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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

disolitude said:
Kasz216 said:
Strategyking92 said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
Strategyking92 said:
naznatips said:
Strategyking92 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Strategyking92 said:

We're talking about Banjo Kazooie and related topics, please don't de-rail the thread.

and how is fable 2 related to mario???

What's Fable have to do with anything? Mario Sunshine was brought up by Rocket as a comparison, and then it was discussed whether this was a similar style or not. Also, if you didn't notice, there was a Mario in the trailer.

I don't see how it's so wrong to want Banjo to be a platformer. Seriously look how Jak Combat Racing turned out. There is plenty of reason to be disappointed with a franchise you enjoy not sticking to its genre at all.

All i'm saying is that every xbox thread eventually gets turned into a nintendo thread, one way or another. And nothing is ever done about it. It is starting to piss me off.

Blame Rare for blowing up an in-game created image of Mario at the end of thier trailer. =P

it doesn't explain why people are talking about everything mario now though.

Blame Dislolute who brought in Nintendo into the thread for no reason except to insult them.

Thats right...I did it. I brought in and insulted nintendo in this topic for no reason... The fact that people were saying this game should have been done creative but within the platforming realm like masterful Mario Galaxy had nothing to do with it.

Correct.  It had nothing to do with it.  They wanted it to be createive but withing the Platforming realm of Banjo 1&2 because there hadn't been a Banjo game since the N64.

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I see there are alot of hypocrits on here that usually proclaim objectivity of there posts in forums already writing off this game based on a trailer that highlights one area of innovation. Funny thing is as I look at the names of said people, they are pretty much the same persons that some time back were declaring that the game would suck because Rare was no longer making it for nintendo and they should put it on the Wii [my guess is nintendo can do no wrong]
The thing is you nay-sayers are already quick to convict with out sufficient burden of proof. Wait for more info from Rare, and don't blow a gasket because the game isn't @ cookie-cutter of their past exploit.

Nobody WANTED Rare to change it up though, that's whole freaking point. We wanted an awesome game like the old Banjo Kazooie. Instead we get vehicle-based missions, and I can't believe I have to repeat myself for like, the fifth time.

We're not saying the game will bomb or end up with a horrible score...we're saying it's not what we wanted, ok? I'm sure we'll live through it, but there's nothing wrong with being disappointed with Rare's decision to completely screw with the Banjo formula.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

BenKenobi88 said:
Nobody WANTED Rare to change it up though, that's whole freaking point. We wanted an awesome game like the old Banjo Kazooie. Instead we get vehicle-based missions, and I can't believe I have to repeat myself for like, the fifth time.

We're not saying the game will bomb or end up with a horrible score...we're saying it's not what we wanted, ok? I'm sure we'll live through it, but there's nothing wrong with being disappointed with Rare's decision to completely screw with the Banjo formula.
That only works on an individual person basis. As a site however, we look like giant hypocrites. With Banjo we just wanted a convential safe platformer, but with GTAIV we're bitching it is the same old same old and it should be rehauled. The point is, Rare can't please everyone, so they should just make the game they're passionate about, which is a vehicle based platformer. I'm less concerned with what I expected to see from this game and am more excited about every publication walking out of England saying "Rare is back, this vehicle game is a new breed of platformer and this game absolutely rocks!". If someone walked out of there questioning the quality and/or direction I would be a bit worried myself, but everyone in the press is behind this game since playing it. That's good enough for me. If it were up to us internet folk, nothing would ever change in gaming.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

Krusnik said:
I see there are alot of hypocrits on here that usually proclaim objectivity of there posts in forums already writing off this game based on a trailer that highlights one area of innovation. Funny thing is as I look at the names of said people, they are pretty much the same persons that some time back were declaring that the game would suck because Rare was no longer making it for nintendo and they should put it on the Wii [my guess is nintendo can do no wrong]
The thing is you nay-sayers are already quick to convict with out sufficient burden of proof. Wait for more info from Rare, and don't blow a gasket because the game isn't @ cookie-cutter of their past exploit.

 yea and most of the people that are defending the change in the game either haven't played Banjo Kazooie or didn't like it.  

As has been said a million times, you don't just revive a series that has been dead for so long and alienate all the fans of the original gameplay.   Many people have been waiting 10 years for this game to come out.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Onyxmeth said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Nobody WANTED Rare to change it up though, that's whole freaking point. We wanted an awesome game like the old Banjo Kazooie. Instead we get vehicle-based missions, and I can't believe I have to repeat myself for like, the fifth time.

