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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - And so it begins, Ellen today, Oprah tomorrow

I really really despise that Ellen show. How can people watch that garbage?

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No Oprah yet.

Wow Ellen gave everyone a copy of Wii Fit AND a Wii. This is where some of those Wii Fit marketing dollars are going. Nintendo is being brilliant right now. A lot of women must watch this show. And the women went absolutely nuts in that video. Fast forward to the end to see the giveaway.



Ajax said:
Oprah will probably give everyone in the audience a Wii with Wii Fit.. and that Ellen, damn she is just not funny, I don't get why her audience laughs the whole time, but you must be some sort of stupid to laugh at those worst jokes of jokes.. anyway.. when moms are running to the store to buy a console, then that just sounds scary.. I don't know if I should be happy with this, or not..

You say. :D

I love Ellen, watch the show sometimes with my girlfriend and I think it is really fun. Watch Opera much less and find her show to be good, but not fun. But I'm not the target audience for any of the shows anyway and I like that there is a few to chose from, as it goes in hand with diffenrent tastes and opinion. :D

And with having Wii Fit on those shows means that Europe will be even more covered by Wii Fit on TV (for free?), so good call Nintendo. :D


those women at the end of the vid
are fucking crazy!!! haha
They all jumped out of their seats
and began huggin each other as if
their kids had returned from Iraq lol

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


"I strike spurs onto my Wii controller. And against Sony and MS I fling myself,
unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

-The Nintendian Philosophy

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MontanaHatchet said:
Cougarman said:
the comments section is funny, i've never seen so many womens wanting games console before

I'm reading the comments, and it seems as if most wanted them for their kids or other children... 


 Yes but they want them for their kids not because the kids cry for them but because they want their kids to get up from the sofa.


They want them for themselves. It's so obvious. No one gets that excited cause they just won something for their kids.



Don't be too surprised people...

I've watched Ellen before, and the audience had that very same reaction when she gave away a George Forman Grill.

Muhahaha, the plan is falling into NTDOY stock shall soon reap me with billions in profits!


/actually only own 9 shares :(

I feel really sorry for these two boys:

My boys and I are SO excited for you! We are so glad you and Porsha can finally get married. We come home everyday and watch your show. They are 12 and 10 and I teach, so it is so awesome to look forward to winding down with you and a bowl of Apple Jacks! That is our Happy Hour! If you choose to read this on the air, please give a shout out to Joshua (age 10) and Logan (age 12) as well. They LOVE your show and don't understand why we can't afford to fly all the way to California and come see you.
Nicole Jones
Herndon, VA

Posted by Nicole Jones, Herndon, VA | May 21, 2008 11:03 AM