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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - CNET - "Why the 360 will Win!!" - Microsoft PR Working Overtime???

Nice posting CrazzyMan; totally devoid of the least hint of logic or reality, but fun to read. Apparently you didn’t read the numbers posted here today. I’m not a fanboy; at 62, I haven’t been any kind of a boy for a long time but I am a keen observer of the human comedy. If any company wants me to be a shill; not unless I get a check. I have lots of Sony and MS products and am equally enthused about them, just not their consoles

I’ll skip over the record month, the record weekly average in the US etc. That’s enough to keep me rushing out to buy stock in Sony or MS. But that’s not even the worst news. Here’s the real killer.  During  the week of the GTA IV uber-launch the Wii sold over 660,000 world-wide, setting an all time record for ANY system EVER including the PS2. And that’s weeks before Nintendo releases its killer ap, Wii Fit. See a pattern here? If I worked for Sony or the Microsoft Game division I’d probably be thinking about slitting my wrists about now.

See what you don’t get is I don’t want a PS3 even if it was free. The graphics are great, Whopee  damn deal! I was playing COD at resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 (Yep higher than HD) years ago. So if I want pretty graphics I’ll play on the PC or watch a movie on HDTV. I don’t want to drive a car with my fricking thumbs or learn button combinations that make playing a piano look easy. I haven’t got the time or the inclination. With the much maligned WiiMote, I can put in ANY game and be having fun in minutes. Sure I’ll never “win” or get on a leaderboard or even beat the kid next door. Frankly I don’t give a rat’s patutee. In my life I’ve accomplished REAL things. Things I think are more important than “beating” a bunch of pixels. All I want to have is FUN! Quick, simple FUN! Fun like I used to have with games like PacMan or Lunar Rover before the damn controllers became more complex than a clarinet. And guess what! There are a hell of a lot of us baby-boomers and we have money and guess what system and games we buy our grandchildren. Guess what system I buy almost every game for so the kids in the neighborhood can play…..and I can play with them….and my wife may even join in. Don’t call me a casual gamer. I have played video games continuously since the Atari 2600. I’d say I’m a passionate gamer. I just think Microsoft and Sony are so busy catering to an elite group who have the reflexes, the time and need the satisfaction of those overly elaborate, often disgustingly violent games that they leave ALL the rest of us out. I didn’t give up on video games, I think video games gave up on me.

Frankly I’m having a ball, and so is my grandson and all the kids in the neighborhood. ALL of whom got their parents to buy them Wiis, even the hyper-religious couple across the street that wouldn’t buy them any system before they saw the Wii.

 Medal of Honor on the Wii doesn’t look nearly as realistic as COD on the PC. OK, I finally realized that if I wanted to see World War II, I could play on the PC or watch Saving Private Ryan. On the other hand, with the Wii Zapper I can have fun with one button in one hand and a nunchuck joystick in the other and remember to shake it to reload. Hey I can handle this. Never really mastered it before. Realistic NO! So is running around picking up magic first aid kits or healing a mortal wound by ducking down a few seconds realistic. Hell no, its no more realistic, it just has better eye candy. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when a reviewer didn’t like playing Tiger Wood with a WiiMote because it didn’t seem “right or natural.” Oh Yea, most people go out and play golf with power meters and analog sticks. NO BODY plays golf by swinging their arms – RIGHT. No only about 95% of the world, the ones that occasionally get off the couch long enough to play golf.

Since Sony and Microsoft want to keep their games “hard core” that’s fine. I recognize that there are gamers who want this experience and they should have it. But if you think that there are enough of you to outnumber us recreational (not casual) gamers that’s because you judge by websites like this where people don’t tend to join unless games are important to them. Not an accurate demographic sample I’m afraid. God must like recreational gamers because he made so many of us (to paraphrase Lincoln).

An Anatomy  professor once asked a prim young lady what was the only part of the human body capable of enlarging up to 12 times its normal size in a matter of seconds. She blushed and told him she couldn’t possibly answer that question in public. He just smiled and said, “I was referring to the pupil of the eye and you, young lady, are in for one hell of a disappointment.” I’m afraid that everyone sitting around waiting for the Wii bubble to pop, the fad to fade, and the PS3 to majestically sail on by to take its rightful throne are in for an equal disappointment.

