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Warning-- from here on out there will more than likely be spoilers *everywhere*! Consider yourself fairly warned.



So we saw this today and my feelings on this movie can be summed up in one simple comment: George Lucas can now go to Hell.

Ugh, for the first third of the movie I was just sitting there thinnking wow, Harrison Ford sure is old. For the second third I was thinking well, not bad but not good either. For the last third, I was just pissed off.

How can you survive a nuclear bomb blast by hiding in a refridgerator?
Why the damn monkeys in the jungle?
Aliens? ALIENS? FUck off George Lucas.
The chick from Raiders of the Lost Arc look like she needed to stay out of the sun for a good twenty years.
Terrible dialogue-- again, fuck off George Lucas.
The magnetism thing was stupid.
The three drops was stupid (one would have been fine for an Indy movie).
The whole ending was pure crap with the aliens.

All in all, I'm pretty damn disappointed. It was by far the worst of the Indy movies.