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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - In the spirit of these WiiWare threads...

I thought I'd mention Assault Heroes 2 comes out tomorrow on xbox live. A game that is available for 10 dollars and should own all Wiiware games thus far if its anything like the first one.

Here is a trailer...


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I support Contra and Contra like endeavors. Although top down Contra games really don't have the best track record.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

I agree that not many top down shooters were good (zombies ate my neighbors is the last one i can think of that was good)...however the first Assault Heroes was awesome with a friend. And this one looks like that formula but more polished.

Metacritic says an average of 81 so it can't be too bad. :)

Great, now I want to go and play Zombies Ate My Neighbors. I agree also that top down shooters have not been so great in the last 10 years and I really enjoyed the genre in the 90s.

i was about to critisize u for ur WiiWare comment (no offense or anything)
but i checked out the vid and yes, i gotta admit it looks really good! :)
it looks as good, to me at least, as StarSoldier and Animales de la Muerte...

But it has nothing on LostWinds imho
but damn, i really want to buy this game now

who made it?

Proud member of the Fierce Fox Force.


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unvanquished and unyielding. 'O Wii!!!"

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disolitude said:

I thought I'd mention Assault Heroes 2 comes out tomorrow on xbox live. A game that is available for 10 dollars and should own all Wiiware games thus far if its anything like the first one.

I love Assault Heroes (so much so that it's one of my favorite 360 games, DL or boxed) but it isn't in the same league as FFCC and is about even with Lost Winds as far as fun/value go.


That said, I will be picking this up because I really enjoyed the first (even with its *horrifically* budget textures--thank you 50 meg limit, MS).


Also, have you actually played any of the WiiWare titles, or...?


aiden.cronus: it's by Wanadoo Games who were bought by Sierra just after Assault Heroes came out. 

exindguy said:
disolitude said:

I thought I'd mention Assault Heroes 2 comes out tomorrow on xbox live. A game that is available for 10 dollars and should own all Wiiware games thus far if its anything like the first one.

I love Assault Heroes (so much so that it's one of my favorite 360 games, DL or boxed) but it isn't in the same league as FFCC and is about even with Lost Winds as far as fun/value go.


That said, I will be picking this up because I really enjoyed the first (even with its *horrifically* budget textures--thank you 50 meg limit, MS).


Also, have you actually played any of the WiiWare titles, or...?


aiden.cronus: it's by Wanadoo Games who were bought by Sierra just after Assault Heroes came out.

I got lost game but I preffer asault heroes...especially when a freind is over. I have no interest in final fantasy games....and rest of wii ware looks to me like filler. I didn't mean anything agains wiiware games as I'm sure they are fine gaming...but yeah, no one was talking about this game which to me is the best download for the money this week. 

Looks cool, I can't stand this genre though. I would rather DL Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, but it's just so freakin' big.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Better then Dr. Mario? I'd doubt it.

Fuzzmosis said:
I support Contra and Contra like endeavors. Although top down Contra games really don't have the best track record.

 It's not really Contra. More like Robotron/Smash TV.

 That looks really fun, especially the bosses. Made me wish for Smash TV on VC.

Big money! Biiiiiiiiiig prizes!

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.