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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2, too violent? Will it be banned in some countries?

Sucks that some people don't have a choice to play Mature games in their country.

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what about that mad world game for teh wii---isnt that supposed to be the most violent game out there ....or since it more art it will get a pass?


Germany is always so strict with releasing games over there i feel sorry for the german gamers but they can allways import from their neighbors/countries.

We end up playing M games... always... there is always a way to get those games..
But the police and the customs will take those games from you if they find it..

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

The idea of banning a game for being too violent is so mind-numbingly stupid that I can barely comprehend the reasoning behind it. It's absurd that adults allow themselves to be told what *harmless* hobbies they can and cannot enjoy in their free time.

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ToastyJaguar said:
Germans will still be able to order it from France or something.
Austria for me ;)
 disolitude said:
Heh...thats funny. Was Turning Point:Fall of liberty also banned in germany?
No as far as I know it wasn't

L.C.E.C. said:
I didn't know either, but that move where you slice a guy in half (including from the groin up) is already in No More Heroes, but since that game was censored in Europe and Japan, I don't know. I know that it's comong to US though.
Yeah but in No More Heros it doesnt make you feel sick.LOl. GOW2 is going to be gory. 


Red4ADevil said:
Germany is always so strict with releasing games over there i feel sorry for the german gamers but they can allways import from their neighbors/countries.
 In no way am I slagging Germans here, I have 4 german friends. But this seems wierd considering the Hilter regime started the Massacre that was WW1 and 2. 


selnor said:
Red4ADevil said:
Germany is always so strict with releasing games over there i feel sorry for the german gamers but they can allways import from their neighbors/countries.
 In no way am I slagging Germans here, I have 4 german friends. But this seems wierd considering the Hilter regime started the Massacre that was WW1 and 2. 


Im just saying, i can understand games like Heros 2 because you shoot nazis and such but not releasing a game like No More Heros (which is censord just like in the japanese version) is unfair for the gamers in germany.

yeah and WW 1 was not started by the nazis...

on topic.... there is no too violent games... just unfit users :) that's my opinion....
seriously for some people jumping on weird mushrooms... getting bigger eating space shrooms... spiting fire when eating a flower.... killing turtles to kill even more turtles with the shell.... and getting dressed up in a raccoon to fly and put on a frog suit to swim... all that while being an Italian plumber... can be considered by some as more disturbing than the natural expression of violence from a human being... for that you just have to turn on the news....