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Aren't you two going a little overboard on this argument?

I mean, naznatips... I kinda expect better of you.  

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Sephiroth is more popular a character than Kefka, so he'd be a better fit.

Sephiroth was a much better villain than Kefka. Kefka was little more than a narcasist with delusions of grendeur. He was a boring character who never did anything unless it was part of his plan and never showed any emotion except insane laughter. Sephiroth on the other hand was more developed. His madness was a result of the process by which all the other events in the story culminated in the current threat to humanity and the planet. Sephiroth was the focal point of where everything went wrong, where Cloud's story began and the iconic symptom of both tragedies which now enveloped the planet. Sephiroth symbolized not only how an evil empire and man's huberous threatened to destroy humanity but the world itself by exploiting powers they did not know and weren't familiar with.

Wow, you twisted what I said in an attempt to mock me. How mature of you.

Yes, everything I said was true. I'm not interested in an argument with you, especially not in this thread, but believe me when I say Sephirioth wasn't a very interesting villain. Yes, relatively much of the story revolved around him, but that doesn't make *him* interesting. Kefka is interesting because he has a wicked personality. Yes, he's a simple character, but it works - He likes what he does. Kefka's actions also had a much more profound effect on the world, so don't even try that. Hell, Sephiroth was never more than a pawn of Jenova and Hojo, who by all accounts were the real villains of FFVII.

And yes, the fact that Sephiroth doesn't laugh is a serious character flaw.

The new brawl vids on IGN look amazing.

Soriku said:
KH Seph>FF VII Seph


"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

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Helios said:

Sephiroth was a much better villain than Kefka. Kefka was little more than a narcasist with delusions of grendeur. He was a boring character who never did anything unless it was part of his plan and never showed any emotion except insane laughter. Sephiroth on the other hand was more developed. His madness was a result of the process by which all the other events in the story culminated in the current threat to humanity and the planet. Sephiroth was the focal point of where everything went wrong, where Cloud's story began and the iconic symptom of both tragedies which now enveloped the planet. Sephiroth symbolized not only how an evil empire and man's huberous threatened to destroy humanity but the world itself by exploiting powers they did not know and weren't familiar with.

Wow, you twisted what I said in an attempt to mock me. How mature of you.

Yes, everything I said was true. I'm not interested in an argument with you, especially not in this thread, but believe me when I say Sephirioth wasn't a very interesting villain. Yes, relatively much of the story revolved around him, but that doesn't make *him* interesting. Kefka is interesting because he has a wicked personality. Yes, he's a simple character, but it works - He likes what he does. Kefka's actions also had a much more profound effect on the world, so don't even try that. Hell, Sephiroth was never more than a pawn of Jenova and Hojo, who by all accounts were the real villains of FFVII.

And yes, the fact that Sephiroth doesn't laugh is a serious character flaw.

 Oh quit yer crying, I didn't do it to mock you I did to point out how much Sephiroth fitted in the very same argument you used to defend Kefka, that's all.

Words Of Wisdom said:

Aren't you two going a little overboard on this argument?

I mean, naznatips... I kinda expect better of you.

FFVII always really bothered me.  That game was one of the (if not the) biggest disappointments I ever had in my 20 years of gaming.  I get a bit emotional when people bring it up as being a great game and especially when they compare it to much better RPGs like FFVI, Chrono Trigger, and FFIX.  So yeah, sorry if I went a bit overboard. I'll stop discussing it.  I've expressed my thoughts on it.  

Helios said:

And yes, the fact that Sephiroth doesn't laugh is a serious character flaw.

Wow.  That's funny.

Lack of maniacal laughter.  -2 villain points.

Girl Gamer Elite, perhaps you haven't grasped this concept after I've said it 2 or 3 times.

Sephiroth has never been on a Nintendo system, in any game. He is not eligible.

Kefka was in Final Fantasy 3/6, a game on the SNES.



There have been enough Final fantasy threads (Hell, I've posted them), so this discussion can stop for now.

That is, until we actually get a Final fantasy charecter announced. We could have Tidus come in and declare he's homesick!

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.