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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

dante said:
i like the whole idea of this game

instead of being a linear platformer u can approach a situation how u want to and the main hub looked like a gta: Banjo kazooie. Its nice to see that rare has some balls and made the game they wanted to make.

 no it's not a main hub like GTA, it's a main hub like banjo kazooie, and mario 64, and mario galaxy....This is one of the few things the games still have in common.  Banjo and mario all had large hubs that actually had many secrets to be found in them.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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disolitude said:
NightDragon83 said:
disolitude said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
DonWii said:
I'm not saying it won't be good.
I'm just saying it doesn't look like what Banjo fans were looking for.

Yeah, that's what kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's looks very interesting, but it doesn't seem like it really has all that much to do with Banjo-Kazooie. Like you can replace all the BK characters and it wouldn't really matter. Artstyle seems more rigid now, maybe to flow better with the dominant vehicle theme. Just seems like if this what they've been doing maybe it shouldn't have been called Banjo-Threeie. Just a thought.

Did Resident Evil 4 turn out so bad...after it pissed on everything Resident Evil games were about?

Nice try... but Resident Evil 4 was a much needed overhaul for what was an extremely stale genre by that time, plus fans had been cpmplaining about the control setup since the first game in the series so the path RE4 took was both necesary and the only real logical conclusion if you think about it.

Now Banjo on the other hand... boy where to begin... start with arguably the best traditional 3-d platformer and its sequel (both of which were far superior in every way to Mario 64 IMO). Then, after years of waiting and anticipation from the games loyal fanbase, turn it into some sort of uninspired Ratchet & Clank/Twisted Metal/GTA hybrid of a game with hardly any relation to the previous entries in the series in order to appeal to a different user base, and sprinkle some platforming elements for good measure, whilst simultaneously pissing on one of the most loyal fanbases a developer could ever hope for. Yup, sure sounds like a recipe for a must-buy game of the year!

Funny you should say RE was stale when 4 came out as this is exactly what platformers are today. Big names still sell but no new ones are getting made and not falling under the radar. Its not like there hasn't been a new platformer since the last Banjo... Many mascots have tried... but most have sucked. Reason why first 2 banjo games are respected is because they were fresh back in the day. Thats what this game is trying to be...

So I guess Rare had a choice... Make a platfromer game that all the fans of the game will go apeshit for but not really try to change things up to customize it to the strengths of the 360 (like online multiplayer, downloadable content, sandbox gameplay-ish). Or do something new and a little different that would have platforming elements but would embrace the new technology and appeal to a brand new fanbase as well as some older fans.


Well I meant the survival horror genre in general was stale (ie. Silent Hill, Dino Crisis, etc.) not just the RE franchise, sorry for the confusion.   But as for platformers currently being stale, well thats not necessarily true... they're DEAD! The only notable traditional platformers to be released during the past two generations are Mario Sunshine and Mario Galaxy... other then that you have the action/platform hybrid games like Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank (a personal fav of mine) and you had sub-par B-rate franchises like Sly Cooper and Tak, and of course really crappy Spyro and Sonic games.

Back on topic... I've just read some hands on previews of the new BK and I'm more interested in it now and genuinely curious to see how all the vehicles and level of customization affects the overal flow of the gameplay.  And while I do appreciate Rare trying to be diffferent and innovative, what irks me the most is the fact that they've decided to take one of the best traditional platform series, and instead of making a bigger and better sequel that would fill the platforming void of the past 2 generations, they've instead chosen to go the route of what is currently the second-most crowded genre of games behind FPS's... and that's the open world/sandbox/do whatever the hell you want genre, and i dont think it will fit the theme of the BK series... I'd rather they have used this game for an original IP and make a traditional and true Banjo-Threeie that would've given Galaxy a run for its money... but alas, I can always still dream!

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

zero129 said:

2- The game is mostly all vehicle combat etc with a few platform bits in it and is classed as a spin off, (IE Mario Kart, Now that i think about it i don't remember so many people getting mad about that when it first came out on the snes)

 That would be because Super Mario World was already out. I don't think anybody would be complaining if they decided to make a pure Banjo platformer and then release Nuts and Bolts as a second project. Well, they might if the platforming sucked.

