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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where Will Kingdom Hearts 3 Go?

i guess i've been sleeping under a rock since the first one came out. I didn't realize it was a big deal.

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@ FileBrasileiro on the FE, Valkyria statement. I thought it was only 3rd party games that didn't sell. FE is first party. You are ignoring the fact that Dragon Quest Swords Sold more in japan than any ps3 game and it was a crappy spinoff.

sc94597 said:
@ FileBrasileiro on the FE, Valkyria statement. I thought it was only 3rd party games that didn't sell. FE is first party. You are ignoring the fact that Dragon Quest Swords Sold more in japan than any ps3 game and it was a crappy spinoff.

Point me to where I said it was only 3rd party games that didn't sell. There are some 3rd party games that sell well on the Wii, some even sell great (like GH3 and Lego Star Wars), you just have to know your audience and demographic.

Would KH3 or Suikoden VI sell better WW on the Wii than on the PS3 or the 360? Maybe, possibly, maybe even probably, but I'm not 100% convinced. The sales are comparable as I've shown between FE and Valkyria. And I would've thought FE would have had a clear advantage because of the larger userbase and established franchise status.

Also Dragon Quest is to Japan as Grand Theft Auto is to America. It'll sell no matter what platform it is or what kind of spin off it is. It doesn't matter if it's a spinoff or not, Dragon Quest name sells in Japan. Period. Check out this link and see how crappy DQ spinoffs and remakes sell in Japan:


FilaBrasileiro said:
sc94597 said:
@ FileBrasileiro on the FE, Valkyria statement. I thought it was only 3rd party games that didn't sell. FE is first party. You are ignoring the fact that Dragon Quest Swords Sold more in japan than any ps3 game and it was a crappy spinoff.

Point me to where I said it was only 3rd party games that didn't sell. There are some 3rd party games that sell well on the Wii, some even sell great (like GH3 and Lego Star Wars), you just have to know your audience and demographic.

Would KH3 or Suikoden VI sell better WW on the Wii than on the PS3 or the 360? Maybe, possibly, maybe even probably, but I'm not 100% convinced. The sales are comparable as I've shown between FE and Valkyria. And I would've thought FE would have had a clear advantage because of the larger userbase and established franchise status.

Also Dragon Quest is to Japan as Grand Theft Auto is to America. It'll sell no matter what platform it is or what kind of spin off it is. It doesn't matter if it's a spinoff or not, Dragon Quest name sells in Japan. Period. Check out this link and see how crappy DQ spinoffs and remakes sell in Japan:


No that is just for fans that keep saying 1st party games outsell the 3rd party games on the wii.
Not all of those remakes suck you know. Especially the higher selling ones. MOst of those haven't even been released in america yet.


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I said I'd leave back on like page 5 or 6....but seeing that it's on page 10 now, and they're talking about Dragon Quest makes me chuckle on the inside

A little part of me has died inside seeing the crap-flinging flamers in this thread.

Okay...*inhales* *exhales*

Why I Believe It Will Go To The Nintendo Wii:
By Dtewi

Here is a civilized reason.

1: Money. After what has been pointed out numerous times and that this knowledge is so obvious it needs not a link, Disney is the ultimate factor in deciding where KH3 will go. Most companies are about the money. There is no denying that fact. SE and Disney are no different. The Wii will eat a game up and crap out millions. The PS3 and 360 do make profit, but not NEARLY to the extent of the Wii. Anyone denying this fact is, well, living in denial.

2. Demograph. I would define Kingdom Hearts as a casual-core game. When most people go into a videogame store. They see quirky videogame characters and TV icons. They do not see an unfathomably complicated story or insane button mashing. They see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and think it is a game about them. The Wii is the definition of that demograph. The 360 is more of the hardcore crowd which KH is not. The PS3 is basically the 360, but is more appealing to an extent because of the added features. If it goes on the 360, there will be crap sales. PS3 could do it decent, but it should seem obvious that the Wii would due to better due to reasons already stated.

3. Userbase. Obviously the PS360 have more users. But if the Wii keeps gaining marketshare, it could gain 50% by 2009. Also, if it is multi-platform, it would go to the PS3 as well because it would also sell decent, but I doubt it because their engines are very different and it would take a while to do it again from scratch. The Wii is also far easier to develop for.

