Lucas.
The chick from Raiders of the Lost Arc look like she needed to stay out of the sun for a good twenty years.
Terrible dialogue-- again, fuck off George Lucas.
The magnetism thing was stupid.
The three drops was stupid (one would have been fine for an Indy movie).
The whole ending was pure crap with the aliens.

All in all, I'm pretty damn disappointed. It was by far the worst of the Indy movies.

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Oh yeah, lol at the space between space.

Haven't seen it yet, I'll wait until it comes out on DVD.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Oh, and more fun I forgot about:

The rocket car in 1957 that you can ride in not strapped in at all and normal army cars can catch up to in 5 seconds.

The fact they used Roswell for that giant warehouse that stored the arc.

I enjoyed it, the alien stuff was good but it went too far at the end, and that made the movie weaker than the previous three...

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Eh, considering the entire movie was completely unbelievable, the three waterfalls were ok.

And I was surprisingly ok with the fit with the other religious myths and relics well enough. They did overdo it at the end though...pretty ridiculous.

I do agree about the girl from Raiders...though I guess it tied the whole Shia story together...meh.

And yeah, SWINGING FROM THE VINES??? Not even Indy would have been able to do that, but they had Shia LaBeouf swing like Tarzan and kick a person in a moving car in the face? WHAT??


There were definitely at least a half dozen times during the movie where I raised my hands and shrugged saying, "WHAT?"

It was an enjoyable movie, but I didn't really feel like it was a good Indy movie...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

nuclear bomb... in a fridge....

I saw a commercial for it. and at the part where hes like "put your hands down youre embarrassing us" i thought... man he looks old and outta shape. Old men cant be awesome like the original indy... also Shia Labuff.. ulgh

I was OK with the aliens when they first started talking about but when they actually found the crystal skull and the ending was just terrible.

Especially how they kill the chick. Hi, we want to give you a present. DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE

I thought the motorcycle ride through college town was good wasn't blatantly CG or TOO unbelievable...for an Indy movie anyway.

It's just weird I guess. I kinda forgot about this movie until just this week...and I have a feeling most people don't really care about it...compared to the Star Wars prequels I think this movie is going to seriously underperform.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Terrible dialogue, way too much CG, unbelievable plot elements even for a blockbuster summer film, stupid George Lucas cutesy crap, Ray Winstone's character is useless, Karen Allen's character is useless, Shia LeBeouf is not a believable action hero, I'm okay with aliens, but the ending was a rehash of Raiders.

I think that covers it.