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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Valkyria Chronicles Thread

tombi123 said:
Watched that 1UP video, WOW!!

This is now my second most wanted game this year after LBP. It just looks phenomenal. The art style is breath taking. This could be the RPG of 2008.

Thanks Outlawauron for this great thread :)

A strategy RPG as RPG of the year?

Not a chance.

It will go to some Square Enix bs title not worth it. Or Persona FES. SRPGs never get any respect.

SRPGs seem to have an invisible barrier that doesn't even allow then to rate in the 90's by a lot of game sites.  One that doesn't have "Final Fantasy" in it?  Probably will get like reviews in the 75-80 range which will be a travesty.

Still, this is my most wanted game of the year.... this or Spore anyway. Close call.

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very interested in this game

watched the 1up show on which they talked about this game. Sounds like the battles get pretty large as you get deeper in the game. Sounds like a fresh approach to SRPGs. Can't wait. I loved FFT and Vandal Hearts...

@ hanafuda

You lucky devil!

@ onna

What was spoiled? If was the 'review' I posted, I'm sorry.

The video is very good though.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Did you know you can get PS3 themes for this game?

Go here from your PS3's browser:

Go to Downloads > Custom Thema

Download the data.

PSN - hanafuda

Around the Network

Yeah I really love themes for my PS3, I usually use a theme based on the next anticipated game that I'm looking forward to. So currently my background is from MGS4, and after that comes out I plan to change it to some kind of Valkyrie background if nothing else catches my fancy.

OT: Good keeping the hype alive Outlawauron, this game most definitely looks to deserve it.


Yeah, I love themes. I like to keep them current with whatever game I'm playing. Right now I have the GTA IV theme (because of the awesome icons) with the Pixeljunk Monsters background wallpaper (the one that has black trees and grey creatures). I like the GTA IV backgrounds, too (oh, I got those from or whatever it is) because it has multple backgrounds of the characters that are visible even when using the PS3 browser. Great stuff.

Which link is the VC themes on that Japanese site, though?

I will buy this game. SRPGs are my favourite games.


Aww, hanafuda. That's what I was going to post for today's update.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Sorry, I had no idea that is what you were going to post.

I actually intended to post it a while back but kept forgetting about it..

PSN - hanafuda