So, in terms of which SE would pick as the consoles to develop for:


Please offer rebuttal that is free of fanboyism, opinion, bias, BS, crap, shit, or any combination of those.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

Just to spite everyone in this thread I say it should come out for PS2 and be ported to the Wii. 

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

zero129 said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
zero129 said:
sc94597 said:
zero129 said:
Well truth be told nintendo fans can wish for this all they want, and i do believe the wii will see a KH game, but it wont be KH3, just wait and see...
Of course, because the great amount of facts opinions that you just pointed out to us.



But isn't all this based on Opinions?, You want it on the Wii, i wan't it on one Or both of the HD consoles,

and "Imo" like i have said so many times it is more likely to go to the PS360,

and it is a Fact that Both the PS3 and the 360 have more software sales and consoles sold combined then the Wii.

So far the only grounds you are using are "The Wii has more consoles sold in japan".

SquareEnix themselfs have pretty much said Japan is not their main market anymore, and that they will have to look to other markets to stay profitable.

Yeah, but I use facts to back up my opinion, while you just use more opinions and fallacies to back up your opinion. Square Enix wants to expand out side of japan, not desert it. This is by making new ips not using their old ones. @bolded Wrong wii actually has more software sales sold than both the ps360 combined. We don't know if the wii won't have more consoles sold than both of them by the time kh3 even starts developement( after ffxiiivs which is still not done,and doesn't have a release date). It's not only the userbase that matters, it's the demograph such game is targetting. The wii has this demographic, and the ps3 somewhat does, but I have no doubt few people who own a 360 would be interested in this game.


 Exactly what "Facts" have you giving to show this game is destined for the Wii that holds more ground then the facts i have giving??.

And how is that bolded wrong??, care to show how the Wii has more software sold then the PS3 and 360 combined??.


Just to add, Naruto Rise of a ninja has sold Over 360.000 copies alone in NA on 360 (Naruto is not even as big as some of the disney characters)

Lost Odysee has sold something near 700.000 copies (That's for a New IP and an RPG) 

So care to explain to me how the is no market for games like that on the 360?..

Here is my proof.


I find it very hard to believe that the 360 fans who play halo 3 and say things like this" I'm going to pwn your a$$ noob" will play a game with disney characters. Yeah some people will buy it , but the majority would dismiss it.  Oh and compared to the 3 million and 5 million kh1 and 2 sold those are very small sales. 

 the Wii has 500 Million Software sales for the "First" 18 Months in "NA" that's good.

The PS3 and 360 Have 480 Million between the 2 of them for the "First" 18 months in "NA"

So all that data is for the "first" 18 months in "NA", NA is not World Wide software sales..

And I beleive the same is true for the worldwide sales. SHow me worldwide sales that prove that you are right then. 

And how many 3rd party games that have not been some kind of party game etc sold over a million copies on Wii?, on PS360 the has been alot of Million seller 3rd party games.

 And how many big franchises with a large budget were released by 3rd parties on the wii?

So why would SquareEnix start now?, So far they are giving alot more of their RPG's to the

360 and PS3 then they are to the Wii...

Square Enix said that their main developement platforms are the Wii, DS and PS3. This means it will at least get something. Btw by the time square enix even plans to start kh3 the wii will probably have more large budget games to compare. You also forget the wii's userbase in japan is almost triple that of the ps360 now, and will only get bigger. Oh and it may even have 50% or more of the market by the time they start developement. Not to mention the lower developement costs to release on one console that has more consoles than both(if it holds more than 50% of the market) which it probably will.

Yes that is small sales for lost odysee compered to an established brand with very well knowing characters

that has had 3-5 years to sell that many on a console that had an install bass of over 90 million..

I don't know why you're trying to still use the "Halo" thing lets face it, the is more 360's out there then the is copies of Halo sold so not everyone got a 360 for Halo..

I'm trying to show that the demographic is very very "macho". They think of anything cartoony as "gay","kiddy" or"boring" etc. Now that might not be all of its demograph, but a big part. 

That might have been true last gen, but with the sales of Lost Odysee it shows RPG's can sell too on the 360,

and with more RPG's it will attract more RPG users, so what you are saying does not hold true at all, and what you're saying also is that the only kind of games that will sell on the Wii are "Kiddy" games you're words not mine. 

