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Forums - Sales Discussion - Yes, the Wii is competing with the 360 and PS3, and it's easy to prove it

|_emmiwinks said:
HappySqurriel said:
saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because the going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

If 90% of existing gamers do not care about Grand Theft Auto how can you use its lack of effect on the Wii's sales as an excuse for the Wii not competing with the PS3 and XBox 360 unless you're arguing that the PS3 and XBox 360 are only targeting the 10% of gamers that are interested in Grand Theft Auto 4?

SHAZAM! He sees the Light!! Sony and Microsoft are basically only competeing for that 10%, because when they spent the billions to develope the PS3 and 360 that 10% was nearly 100% of the gaming population.


It wasnt till Nintendo that the Gaming population grew to include people that play PopCap games and Solitair. take that as you will.

The PS2 would disagree with you... as would the 90% or so of people who didn't buy GTA 3 games who owned PS2s... which you know was the point... unless your being sarcastic.  It's hard to tell.

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saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:
saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because the going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

If 90% of existing gamers do not care about Grand Theft Auto how can you use its lack of effect on the Wii's sales as an excuse for the Wii not competing with the PS3 and XBox 360 unless you're arguing that the PS3 and XBox 360 are only targeting the 10% of gamers that are interested in Grand Theft Auto 4?

I never said ninteno is not compeating in the same market , i said it doesn't matter.i think most of nintendos sales come from a mix of people who never played games before, and those that have. those casual people that i mentioned(mom,dad,sara,bill) really dont care about games like that.if they did ps3 would have sold 400,000 systems in america that week, not wii.

See, there is your problem right there. That kind of elitist attitude is the kind of attitude that alienated many, many people from gaming in general.


To be more on topic, everybody is competing with everyone. They may not be competing for YOUR money, but they are competing for EVERYONE's money. The problem is HOW they are competing for your money. The PS3 and the 360 are right now focusing from pre-adolescent, teenagers going through puberty to adults who need to do something with their testosterone levels. The Wii, on the other hand, are focusing on EVERYBODY right from the start. Period.


That's it. Nothing to argue about it. Just look at the games. Don't selectively ignore some titles to make your point. Include all of the titles and you will see that all the systems have games, therefore they are competing for your dollar. The problem is just that they are doing it with different strategies. The fact that the games do not interest YOU, does NOT mean they are not competing in general...they are just interesting to YOU. It is time for long-time gamers to quit acting like arrogant, aristocratic, elitist punks and accept that there are others who like to play games too, but may not be interested in the games you play, nor do they consider the games you like as the uber-fantastic games you think they are. Since this is the case, these systems can co-exist, play different strategies, yet compete for everyone's dollars at the same time. Despite using different strategies, they are selling to anybody interested in buying the systems.

Explanation of sig:

I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

DMeisterJ said:
So this thread has accomplished....


lol you got that right

DMeisterJ said:
So this thread has accomplished....


I hope you're wrong, but if we only count your post you're certainly right :P


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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NJ5 , top marks for re-creating a thread you posted in within an hour of the original thread creation.

I hope I can be like you one day :).

|_emmiwinks said:

HappySqurriel said:
saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because the going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

If 90% of existing gamers do not care about Grand Theft Auto how can you use its lack of effect on the Wii's sales as an excuse for the Wii not competing with the PS3 and XBox 360 unless you're arguing that the PS3 and XBox 360 are only targeting the 10% of gamers that are interested in Grand Theft Auto 4?

 SHAZAM! He sees the Light!! Sony and Microsoft are basically only competeing for that 10%, because when they spent the billions to develope the PS3 and 360 that 10% was nearly 100% of the gaming population. 


It wasnt till Nintendo that the Gaming population grew to include people that play PopCap games and Solitair. take that as you will. 

And considering how much PS360 tracks behind DC+PS2+GC+XBOX, Nintendo has taken a decent share of the previous market. Unless the market is shrinking.
There's really no way how to twist this, Nintendo is competing for the same customers with PS360.

