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So guys, my prediction seems to be holding water XD, but this is nothing until the thing actually does come out, then like someone said above 2011 is the magic year for M$ Domination! With Killer (hybrid) Casual Apps!

Step 1: Convince your Execs how to think Casual correctly
Sep 2: Convince your investors that this isn't a big risk and you can do it correctly
Step 3: Teach your Developers how to think Casual correctly
Step 4: R&D on ID pays out, R&D on software begins
Step 5: RRoD... actually its negative sales... ok really it's no difference as appealing to casuals isn't whats making Nintendo successful, neither is the controller.
Step 6: Profit

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D