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Strategyking92 said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
Strategyking92 said:
naznatips said:
Strategyking92 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Strategyking92 said:

We're talking about Banjo Kazooie and related topics, please don't de-rail the thread.

and how is fable 2 related to mario???

What's Fable have to do with anything? Mario Sunshine was brought up by Rocket as a comparison, and then it was discussed whether this was a similar style or not. Also, if you didn't notice, there was a Mario in the trailer.

I don't see how it's so wrong to want Banjo to be a platformer. Seriously look how Jak Combat Racing turned out. There is plenty of reason to be disappointed with a franchise you enjoy not sticking to its genre at all.

All i'm saying is that every xbox thread eventually gets turned into a nintendo thread, one way or another. And nothing is ever done about it. It is starting to piss me off.

Blame Rare for blowing up an in-game created image of Mario at the end of thier trailer. =P

it doesn't explain why people are talking about everything mario now though.

Blame Dislolute who brought in Nintendo into the thread for no reason except to insult them.