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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

selnor said:
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

Like I said in my previous post, they are all PS3 fanboys. It shows a that they are worried. 


 Most of the negative comments are from Nintendo fans. Stop calling everyone Sony fanboys.

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The original Banjo-Kazooie is one of my favorite games ever. Knowing there was a third one coming to the 360 always caused my soul to sink a little (I'm saving up for a PS3 instead). I'd like to take this time to thank Rare for letting that part of me rest easy. Even if this turns out alright, it's not going to be the Banjo game I was worried about missing.

Also, I would like to say I'm in no way a PS3 fanboy. I'm an old fan of the series who is severely disappointed about the direction they're taking this. It appears from the comments many people share this sentiment. But hey, I guess it's a lot more comfortable to label everyone a fanboy than admit the game is letting down its fanbase.

BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
LOL. I just read all the bad comments. What a surprise they are PS3 fanboys. Of course it will have Platform in it, Rare bloke said they made sure fans of the series will be happy.

Wake up man. This isn't about Sony vs. Microsoft...I don't even associate Banjo Kazooie with Microsoft.

This is about fans of the original Banjo games, wanting a good third game. What we got was a vehicle customization game with possible platforming on the side. This is not what we wanted and we're disappointed.

That's all there is to it; I don't know why people bring up fanboys and the PS3.

It IS possible to be disappointed with Rare, trust me.

Dont talk to me like I'm not a banjo fan. I played both to death. In fact I finished the first 1 in 2 days strait. At the time I really believed it was on a par with mario. Read my post above. Galaxy changed mario almost totally but it worked. Banjo will be the same. The team know what they are doing with platformers. I think games in a series need to have changes to keep it fresh. I would have been disappointed as a Banjo fan with a rehash of 1 and 2(albeit different worlds.) Some change is inevitable. The trailer was called Nuts and Bolts, So no wonder there was little platforming in this demo. They were showing the new stuff. How about you wake up. 


@ Selnor


Most of the comments are not from PS3 fans, if you looked at peoples collection and what consoles they owned, the majority of them are not PS3 fans

DMeisterJ said:
@ Selnor


Most of the comments are not from PS3 fans, if you looked at peoples collection and what consoles they owned, the majority of them are not PS3 fans

Yeah my bad there. I actually aimed it at the usually cynical BCNR34 guy. He always tries to shag every 360 game. Sorry to the PS3 fanboys. My mistake.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
disolitude said:

You feel the need to insult Nintendo in response to insults of this dissapointing trailer. The fact that it sickens and insults me when you do this kind of crap isn't a personal attack.

If Nintendo is the king of re-releases, what is Rare the king of? IPs that survive off of nostalga, because the company that makes them seems to have forgotten how to develop a good game.

Again, I don't care if this game is great, or if it sucks. I simply care that you hate on Nintendo most of the time, for no good reason, and to me, you have no credibility because of that bias.

What if I trolled on every post and hated on 360 or PS3 as much as you hate on the Wii? Two things would happen.

A. Fanboys would be owned.

B. I'd probably get banned because I wouldn't have an army of bandwagon jumping Nintendo Foeboys to back me up, so I could get lost in the crowd.

The thing is that my comment saying nintendo re-hashes game was a reply to someone saying that Rare should have made banjo 3 amazing like nintendo made mario galaxy. It wasn't out of dead air that I decided to attack nintendo...

And yes, I don't like what nintendo is doing this generation. I bought the wii over a year ago...we can play Mario Kart tonight if you want proof. Just give me your wii code and time...

The Wii reminds me of the Metal scene in the late 90's. Back then all these crappy metal bands with rap gimmicks were becoming popular like Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park and Korn... While other much more taleneted metal bands did not get any attention from the mainstream. Even on the wii this is true as the good games like no more heroes don't get the attention they deserve on the system...

This is what I think and I will voice it when I want... hope thats ok with this forum.

selnor said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

To be fair, I think Gaiden 2, Fable 2, and Gears 2 look fantastic.

Also, Banjo compared itself to Mario in that trailer, not us.


It's like a McDonalds commercial that has people eating McChickens, and then Zeus comes down from heaven and offers them Ambrosa and Mana, and they slap him, make him explode, and keep eating the McChickens.


Watch the trailer before defending, imo, lol.

I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.


Who said that? I was absolutely amazed when I first saw SMG. While it was a new take on the series, it's still 100% platformer and felt true to its roots. If someone asked you what type of game it was after watching the trailer, you'd say it's a platformer. If the trailer made it seem like the next Mario had a large focus on, say, music rhythm, a lot of people would have been pissed. That's what's going on here. You show this trailer to someone who's never played BK, and they'll have no idea that it's supposed to be a platformer.

selnor said:

I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well. 


I don't remember anyone being bummed at Mario Galaxy trailers... I recall people going crazy speculating about the possibilities of the "gravity" based worlds...

Plus, the changes in Mario with Galaxy actually brought the series back towards its roots. It allowed the designers to make a much more linear, less exploration based game. Small platforms you can run on every side of take away the psychological limitation of literal, sometimes invisible walls all around the level, but actually impose a stricter set of limitations in that you can't escape the bounds of gravity, refocusing the game on level traversal instead of exploration.

I'm not really criticizing the game because it could turn out great and sell 3M copies. But I doubt the game will stand the test of time, because it seems to come from the same school of design as most other 3D platformers, shoehorning in outside gameplay mechanics because traditional platform mechanics don't work well in 3D.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.

Phendrana said:
selnor said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
ToastyJaguar said:
I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.

To be fair, I think Gaiden 2, Fable 2, and Gears 2 look fantastic.

Also, Banjo compared itself to Mario in that trailer, not us.


It's like a McDonalds commercial that has people eating McChickens, and then Zeus comes down from heaven and offers them Ambrosa and Mana, and they slap him, make him explode, and keep eating the McChickens.


Watch the trailer before defending, imo, lol.

I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.


Who said that? I was absolutely amazed when I first saw SMG. While it was a new take on the series, it's still 100% platformer and felt true to its roots. If someone asked you what type of game it was after watching the trailer, you'd say it's a platformer. If the trailer made it seem like the next Mario had a large focus on, say, music rhythm, a lot of people would have been pissed. That's what's going on here. You show this trailer to someone who's never played BK, and they'll have no idea that it's supposed to be a platformer.

When Galaxy was first shown it was mario running around planets(not big gameworlds). People and media worried that it was simplified for the wii audience. But of course we know there was alot more to it. Do me a favour. What is this trailer called? NUTS AND BOLTS. This trailer is purely to show the new element. There will be more vids to come that will shut the platform people up thta are silly enough to think that the original Banjo team would desert their fanbase. 


selnor said:
I am loving this. LOL. When Mario Galaxy was first shown everyone said it was crap, that going in space and running upside down round planets was awful. Look at what the gaming world says about it now. The Banjo team know what they are doing in platform games. They are the best team outside of the Shigsy at platformers. I have no doubt it'll all gel well.

 The best team outside 1998.  It's been a long time since they've made a good platformer.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )