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BenKenobi88 said:
selnor said:
LOL. I just read all the bad comments. What a surprise they are PS3 fanboys. Of course it will have Platform in it, Rare bloke said they made sure fans of the series will be happy.

Wake up man. This isn't about Sony vs. Microsoft...I don't even associate Banjo Kazooie with Microsoft.

This is about fans of the original Banjo games, wanting a good third game. What we got was a vehicle customization game with possible platforming on the side. This is not what we wanted and we're disappointed.

That's all there is to it; I don't know why people bring up fanboys and the PS3.

It IS possible to be disappointed with Rare, trust me.

Dont talk to me like I'm not a banjo fan. I played both to death. In fact I finished the first 1 in 2 days strait. At the time I really believed it was on a par with mario. Read my post above. Galaxy changed mario almost totally but it worked. Banjo will be the same. The team know what they are doing with platformers. I think games in a series need to have changes to keep it fresh. I would have been disappointed as a Banjo fan with a rehash of 1 and 2(albeit different worlds.) Some change is inevitable. The trailer was called Nuts and Bolts, So no wonder there was little platforming in this demo. They were showing the new stuff. How about you wake up.