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Many argue the Bible doesn't disaprove of homosexuality rather it dissaproves of rape which is illustrated in the story dealing with homosexuality. Then again when power in a religion lies in how many people in your religion there are, I suppose its ony natural for a religion to want to keep people breeding.

I sympathize with full on bisexuals more than any other group, they're typically dispised by much of the gay community in most activist circles (because they can "choose to be gay or normal" and therefor are cop outs in the eyes of many extremist) and are seen as no better than gays by many strait groups. Further more I've known Bi's who are literally misserable because they're constantly being torn between which sex they want, while a rare occurance, they literally are unable to have a happy monogomous relationship, and not that there's anything wrong with polygamy but they seriously want a monogomous relationship. Most also deal with issues of depression and other forms of mental illness too.

I'm fortunate I suppose I only ever went through an experimentation phase like most people and while I play the part of a sexual deviant on this board most of the time in r/l I'm really just a mundane shy nerd girl who doesn't go out clubbing, doesn't go to parties, doesn't date around, doesn't have orgies or anything like that. I'm pretty much just someone who enjoys a little hentai and that's about it. I don't even care for Yaoi that much so I guess you can say I do a pretty poor job of being a girl in r/l too.

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I think people are taking christianity too serious in that case....

I would call myself a christian too, i'm catholic and I go to church from time to time (to be onest, only on christmas, easter and things like that...) but if i disagree with something written in the bible, i just don't care about it. what you have to keep in mind is that the bible was written by men and passages like the ones about homosexuality should be put into the time they were written... it was the peoples point of view at that time.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)



I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



May I ask what is so appealing about girl on girl anyway to guys?

well that's easy... it's like if you're buying an ice cream, but there's strawberry and chocolate, but you only like strawberry... so you prefer an icecream that only contains strawberries. You understand?

maybe it's also because you don't have to be jealous when there's no man...

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

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gamingdevil said:

So if the whole point of existence is to pass on your genes why don't we just live like animals in the jungle and have sex with whoever we want? Why do we have love feelings?

I'm not an atheist but i believe that some things mentioned in the Bible or by some Christian people (i'm Christian too) are just plain dump.

Rickthestick2 if God punish gay people to hell then why make them gay in the first place? I don't think you are given a choice of being gay/straight/bi, you can't say "when i grow up i'll become gay!", it's not something you can choose. The possibilities are two.


1) You get born that way


2) Your sexuality is based on your childhood experiences and in both of these you are not the one who's to blame so it would be unfair of God to punish you in hell.


Just my opinion though...

 1 things wrong here. God doesn't make people gay. You do have a choice, and thats the main arguement here. How is it that you don't have a choice? Does that even make sense? If you want to be gay you can, if you want to be straight you can. If you want to quit drugs you can, if you want to do drugs you can. (I'm not comparing gayness to drugs mind you all).

 People have a choice. It is that choice in which i strongly disagree with. I'm not going to hate you for making that choice, but i will try my best to change your minds. I'm not just going to say, "Oh well that's you life and not mine" simply because i'm a Christian, and I can't let people make that choice. I'm not going to say "OMG your gay, i hate you go to hell" because i'm a Christian and i cannot have that hate. 

  Now on to j9113712:

"Wait, what?? I'm a christian.. I was born into a highly religious family.. I went to a Seventh-day adventist school (which is like one of the most strictest christian religions) from Kindergarten to sixth grade. And just a normal christian school for 7th grade. And growing up I always went to bible camps, and I always went to church, and in fact I even go about twice a week currently with my aunt."

This is probably the biggest thing i have with people. None of the things you said makes you a Christian. And if you think you a Christian because of this then your sorely mistaken. In fact, based on what your saying your not a Christian at all. You go against God, not by being gay, that's sin, everybody sins, but you go against God by trying to prove to me, another Christian (and everyone else) that its right to be gay. This is why people bash Christians so much. They don't know what a Christian is, and niether do you. These thoughts are Hell-bound, not because your gay, but because your gay in the name of the lord by calling your self a Christian.

 "I'm gay, and there's no way in hell I had a "God-given right to choose".. that's completely absurd. Were you able to chose your sexual orientation? I knew I was gay since I was about 9 years old. Do you think I chose that?? Hell no, for years and years I did not accept myself, especially from all the stuff that was always said about gay people growing up in a religious family. Obviously you can’t choose to be gay, or else there would be no such thing as gay people. Why would a normal heterosexual guy just "choose" to be attracted to guys if he really just was heterosexual. You can’t chose who you’re attracted to or who you love. The bible even says that you were in God’s care even before you were born. And there's no way any gay person would ever tell you that they just wanted to be that way.. does that make any sense??"

Yes. you chose to accept it. You gave up and admitted to yourself that your gay. You did not fight. You just said your gay and you are, not becuase you are forced that way, because nothing's forcing you to be gay, but because you accept that from yourself, and you are rightfully proud within yourself. You don't start out gay or straight. You start out as you, and later you become more of yourself. You are influenced by your surroundings true. but you still are you. Don't blame anything but yourself for being gay. That's a dumb arguement. Does a gay person not want to be gay?  If that's true then that's pure mental weakness. They need help them, to fight such a thing. Its below natural instincts. Its Sin. Plaese understand.

 I'm sorry, i would post more about your thoughts, but it is long and has a lack of paragraphs so i will try again later. Simply put though, being gay is a sin, and to say otherwise is heretic. That's simple. There a re very few Christians in the world. Most just say they are, but a rehell-bound. The problem with christianity is the christians, (the so called ones). So i'll tell you all here now. To think gay is right, is to think against God's "gay is wrong". Therefore, you declare indirectly your knowlege against God's. Don't tell me that Gay is OK (if you call yourself a Christian) and dont you dare talk to me about love. Love isn't about mating at all. SO what you were saying to me at the end of your post was foolish to me. Love is about people, and I love you even though i don't know who you are, so please, here's your choice:

1. Believe Me, and read the bible for yourself and maybe you'll really see.

2. Disregard my "tyrannical faith" and curse "my tyrannical God" for the god you serve.

 But if you pick 2, just understand that the God you may be serving is weak. My God is both Just and Merciful. He is both Righteous and Kind. If he were to kill all sinners he would not be wrong, but he would not be God. If he were to bring all the people who ever lived into heaven he would not be wrong but then, he would not be God. Most people don't know God, and most people don't know a Christian.

*** My Super Long Post *** 

Wii Friend Code: 7356 3455 0732 3498 PM me if you add me

Cause one girl is hot, two girls are hot...put them together and that's like win-win!
(I don't know...)
Perhaps just because they're so playful.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

hey rick, you're just wrong about that... did you choose not to like male? i guess not, because this is not a question of will! i can't understand those people that say if you only want to you are not gay...

oh, and ben, that's it also, they can do a lot more things if they are together

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

"choice" is a word always used after the fact

nintendo_fanboy said:

hey rick, you're just wrong about that... did you choose not to like male? i guess not, because this is not a question of will! i can't understand those people that say if you only want to you are not gay...

oh, and ben, that's it also, they can do a lot more things if they are together

 Yeah that's the main problem here. But until you can scientifically, philosophically, and religiously prove to me that people don't have a choice and that they are forced from birth to either be gay or straight and then i'll agree with you. And yes i did choose not to like males, but i don't think you understand. Each day i choose not to like males. I have always chosen not to like males, and i will for eternity choose to not like males. It's not one day, but every second of your life. Hope you understand what i mean. Think a little (not to be taken as an offense, mind you).

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