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Stayed friends... It was akward for some time but it went back to normal after that.

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I honestly always had a hard time getting into relationships with people I knew for fear of that but at the same time didn't want to date a stranger, it was always an odd balancing act.

I understand somehow... Especially that I'm very shy...

Oh and about the thing you said about bi girls getting married to a guy, it's true... Even I would rather get with a guy cause it's easier that way but sometimes there's something deep inside that is missing...

I dont know... claiming your words are those of a true christian, then denouncing others as "fake christians".... sounds.... I dunno.... elitist

And sorry the bible is a bunch of different scriptures from different centuries that were then condensed and altered approx. 200 ad to form the modern bible - that sort of an authorship means things are likely to contradict each other. Sure, you can claim things like killing your child if they talk back are metaphorically, but then you get into the area of what is meant literally and what is not. However, modern readings of the bible are vastly different than those of the past - so, what makes your reading more valid than those of other priest and followers over the past 2000 years?

Now slightly OT, why would god create a bunch of people just so some would go to heaven and some go to hell?

Leo-j said: If a dvd for a pc game holds what? Crysis at 3000p or something, why in the world cant a blu-ray disc do the same?

ssj12 said: Player specific decoders are nothing more than specialized GPUs. Gran Turismo is the trust driving simulator of them all. 

"Why do they call it the xbox 360? Because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away" 

sieanr said:
I dont know... claiming your words are those of a true christian, then denouncing others as "fake christians".... sounds.... I dunno.... elitist

And sorry the bible is a bunch of different scriptures from different centuries that were then condensed and altered approx. 200 ad to form the modern bible - that sort of an authorship means things are likely to contradict each other. Sure, you can claim things like killing your child if they talk back are metaphorically, but then you get into the area of what is meant literally and what is not. However, modern readings of the bible are vastly different than those of the past - so, what makes your reading more valid than those of other priest and followers over the past 2000 years?

Now slightly OT, why would god create a bunch of people just so some would go to heaven and some go to hell?

Oh for the love of Fuck let it go.

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sieanr said:
I dont know... claiming your words are those of a true christian, then denouncing others as "fake christians".... sounds.... I dunno.... elitist

And sorry the bible is a bunch of different scriptures from different centuries that were then condensed and altered approx. 200 ad to form the modern bible - that sort of an authorship means things are likely to contradict each other. Sure, you can claim things like killing your child if they talk back are metaphorically, but then you get into the area of what is meant literally and what is not. However, modern readings of the bible are vastly different than those of the past - so, what makes your reading more valid than those of other priest and followers over the past 2000 years?

Now slightly OT, why would god create a bunch of people just so some would go to heaven and some go to hell?

I have the exact same point of view as you, but no matter what could possibly be said, rick's holier than any other Christian and knows better than any of us. I could definitely say a LOT more to logically go against what he's said, but the debate just wouldn't get anywhere..

lolita said:
I understand somehow... Especially that I'm very shy...

Oh and about the thing you said about bi girls getting married to a guy, it's true... Even I would rather get with a guy cause it's easier that way but sometimes there's something deep inside that is missing...

So you think you can understand a girls pcyche better? What's the emotional part that a man fails to offer contrary to a girl?

Edit: Enough with the Zealots. God has left the building. 

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


j91137125, obviously another user who created a new name to debate against gays because he didn't have the balls to argue with his normal name.

More on topic, you girls might be able to answer this, then again you might well not.

As a guy I know, obviously, what I find attractive in a woman. And although everyone has different tastes pretty much every guy has a similar idea of what is attractive and beautiful in a woman. Even straight women acknowledge them as being beautiful.

So it would make sense to me that a lesbian would be attracted to these traits in women as well. But so many lesbians I have seen and met go for, and have the butch, manly look. I don't really get why they are attracted to women who don't have the more conventional look of a beautiful woman, in fact they often look more similar to men than women.

I know you're both bi rather than lesbians, and I have no idea what you find attractive in a partner, I just thought you might have a better idea of this than me.

imagine that a relationship is like a highway and a woman's emotional needs are like pitstops. A female driver will always stop at every pitstop but a male driver will drive as far as he can before pissing himself. That's about the difference right there.