We're not saying the game will bomb or end up with a horrible score...we're saying it's not what we wanted, ok? I'm sure we'll live through it, but there's nothing wrong with being disappointed with Rare's decision to completely screw with the Banjo formula.
That only works on an individual person basis. As a site however, we look like giant hypocrites. With Banjo we just wanted a convential safe platformer, but with GTAIV we're bitching it is the same old same old and it should be rehauled. The point is, Rare can't please everyone, so they should just make the game they're passionate about, which is a vehicle based platformer. I'm less concerned with what I expected to see from this game and am more excited about every publication walking out of England saying "Rare is back, this vehicle game is a new breed of platformer and this game absolutely rocks!". If someone walked out of there questioning the quality and/or direction I would be a bit worried myself, but everyone in the press is behind this game since playing it. That's good enough for me. If it were up to us internet folk, nothing would ever change in gaming.


UGH, that's because we've had, what, 3 GTA games on the PS2, along with the two PSP games which got ported back to the PS2? All of these games were improvements of the last, nothing radically different. And GTA4 was the next step, many improvements, nothing radically different though.

We had TWO Banjo Kazooie games, and they were just like each other, and that was back in the late 90s on the N64. It's been a decade, we DON'T NEED something different...almost everybody wanted something like the old Banjo. This game could go well and could be received well, by me even. But it's not a true Banjo game, and I still want one.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Here's my point Ben, and I'll use Rare as an example to keep it in the family:

This game was created in 1983:

It was a classic and the first masterpiece from a man that would become a living legend in gaming.

Now this is how Rareware butchered the series 11 years later(Note the similiar time difference): 

I'm sure there were plenty of people that were WTFing when they saw a magazine and realized a precious gem like Donkey Kong that they held dear to their heart was going to turn into some Mario-like game. Now how did that turn out again? For the better, huh?

When you're skipping two console generations, you can't just slap a prettier coat of paint on an oldie but goody and call it a day even though that's all we want. Rare, for better or worse have always been innovators and have thought outside the box numerous times. I trust they can reinvent the platformer for the better, because Banjo is as loved by them as it is by you guys, and if they feel this is the best way to take the series I'll stick with it. They turned something else from a masterpiece to a completely different masterpiece and I don't think anyone regrets that decision nowadays. 

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

If you're trying to get the core Nintendo base to pick up an Xbox 360, that's not the way to do it. Banjo Tooie was the only game ever that has ever given me the same feeling that playing a Nintendo game does in terms of being a masterpiece of design without extreme violence, language or content.

So, as others have said, it may get a great score but it's not what the old BK fans wanted and it's not going to persuade new people to try Xbox 360 (such as me).

They didn't deserve to put that Mario cameo in the trailer. A real BK3 would. That's the difference.

Onyxmeth said:

Here's my point Ben, and I'll use Rare as an example to keep it in the family:

This game was created in 1983:

It was a classic and the first masterpiece from a man that would become a living legend in gaming.

Now this is how Rareware butchered the series 11 years later(Note the similiar time difference):

I'm sure there were plenty of people that were WTFing when they saw a magazine and realized a precious gem like Donkey Kong that they held dear to their heart was going to turn into some Mario-like game. Now how did that turn out again? For the better, huh?

When you're skipping two console generations, you can't just slap a prettier coat of paint on an oldie but goody and call it a day even though that's all we want. Rare, for better or worse have always been innovators and have thought outside the box numerous times. I trust they can reinvent the platformer for the better, because Banjo is as loved by them as it is by you guys, and if they feel this is the best way to take the series I'll stick with it. They turned something else from a masterpiece to a completely different masterpiece and I don't think anyone regrets that decision nowadays.

 You don't seriously think this is a good comparison do you?  The technical limitations in the first donkey kong were insane.  BK on 360 could basically be made on N64 with downgraded graphics.  If you think they could have made a game that even slightly resembles Donkey Kong Country on the old arcade machine you are out of your mind.  People expected much much more complex games on SNES then they did when donkey kong came out.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:

 You don't seriously think this is a good comparison do you?  The technical limitations in the first donkey kong were insane.  BK on 360 could basically be made on N64 with downgraded graphics.  If you think they could have made a game that even slightly resembles Donkey Kong Country on the old arcade machine you are out of your mind.  People expected much much more complex games on SNES then they did when donkey kong came out.

Why isn't that a good comparison? Graphics leap may not be as high, but new things which are mainstream in today gaming like online coop play, DLC and sandbox can not be applied to a regular platformer... I believe this is what was considered when this game was designed because that is all the rage today. That is exactly what they did with DKC in 1994. Back  then it was all about "blast processing" and great graphics...and mascotts with attitude...