Sorry this is so long but I’d just had it up to here with this silliness.


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lol this thread is good for a laugh

Tears of Joy! Now this is what we pay to hear!

I love it when a PR talks.

Wishfull thinking?


Walk into a store and tell my how many ps3 titles are on the shelf that the majority of gamers are interested in playing.


Now Walk over to the 360 isle and do a count with exclusives.


You have to be a blind moron to think that the wii or ps3 have a game lineup anywhere near 360's past present and future releases.

I can list games all day some games that arent AAA that stomp anything ps3 has.


Warhawk vs Frontlines lets debate shall we.


@Grampy, well, stop shipping PS3 for a while, and then make a big shipment, you also will get similar numbers.
Wii has exclusive SMH, SSBB, Wii kart(oh yeah, this game was launched in USA this week) and Wii fit(launch in Europe).
Two anticipated games released during the week of GTA4 and you just ignored that? LOL.
What Big exclusive BRAND ps3 games were released recently? Only new IPs, and after that you dismiss ps3?

@UltimateFighter, like mln. of PS2 users really care about these your called AA games? If yes, then why x360 is losing in weekly sales to PS3?
Because ps2 users could care about x360 games mroe then about PS BRAND GAMES like MGS, FF, GT and etc?
PS3 is yet to get it`s AA games, while x360 is already done with that and failed.
People don`t care about x360 games, atleast not that much as you would wish.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

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CrazzyMan said:
@Ail, PS3 need more japanese games in Japan. Wii had SMG, SSBB, Wii kart, Wii fit(?), Mario party.
What BIG exclusive games ps3 had? Except HSG5 i believe, none.
FFXIII alone will be able to sell 200-300k ps3 during week of release.

And about RPG, well SRPG Valkyria Chronicles already did over 100k in 2 weeks and that is not bad for a new ip from 3rd party. I believe that will encourage japanese developers + recently already was announced new rpg. =)

Well, at least no one can accuse you of being a pessimist, that's for certain.


I can't imagine the kind of numbers you're estimating for FFXIII hardware moving in Japan, unless we're talking Christmas.

I love how people present personal prefrence as fact.

Why compare warhawk to frontlines? why not compare it to ... ulgh... shadowrun....

fact of the matter you guys say "360 is da best" and i say r&c, uncharted, warhawk, resistance, heavenly sword are better than halo, mass effect, crackdown, gears of war, viva pinata, shadow run, hell raising, and bioshock

Grampy said:

Nice posting CrazzyMan; totally devoid of the least hint of logic or reality, but fun to read. Apparently you didn’t read the numbers posted here today. I’m not a fanboy; at 62, I haven’t been any kind of a boy for a long time but I am a keen observer of the human comedy. If any company wants me to be a shill; not unless I get a check. I have lots of Sony and MS products and am equally enthused about them, just not their consoles

I’ll skip over the record month, the record weekly average in the US etc. That’s enough to keep me rushing out to buy stock in Sony or MS. But that’s not even the worst news. Here’s the real killer. During the week of the GTA IV uber-launch the Wii sold over 660,000 world-wide, setting an all time record for ANY system EVER including the PS2. And that’s weeks before Nintendo releases its killer ap, Wii Fit. See a pattern here? If I worked for Sony or the Microsoft Game division I’d probably be thinking about slitting my wrists about now.

