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Forums - General Discussion - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (here be spoilers!)

Also, I forgot to mention Kate Blanchett's character.

She had the ability to be AWESOME but she ended up just being lame. The only times she actually did anything was the fencing scene which was another one of those too over the top scenes and when she failed to use her ability twice.

But before that, lets look at some of the other Indy villains. Raiders had the German guy who burned his hand and used that to build the staff. Temple of Doom had the guy who ripped someone's heart out and showed it to him. Last Crusade had the evil bastard who shot Sean Connery. Really, who shoots Sean Connery?

What did the chick in the Crystal Skull have? A psychic ability that didn't work and a sword. Whoop-dee-freaking do.

If they actually wanted to make her cool, they wouldn't show her failing miserably twice at her talent but instead had her do something like actually controlling the triple agent. He could have actually been a CIA agent but then she could be controlling him and that would make her cool. It might even make the crystal skulls make sense.

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damn I had high hopes for this movie .....was even planning seeing all 3 IJ movies again.

I just read the summary on wiki, and I thought it was a joke, a flying saucer at the end?!?!?!?!?! I don't know if I will bother seeing this, though I have not really seen any of the originals ever, somthing which I intend to do at some point

twestern - youre right. terrible movie. right when they walked in the warehouse I pointed to the door and was like "Area 51! this better not be about aliens!"

Did you notice how the guns werent attracted to it at all untill they were walking with it... then they werent when indy pulled a gun on them...

and then a nuke... in a fridge...

Also when was Indy ever a fucking FBI/CIA agent....

Shia Labutt is a terrible actor imo.

The boat car driving off a cliff landing on a tree. the tree slowly bends lets the boat off then slingshots back up....

Vine swinging faster than a car....

so many inconsistencies.

Indiana Jones was meant to be a cheesy, fun movie. If you look back, they were all like that.

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This movie wasn't fun, damkira. Not at all.

twesterm said:
Also, I forgot to mention Kate Blanchett's character.

She had the ability to be AWESOME but she ended up just being lame. The only times she actually did anything was the fencing scene which was another one of those too over the top scenes and when she failed to use her ability twice.

But before that, lets look at some of the other Indy villains. Raiders had the German guy who burned his hand and used that to build the staff. Temple of Doom had the guy who ripped someone's heart out and showed it to him. Last Crusade had the evil bastard who shot Sean Connery. Really, who shoots Sean Connery?

What did the chick in the Crystal Skull have? A psychic ability that didn't work and a sword. Whoop-dee-freaking do.

If they actually wanted to make her cool, they wouldn't show her failing miserably twice at her talent but instead had her do something like actually controlling the triple agent. He could have actually been a CIA agent but then she could be controlling him and that would make her cool. It might even make the crystal skulls make sense.

That Russian chick was Cate Blanchett? o_O

I think you're all being a little too critical. It's a big, dumb summer blockbuster. It's not meant to be taken too seriously.

The movie had some great moments, and some not so great ones. Overall, I thought it was a decent movie. I think of this as I (not the majority of SW fans) think of the PT of Star Wars. They're decent movies, not as good as the originals, but certainly good enough to keep me entertained. Though I seem to have low standards for movies.

i hate hate hate Shia LaBoeuf

It felt like this movie was made to groom LaBoeuf into the next Jones. If that was the intent, they should have just killed the project all together and let the original trilogy rest in peace.

Is it considered trilogy by the way? There were 3 movies, but not interconnected like the LOTR or SW trilogy.