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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

selnor said:
BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.

The best team outside 1998. It's been a long time since they've made a good platformer.

True but there last platformer was good. Banjo Tooie. Rare hasnt made a platformer since then. Kameo isnt a platformer and neither was Starfox adventures.


Ummm actually your wrong there... Conker's Bad Fur Day was a traditional platforming game, with a couple of FPS elements thrown in later in the game to mix things up in one chapter.  Now there's another game in Rare's stable that really could use a sequel... would be kind of hard to fuck up a game like Conker, but then again this is the new and improved Rare we are talking about here (See PD Zero, Grabbed By The Ghoulies, and now BK: Nuts & Bolts).  Star Fox was a sort of platform/Zelda hybrid game, and had more shit to collect then a groundskeeper at the zoo.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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I think everyone's blowing this a little out of proportion. Yes, I'm disappointed but this gameplay change might not be all bad. After all, platformers haven't been exactly lighting up the world the past half decade.

If it works, I'll buy it. If it doesn't, I won't.

Definitely a rental to start off, though.

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rocketpig said:
I think everyone's blowing this a little out of proportion. Yes, I'm disappointed but this gameplay change might not be all bad. After all, platformers haven't been exactly lighting up the world the past half decade.

If it works, I'll buy it. If it doesn't, I won't.

Definitely a rental to start off, though.

Fans of the original games certainly have a reason to be upset... The lack of a lot of quality platformers makes fans want more. It doesn't make them want the genre abandoned for some vehicle crap.

naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
I think everyone's blowing this a little out of proportion. Yes, I'm disappointed but this gameplay change might not be all bad. After all, platformers haven't been exactly lighting up the world the past half decade.

If it works, I'll buy it. If it doesn't, I won't.

Definitely a rental to start off, though.

Fans of the original games certainly have a reason to be upset... The lack of a lot of quality platforms makes fans want more. It doesn't make them want the genre abandoned for some vehicle crap.

Trust me, I'm not happy about it. But given that we don't know what percentage of the game is platforming and what is vehicular, we don't have much to go on... For all we know, Rare thought the vehicle segments looked cooler so they focused on those for the trailer. I'm sure it will be different than previous Banjo games but how much is still very much in the air (no pun intended).

Besides, at least Rare has the right to screw up their own creation.


Fuck you, Bethesda.

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@ rocketpig, there was a video on kotaku which looked intereting. There was some nice platforming mixed with vehicle platforming. It is quite a good idea some of this stuff, and it is rare that a game makes you think, it seems like something completely different to the norm

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I guess I'm the opposite. I was concerned that this was going to be a pure platformer and my interest was low. This looks quite cool actually. I'll be picking this up if it gets decent reviews.

I hate trolls.

Systems I currently own:  360, PS3, Wii, DS Lite (2)
Systems I've owned: PS2, PS1, Dreamcast, Saturn, 3DO, Genesis, Gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, GBA, GB, C64, Amiga, Atari 2600 and 5200, Sega Game Gear, Vectrex, Intellivision, Pong.  Yes, Pong.

NightDragon83 said:
disolitude said:
BrainBoxLtd said:
DonWii said:
I'm not saying it won't be good.
I'm just saying it doesn't look like what Banjo fans were looking for.

Yeah, that's what kind of rubs me the wrong way. It's looks very interesting, but it doesn't seem like it really has all that much to do with Banjo-Kazooie. Like you can replace all the BK characters and it wouldn't really matter. Artstyle seems more rigid now, maybe to flow better with the dominant vehicle theme. Just seems like if this what they've been doing maybe it shouldn't have been called Banjo-Threeie. Just a thought.

Did Resident Evil 4 turn out so bad...after it pissed on everything Resident Evil games were about?

Nice try... but Resident Evil 4 was a much needed overhaul for what was an extremely stale genre by that time, plus fans had been cpmplaining about the control setup since the first game in the series so the path RE4 took was both necesary and the only real logical conclusion if you think about it.

Now Banjo on the other hand... boy where to begin... start with arguably the best traditional 3-d platformer and its sequel (both of which were far superior in every way to Mario 64 IMO).  Then, after years of waiting and anticipation from the games loyal fanbase, turn it into some sort of uninspired Ratchet & Clank/Twisted Metal/GTA hybrid of a game with hardly any relation to the previous entries in the series in order to appeal to a different user base, and sprinkle some platforming elements for good measure, whilst simultaneously pissing on one of the most loyal fanbases a developer could ever hope for.  Yup, sure sounds like a recipe for a must-buy game of the year!

Funny you should say RE was stale when 4 came out as this is exactly what platformers are today. Big names still sell but no new ones are getting made and not falling under the radar. Its not like there hasn't been a new platformer since the last Banjo... Many mascots have tried... but most have sucked. Reason why first 2 banjo games are respected is because they were fresh back in the day. Thats what this game is trying to be...

So I guess Rare had a choice... Make a platfromer game that all the fans of the game will go apeshit for but not really try to change things up to customize it to the strengths of the 360 (like online multiplayer, downloadable content, sandbox gameplay-ish). Or do something new and a little different that would have platforming elements but would embrace the new technology and appeal to a brand new fanbase as well as some older fans.


BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.

The best team outside 1998. It's been a long time since they've made a good platformer.

You could kind of say the same thing about Mario.  Before Galaxy it had been a long time (10 years) since a good mario platformer....Mario64

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

It is pretty simple. Take this Gregg Mayles quote:

We've kind of taken a step back from that and tried to make it a simpler, cleaner approach, obviously with this new mechanic in place. I guess we're all hoping for a clean start, that's what I think it'll do. It's kind of, 'There's your old Banjo games, let's put those in the past, you can remember how good those were, this is Banjo for the future'.

If you agree buy the game, if you disagree (like me) then say screw that and move on.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."

jasonnc80 said:
BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.

The best team outside 1998. It's been a long time since they've made a good platformer.

You could kind of say the same thing about Mario. Before Galaxy it had been a long time (10 years) since a good mario platformer....Mario64

 No, Mario Sunshine was's underrated.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )