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Many argue the Bible doesn't disaprove of homosexuality rather it dissaproves of rape which is illustrated in the story dealing with homosexuality. Then again when power in a religion lies in how many people in your religion there are, I suppose its ony natural for a religion to want to keep people breeding.

I sympathize with full on bisexuals more than any other group, they're typically dispised by much of the gay community in most activist circles (because they can "choose to be gay or normal" and therefor are cop outs in the eyes of many extremist) and are seen as no better than gays by many strait groups. Further more I've known Bi's who are literally misserable because they're constantly being torn between which sex they want, while a rare occurance, they literally are unable to have a happy monogomous relationship, and not that there's anything wrong with polygamy but they seriously want a monogomous relationship. Most also deal with issues of depression and other forms of mental illness too.

I'm fortunate I suppose I only ever went through an experimentation phase like most people and while I play the part of a sexual deviant on this board most of the time in r/l I'm really just a mundane shy nerd girl who doesn't go out clubbing, doesn't go to parties, doesn't date around, doesn't have orgies or anything like that. I'm pretty much just someone who enjoys a little hentai and that's about it. I don't even care for Yaoi that much so I guess you can say I do a pretty poor job of being a girl in r/l too.