  Of course because I said the wii sells only "kiddy games"? I said it would sell it more than the 360. Lost Oddysey is in no way similar to KH. It was a turn-based 'hardcore-only" rpg while kh is an rpg that targets every demograph similarly to the way mario does.  Half of the 360 fans will no doubt ignore it just because of the Disney characters.


And Lost odysee shows that the is a market for good RPG's on the 360,

Lost oddysey looks far more suiting to the 360s demographic than kh3. 

Except both is RPG games, only one is more of an action RPG, Lost odysee would not be more attractive to anyone that's not already an RPG fan..

Why not? Have you seen the trailer? That trailer makes it fit perfectly what the 360 fanbase wants. Not everybody had to be an existing rpg fan to buy lost oddysey. And even if you are correct and there is a large rpg base on the 360, there is even a larger one on the wii. 


and FF13, Vs13, ToV, IU, WKS etc will only help the RPG brand become even more stronger on both the PS3 and the 360, and will bring even more RPG fans to them consoles before KH3 is even released,

How bout you seperate them, because not everybody will have both consoles. Also you have to realize that while the 360 and ps3 will get some rpgs, most japanese will release JRPGS which are very niche to japan on the wii. This sets for a more rpg base on the wii. 

No because both "HD" consoles are being classed as one and the same by alot of 3rd party devs this gen, and it makes since now to make games for both consoles.

And it's not that they will get "Some" RPG's they will get alot of RPG's and big name ones too and the doesn't seem to be any signs of it slowing down, all you have to do is look at the list of RPG's that's coming to both of them consoles to see that, tell me what exactly does the Wii have in the pipeline??, i bet if you look you will see the 360 and PS3 have a much bigger list of RPG's coming to it...

Yeah , but xbox 360 only owners can't get the ps3s rpgs, and the same thing could be said for the ps3 only owners. So yes it's true if those games were multiplatform, but they aren't.


So both of them consoles will already have a very strong established RPG base of fans before KH3 comes out.

And so does the wii. A game that is crap compared to lost oddysey( drgon quest:swords) and a spinoff sold almost as much as lost oddysey. It also sold more in japan then any ps360 game. 

Exactly my point, a game with a Big name like Dragon Quest, and Fire Emblem, only sold "Almost" as much as Lost Odysee did. Id imagine they would in japan since the Wii install base is so much bigger over there, but lets stick with WW stuff from now on ok?, lets not keep going back to the "But the wii has X amount of sales in Japan" it doesn't work like that.

For jrpgs it does. The only jrpgs that even sell equal or more in the other regions to japan are final fantasies. 

But lets just put all that aside and imagine that the Wii will still get KH3,

and that any developer that doesn't make games for the Wii is somehow going to Die out...

Square Enix already stated they are supporting  WII DS,  and PS3 as their main consoles. And it could very well mean death for a company that is  as japanese based as square enix. Luckily square enix is also somewhat strong in the other regions, but not as much as they are in japan.


I'm pretty sure SquareEnix said that before  they seen how well Lost Odysee sold.

Now they are giving the 360 an Exclusive game and imo i think that game is going to sell very well for SquareEnix, i think of it as them testing the waters for bigger things to come ;) .

Well that wasn't to show that the 360 wasn't getting rpgs, rather to show that the wii is more of a priority than the 360 to square enix. I'm pretty sure they are working on some huge title for the wii to go with the other games they announced/released for it. 



 I'll reply to each of you're comments tomorrow as i've had a bit to drink tonight and can't think stright but so far im enjoying this.

 Well that's my replys in red.

Here is a list of wii rpgs compared to 360 and then ps3.



That is in 18 months by the way. We are only counting jrpgs btw, because that was kh is , and they are genres in themeselves. The wii was thought to fail, so I expect alot more to be announced this year. 


Xbox 360 after 30 months. 

Xbox 360=10



Ps3=14, 3 of them multiplats with the 360.

This is discounted, wrpgs, srpgs,mmos, and 1st party rpgs. The wii was also predicted to fail, and still has more/getting more Jrpgs than the ps3 and the 360. 



ameratsu said:
Just to spite everyone in this thread I say it should come out for PS2 and be ported to the Wii. 
Didn't square enix say that they won't develop any more for the ps2?