See what you don’t get is I don’t want a PS3 even if it was free. The graphics are great, Whopee damn deal! I was playing COD at resolutions up to 1280 x 1024 (Yep higher than HD) years ago. So if I want pretty graphics I’ll play on the PC or watch a movie on HDTV. I don’t want to drive a car with my fricking thumbs or learn button combinations that make playing a piano look easy. I haven’t got the time or the inclination. With the much maligned WiiMote, I can put in ANY game and be having fun in minutes. Sure I’ll never “win” or get on a leaderboard or even beat the kid next door. Frankly I don’t give a rat’s patutee. In my life I’ve accomplished REAL things. Things I think are more important than “beating” a bunch of pixels. All I want to have is FUN! Quick, simple FUN! Fun like I used to have with games like PacMan or Lunar Rover before the damn controllers became more complex than a clarinet. And guess what! There are a hell of a lot of us baby-boomers and we have money and guess what system and games we buy our grandchildren. Guess what system I buy almost every game for so the kids in the neighborhood can play…..and I can play with them….and my wife may even join in. Don’t call me a casual gamer. I have played video games continuously since the Atari 2600. I’d say I’m a passionate gamer. I just think Microsoft and Sony are so busy catering to an elite group who have the reflexes, the time and need the satisfaction of those overly elaborate, often disgustingly violent games that they leave ALL the rest of us out. I didn’t give up on video games, I think video games gave up on me.

Frankly I’m having a ball, and so is my grandson and all the kids in the neighborhood. ALL of whom got their parents to buy them Wiis, even the hyper-religious couple across the street that wouldn’t buy them any system before they saw the Wii.

Medal of Honor on the Wii doesn’t look nearly as realistic as COD on the PC. OK, I finally realized that if I wanted to see World War II, I could play on the PC or watch Saving Private Ryan. On the other hand, with the Wii Zapper I can have fun with one button in one hand and a nunchuck joystick in the other and remember to shake it to reload. Hey I can handle this. Never really mastered it before. Realistic NO! So is running around picking up magic first aid kits or healing a mortal wound by ducking down a few seconds realistic. Hell no, its no more realistic, it just has better eye candy. I almost fell out of my chair laughing when a reviewer didn’t like playing Tiger Wood with a WiiMote because it didn’t seem “right or natural.” Oh Yea, most people go out and play golf with power meters and analog sticks. NO BODY plays golf by swinging their arms – RIGHT. No only about 95% of the world, the ones that occasionally get off the couch long enough to play golf.

Since Sony and Microsoft want to keep their games “hard core” that’s fine. I recognize that there are gamers who want this experience and they should have it. But if you think that there are enough of you to outnumber us recreational (not casual) gamers that’s because you judge by websites like this where people don’t tend to join unless games are important to them. Not an accurate demographic sample I’m afraid. God must like recreational gamers because he made so many of us (to paraphrase Lincoln).

An Anatomy professor once asked a prim young lady what was the only part of the human body capable of enlarging up to 12 times its normal size in a matter of seconds. She blushed and told him she couldn’t possibly answer that question in public. He just smiled and said, “I was referring to the pupil of the eye and you, young lady, are in for one hell of a disappointment.” I’m afraid that everyone sitting around waiting for the Wii bubble to pop, the fad to fade, and the PS3 to majestically sail on by to take its rightful throne are in for an equal disappointment.

Sorry this is so long but I’d just had it up to here with this silliness.


LOL!!  That's one heck of a post, Grampy.  I agree with your reasoning and got a few minutes of laughter from your sense of humor.


So this is what Starcraft does for a living, he is a journalist with CNet. I always wondered :)

3rd parties are not making good games on wii, well, maximum, there will be few good games from 3rd parties this year.
if you are nintendo fan, then you will be fine with games released from nintendo, but looking at last home console sales it was like 25-30 mln.

Yes, now nintendo will get some love from casual users(which could be a lot of people or not). But if very doubtfull, that they will get love from ps2 usersbase of 125 mln., which probably will get ps3.

It`s very soon, probably by the end of summer, every nintendo fan will have Wii. After that, it will be really interesting to see sales.
40k in Japan was only the begining. Golden week saved it a little this week.

Name me:
Great fighting games on Wii (like doa4, vf5, tekken6, sc4).
Great slashers(hs, ngs, ng2, gow).
Great horrors(aitd, re5, sh5).
Great strategy games.
Great jrpgs.
Great FPS games.
Great 3d plarform games.
Great 3rd person action games.

Which coming not from nintendo For not nintendo fan. Wii has not much to offer to PS2 user.

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far