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"Ironically the very people throwing a shit fit over the changes are the same people that mock the likes of Electronic Arts for never deviating from the formula, or worse retreading last years offering with a new paint job. The reality is that platform games are one of the stalest of genres. You jump from one platform to another, and if the game is any good you spend hours trying to time your jumps correctly."

Thats like me saying that racing games are a stale genre because all you do is drive cars, or FPS because all you do is shoot guns.

For one thing its blatantly untrue, innovation often occurs within a genre, for example the gravity situations in SMG and sometimes between genres such as portal.

However this video isn't showing as such a kart/platform hybrid (which wouldn't be upsetting) but rather a kart game with platforming sections. Most of that video was quite simply not a platforming game.