As what it comes to "GTA proving something", it's one of the games that are in biggest competition with Wii games by its demographic, and also a thing to consider is, that Wii Fit/Mario Kart had pretty close launches with GTA4, so without them, GTA4 might have had visible effect. The thing is, that Nintendo can kill the effect of any game, released to competing platform, to its own platforms sales by releasing a game that targets different demographic. That's exactly what they did in Europe with GTA4/Wii Fit releases and in NA Nintendo put itself to direct competition with GTA4/MKWii release. What happens when PS360 gets a big "casual", Wii Fit type of game? Nintendo releases a traditional type of game and again, as much hyped as the game for the competition would be, Nintendo still would show as a big winner, since the big game didn't have any effect to Wiis sales.

M$ and Sony can either compete and get beaten by Nintendo or they can flee to upmarket and get beaten by Nintendo.
After the current generation ends and PS360 sales average to 35M, i'd like to see someone saying that: but they didn't compete, which i think is what the OP is after.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

@ sc94597


this are all kiddy games, show something more mature that requieres true skills and not just some wiimote shaking

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

Imthelegend said:
The real reason that PS3 and 360 fanboys do not think that Wii is competing is that they cannot believe that a "last gen" console can be winning a battle against their HD powerhouses. If the opposite was true and the HD consoles were beating Wii then the fanboys would be saying"we all new the Wii couldn't compete against the PS3 and 360". Funny how this is the case isnt it.

 exactly - PS3 and 360 fanboys want to kick the Wii out of what is called their "competition" so they won't be embarassed as the Wii is kicking their butts

bdbdbd said:
|_emmiwinks said:

HappySqurriel said:
saprano1 said:
HappySqurriel said:

It seems that there is an assumption that since everyone in the world did not abandon the Wii the second that Grand Theft Auto 4 was released then the Wii must be in a different market ... The people who make this assumption seem to forget that the Grand Theft Auto games have only ever sold to (at best) 10% of the market. There are other games people are using to make this claim, but there is a lot of overlap in the people who are interested in these types of games, and these games represent about 25% of existing gamers.

Even though the Wii doesn't have HD graphics it does have games that apeal to these same 25% of gamers, but it doesn't focus on them exclusively like the XBox 360 and PS3 does. Any argument that the Wii doesn't compete with the PS3 and XBox 360 can easily be seen as Nintendo has decided to create a videogame system which directly targets the whole gaming maket (as well as new gamers) with their Blue-Ocean strategy, while Sony and Microsoft have decided to create niche products which appeal to the small segment of core gamers.

If gta4 was only on ps3, that would have effected the 360. ps3 sales would have gone up, wile 360 stays normal. why? because the going after the same gamers, and those gamers want gta4. the wii is not going for that same gamer, do you think mom,dad, little sara, and billy give a crap about gta4? hell no, that why they got a wiii that week. LOL

If 90% of existing gamers do not care about Grand Theft Auto how can you use its lack of effect on the Wii's sales as an excuse for the Wii not competing with the PS3 and XBox 360 unless you're arguing that the PS3 and XBox 360 are only targeting the 10% of gamers that are interested in Grand Theft Auto 4?

SHAZAM! He sees the Light!! Sony and Microsoft are basically only competeing for that 10%, because when they spent the billions to develope the PS3 and 360 that 10% was nearly 100% of the gaming population.


It wasnt till Nintendo that the Gaming population grew to include people that play PopCap games and Solitair. take that as you will.

As what it comes to "GTA proving something", it's one of the games that are in biggest competition with Wii games by its demographic, and also a thing to consider is, that Wii Fit/Mario Kart had pretty close launches with GTA4, so without them, GTA4 might have had visible effect.

LOL  , please let me have some of what your taking.

 The thing is, that Nintendo can kill the effect of any game, released to competing platform, to its own platforms sales by releasing a game that targets different demographic. That's exactly what they did in Europe with GTA4/Wii Fit releases


 What the hell are you talking about , that's like ford releasing a new car everytime a lamborughini came out , your not makin any sense. Wii-Fit didn't have any real effect on the sales of GTA IV and any effect it may have had was neglible.

and in NA Nintendo put itself to direct competition with GTA4/MKWii release. What happens when PS360 gets a big "casual", Wii Fit type of game? Nintendo releases a traditional type of game and again, as much hyped as the game for the competition would be, Nintendo still would show as a big winner, since the big game didn't have any effect to Wiis sales.

Sorry maybe i'm getting confused , but how can you be directly competing with some one if your offering something completley different to the consumer . It's like 50 cent releasing his album to damage britney spear's sales.

 I think you need to look up the definition of competition and then understand what general and direct competition is.