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As someone who played & completed both the Banjo Kazooie games on the N64:

1/ I do find this trailer a bit of a disappointment. I like the idea of the vehicles, and the gameplay additions it could bring - but the "focus" on races and the vehicles makes me sad. If the trailer was more 50/50 platforming/vehicles, I'd be all for it.

2/ I can understand the need/want to try and innovate - but BK hasn't had a new release for many, many years. If they started with a "straight" platformer to keep the fans happy, then went for this as a sequel - that would rock.

3/ This by no means "kills" the game for me. Its probably the title that will give me the best chance of getting a 360, and I'm keen to see future footage and what thy do with it.

The key for me, in BK games in the past has been the focus on the characters (and the related humour) itself. Unlocking new moves, etc. As long as this isn't lost, its all good :)

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