Personally, I saw the airstrike on 8-bit Mario as less of a symolic challenge to the Mario franchise, and more as a proclamation of the death of platforming as a serious genre. Sort of a, "This ain't your father's platformer!" statement. Aren't you glad that you aren't just jumping around anymore? How did we get by all those years without aircraft and guided missiles in our platformers?

At least there's LostWinds. I'm hoping downloadable games will spark a revival of 2D and 2.5D platforming, perhaps even carrying over to full 3D projects down the road. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

As someone who played & completed both the Banjo Kazooie games on the N64:

1/ I do find this trailer a bit of a disappointment. I like the idea of the vehicles, and the gameplay additions it could bring - but the "focus" on races and the vehicles makes me sad. If the trailer was more 50/50 platforming/vehicles, I'd be all for it.

2/ I can understand the need/want to try and innovate - but BK hasn't had a new release for many, many years. If they started with a "straight" platformer to keep the fans happy, then went for this as a sequel - that would rock.

3/ This by no means "kills" the game for me. Its probably the title that will give me the best chance of getting a 360, and I'm keen to see future footage and what thy do with it.

The key for me, in BK games in the past has been the focus on the characters (and the related humour) itself. Unlocking new moves, etc. As long as this isn't lost, its all good :)

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Dodece said:

Ironically the very people throwing a shit fit over the changes are the same people that mock the likes of Electronic Arts for never deviating from the formula, or worse retreading last years offering with a new paint job. The reality is that platform games are one of the stalest of genres. You jump from one platform to another, and if the game is any good you spend hours trying to time your jumps correctly.

  I'm sick of seeing "platformers are the stalest genre". Seriously, if there's a genre that has become stale years ago it's FPS. The only innovation those games get nowaday are better graphics, bigger guns or being set in an original context.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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Looks cool to me.

Seems obvious Rare or Microsoft or wheover did a crappy job at PR to not brace people for this.

Probably would of been better off a new IP.

I'm sure it only looks cool to me though because i didn't like either Banjo game.

I doubt people would be upset had their actually been a Banjo game in the last... generation, or one this generation.

It seems like the ressurection of a franchise just for the sake of not having to think up more new characters.

Hey it worked for Bridman Attorny At Law. 

Strategyking92 said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
Strategyking92 said:
naznatips said:
Strategyking92 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Strategyking92 said:

We're talking about Banjo Kazooie and related topics, please don't de-rail the thread.

and how is fable 2 related to mario???

What's Fable have to do with anything? Mario Sunshine was brought up by Rocket as a comparison, and then it was discussed whether this was a similar style or not. Also, if you didn't notice, there was a Mario in the trailer.

I don't see how it's so wrong to want Banjo to be a platformer. Seriously look how Jak Combat Racing turned out. There is plenty of reason to be disappointed with a franchise you enjoy not sticking to its genre at all.

All i'm saying is that every xbox thread eventually gets turned into a nintendo thread, one way or another. And nothing is ever done about it. It is starting to piss me off.

Blame Rare for blowing up an in-game created image of Mario at the end of thier trailer. =P

it doesn't explain why people are talking about everything mario now though.

Blame Dislolute who brought in Nintendo into the thread for no reason except to insult them.

I like the graphics very much, they remind me of R&C:TOD..I dont know about the gameplay, but it looks interesting and pretty

I like technology when its moving forward..

PSN: methys

That's a huge disappointment. I mean, is this a Banjo Kazooie title??? I don't see it. And the music sounds just horrible.

"Ironically the very people throwing a shit fit over the changes are the same people that mock the likes of Electronic Arts for never deviating from the formula, or worse retreading last years offering with a new paint job. The reality is that platform games are one of the stalest of genres. You jump from one platform to another, and if the game is any good you spend hours trying to time your jumps correctly."

Thats like me saying that racing games are a stale genre because all you do is drive cars, or FPS because all you do is shoot guns.

For one thing its blatantly untrue, innovation often occurs within a genre, for example the gravity situations in SMG and sometimes between genres such as portal.

However this video isn't showing as such a kart/platform hybrid (which wouldn't be upsetting) but rather a kart game with platforming sections. Most of that video was quite simply not a platforming game.