Also, Fox and Peach have been nerfed, but Meta Knight is broken. Bowser is surprisingly strong.
Also, Fox and Peach have been nerfed, but Meta Knight is broken. Bowser is surprisingly strong.
DonWii said: Fox has been nerfed. |
Obvious. Shine has start up time and he falls slower. I will still main him though!
While nerfed/improved, the character balance seems to be better, though I haven't heard of anyone playing with Pikachu yet.
I hope Captain Falcon makes a comeback. He was my main fighter in Melee. Boy, those meteor smashes and falcon punches were killers.
"Metaknight isn't broken and actually no characters really dominated. "
It sounds like the game is very well balanced. Glad to see Wavedashing gone too.
Interesting. Doesn't seem too bad...those impressions are rather negative because most "hardcore" smashers are looking for it to be just like Melee, with some improvements. Sounds more like Brawl is just different...which is fine with me.
I would be pissed at the number of people who are going to cry over no more wavedashing, but screw them.
Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release. (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )
Wavedashing wasn't that useful. L Canceling is better. IMO.
I never used either.
Hell, I barely used a full arsenal of moves.
As Marth, I had a couple of styles of play.
1) One were I would grab.
2) One were I would use my counter.
Thats it.
I have never grabbed and countered in the same match. Don't ask me why.
Also, depending on who I'm fighting, I may opt for a third style
3) Using dodges.
Thats right. I never dodge, unless I'm fighting fast characters.
I do jump around and stuff, just not the built-in dodge manuevers.
I am sure you guys will be surprised at how well I fight this way.
***Takes note on DonWii's strategies, just to beat the crap out of him on february***
fazz said: ***Takes note on DonWii's strategies, just to beat the crap out of him on february*** |
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