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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

zero129 said:
Funny how people seem to of forgot when sony released the Dual analogue joypad for the PS1... Look how that worked out...

That was in the standar control, not one peripheral.

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I really really really hope this is true! It will be such a hilarious shitstorm of bad press for MicroSoft and good press for Nintendo, and the HD crowd won't know what to do and they'll self-destruct!

And for those of you who think MS will learn from Nintendo's mistakes and make some great motion games... hahaha, they can't even get a D-Pad to work right.

Geez M$ might as well anounce their dropping xbox LIVE for a friend code system.


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Wow MS pulled a Sony haha. Oh well just shows how much MS has been backed into a corner. A scared animal in a corner will take any desperate measures to get out.

So guys, my prediction seems to be holding water XD, but this is nothing until the thing actually does come out, then like someone said above 2011 is the magic year for M$ Domination! With Killer (hybrid) Casual Apps!

Step 1: Convince your Execs how to think Casual correctly
Sep 2: Convince your investors that this isn't a big risk and you can do it correctly
Step 3: Teach your Developers how to think Casual correctly
Step 4: R&D on ID pays out, R&D on software begins
Step 5: RRoD... actually its negative sales... ok really it's no difference as appealing to casuals isn't whats making Nintendo successful, neither is the controller.
Step 6: Profit

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

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The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

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zero129 said:
Funny how people seem to of forgot when sony released the Dual analogue joypad for the PS1... Look how that worked out...

 That was just throwing some joysticks on a SNES controller.  I still don't see how it was risky at all.  It was a pleasant but small expected advance.



its a good idea but blatently riped off the wiimote

id love to see how it fairs on the shelfs, no doubt many avid fans will buy it anyways

but its to early to tell, would be a fresh change playing with a motion controller with nex gen grafix

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

taomaster06 said:
i dont think its going to go anywhere. the casuals know about the wii, and probably have never heard of a 360. plus the wii is the cheapest console that comes with a game. microsoft cant afford to drop the price on the 360 let alone pack a game with it. another thig is the wii mote is the wii's main control as with the 360 if they release it, they will still have to have a regular control plus the newton or what ever its called.

Why not? Considering 360 already is 50€ cheaper than Wii and it didn't have any impact in sales, they could easilly go with bundle that's below Wiis price. The thing here is, that 360 really lacks the software to make this a success, unless they are aiming for the future higher tier Wii ports. But assuming they aim for the "casuals", they already have a better shot, which is XBLA.
zero129 said:
Funny how people seem to of forgot when sony released the Dual analogue joypad for the PS1... Look how that worked out...

The difference is, that Dual Shock got its release when PSX was in the leading position in the market, and since it was 100% BC, it just replaced the old controller. Just like DS3 replaces Sixaxis. This lacks BC and therefore it can't replace the old controller. All the software would need to be designed for Newton. And M$ lacks the leading market position.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

Grampy said:
disolitude said:
Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads...I can keep going...

Much better graphics, online, ability to play DVD's, completely different games, hard drive, movie downloads have been available for 2 1/2 years and yet consoles starting a full year later are catching up while Xbox 360 sales are stagnating  in the markets they have penetrated and it has failed to penetrate the others. So becoming a Wii wanabe is going to change anything?

The only people that will benefit from this desperate act will be Sony because at least they have a vision. They only people hurt will be Microsoft for proving that they don't.

Sony may have a vision and its called Bluray... Its not like micorsoft will stop making games hardcore audience loves all together to support this thing. I think it would be kind of badass to play games that look great with a wii mote like device. Not to mention playing old games that I've already beaten again cause they may have Wiimote support. 

Also I don't see how they can't impove on the wiimote as the device is as basic as you get. I can hold it upsode down and still beat you in wii sports tennis... 

Skeeuk said:


its a good idea but blatently riped off the wiimote

id love to see how it fairs on the shelfs, no doubt many avid fans will buy it anyways

but its to early to tell, would be a fresh change playing with a motion controller with nex gen grafix

 It's called the PS3, and apparently it's not selling as well as expected.

Also, "nex gen grafix" makes no sense.  They're all 7th gen.  I assume you meant HD... "grafix."