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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Should I buy a 360? the bait looks so sweet....

I dunno if any of you noticed this... I just saw it yesterday but there is a pack comming out (at least in france) with a Core system, 1 wired controler, 1 wireless controler, Halo 3, GTR4 and a 512Mo card....for 199€

add to that the €60 cashback on GTA4, that is 205€ for the console, 3 games  and 2 controlers  New!

 ( )

So here are my questions:

_ Does a core system Suck?

_ Is a Hard drive a must have (100 € more for that...)


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IMO a HD is a must have because you will want to download and test all the game demos that are available.

ah! the demos are probably a nice feature that won't fit on 512 MB...

other question:

_ how is the 360 if you don't plan on bringing it online (don't really feel like paying 8€ a month for online gamine).


A core system? Isn't that one of the original xbox360? Meaning they have a fail rate of like 33% or something? They usually go for alot cheaper than an arcade. But hey its always up to the luck of the draw whether your one breaks or not. If you really want one, then hey go ahead. But Halo 3 and GTR4? Ewww hahah =P

oops, yeah it's project gotham 4 not GTR :p

yeah it is one of the originals, this offer is a limited edition, meaning they are dumping the stock of core systems... 33% fail rate is kinda scary...


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I wouldn't go for a core system because of the failure rate. Is the 3-year RROD warranty extended to those in France?

I'm getting one too next month

You only need the HDD if you're using it for demos or online. Otherwise you don't need it. Plus 3 year RROD warranty will keep you safe anyway.


Thats a great deal no matter which way you spin it. I'd bite.

if youre not into online its ok. i think you can buy the hd at any stage anyway