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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Valkyria Chronicles Thread

outlawauron said:
I still think this game has chance to pass Fire Emblem in Japan. It's at 141k and still selling well over 1k a week for 8 weeks now.

How does everyone think this game will do in America?

Better than Operation Darkness, Culdcept Saga, or Spectral Force 3?


 I hope it does better than those three, they were all crap imo.

Valkyria is shaping up to be way better I probably won't buy it first day since i won't have the money after all my other planned purchases but I'll probably get my mom to buy it for me for christmas or buy it using my christmas money if she says no.

Around the Network
Words Of Wisdom said:
Dgc1808 said:
Mirson said:

Some pretty good news. The Japanese voiceover will be included, and we got a release date:

Sega sent over a friendly reminder that Valkyria Chronicles has an official release date. We’ll get a chance to pick up in English on November 11. I spoke with Christopher Kaminski, Associate Producer of Valkyria Chronicles, to find out if the downloadble content recently released in Japan would find its way to North America. He replied with, “No comment yet.” Kaminski confirmed the content will not be on the retail disc though when he answered my follow up question with, “No, that content won’t be on the disc.” Valkyria Chronicles won’t have any localization differences either. “We translated it directly. We wanted to stay true to the original. As a matter of fact we keep the original Japanese in there.”


It's always been that way for ever since I started watching anime.... the english VA just itches at my skin....


It's always been that way for ever since I started watching anime.... the japanese VA just itches at my skin....


I actually agree with you.

Though probably because i watch a lot of foreign films as it is.

Sometimes you just don't want to read after you've read so many subtitles.


outlawauron said:
I still think this game has chance to pass Fire Emblem in Japan. It's at 141k and still selling well over 1k a week for 8 weeks now.

How does everyone think this game will do in America?

Better than Operation Darkness, Culdcept Saga, or Spectral Force 3?

I'd hope.

Though i don't think it will beat Fire Emblem world wide.

I mean OD and SF3 revies suck...

This should get a solid 75+ rating. Awesome looking graphics, but half the reviewers are likely to be bitchy "It's not exactly like a traditional SRPG types combined with people who don't usually play SRPGS."

Maybe a couple "But but swords!" people as well.

It should sell better then games with a review of 60 or below... i'd hope. Even without advertising. I mean SRPG fans are probably watching this intently... i mean a bunch of people were intently watching "Drone Tactics" for the DS for gods sake.

SRPG fans are always on the lookout for more SRPG fans.  Mentally unstable lot I say.

Kasz216 said:
outlawauron said:
I still think this game has chance to pass Fire Emblem in Japan. It's at 141k and still selling well over 1k a week for 8 weeks now.

How does everyone think this game will do in America?

Better than Operation Darkness, Culdcept Saga, or Spectral Force 3?

I'd hope.

Though i don't think it will beat Fire Emblem world wide.

I mean OD and SF3 revies suck...

This should get a solid 75+ rating. Awesome looking graphics, but half the reviewers are likely to be bitchy "It's not exactly like a traditional SRPG types combined with people who don't usually play SRPGS."

Maybe a couple "But but swords!" people as well.

It should sell better then games with a review of 60 or below... i'd hope. Even without advertising. I mean SRPG fans are probably watching this intently... i mean a bunch of people were intently watching "Drone Tactics" for the DS for gods sake.

SRPG fans are always on the lookout for more SRPG fans.  Mentally unstable lot I say.

They do suck. This could get great reviews though. Im hoping for 80%+ average. If this does well, then maybe Atlus will start doing some SRPGs for PS3. Maybe even get Tears to Tiara over here.

It'd be a miracle for this to pass FE worldwide. A huge one. It should be right behind it though.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

makingmusic476 said:
Dgc1808 said:

Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
White Knight Chronicles [hopefully this year]
Little Big Planet
Resistance 2
Dead Space
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Tekken 6

..... I hope I have enough money for all this......


Heh.  Maybe in Japan.

I just hope the game actually has a good plot for once.  I like Level 5's work (the world building in Dark Cloud was really fun), but their stories are usually pretty weak.

I used to think the same thing about Level 5. I love all their game's battle systems and actual gameplay. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 were great RPGs with  SIM like twists to the game play, but the story was trash. Rogue Galaxy was awsome with a battle system that was what FFXII should have been, still story was bad as usual though.

Then of course I played Jeanne D'Arc. OMG that game blew my MIND! I was so engrossed in the story, I never though I could like a hand held so much. THat game did things with SRPG rules that I never thought possible. One of my favorite levels was when Jeanne was trapped in a chamber with a huge dragon. The rest of the party has to find a detour through a window to get into the room. Meanwhile you must keep Jeanne alive long enough to be rescued, it was awsome. And the story tugged at my emotions. I wont give it away but someone close to the story dies in a very heart wrenching way. :(.

If the story of WKC is anything like that, It will be SUPERB story telling...





Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Around the Network
forevercloud3000 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Dgc1808 said:

Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
White Knight Chronicles [hopefully this year]
Little Big Planet
Resistance 2
Dead Space
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Tekken 6

..... I hope I have enough money for all this......


Heh.  Maybe in Japan.

I just hope the game actually has a good plot for once.  I like Level 5's work (the world building in Dark Cloud was really fun), but their stories are usually pretty weak.

I used to think the same thing about Level 5. I love all their game's battle systems and actual gameplay. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 were great RPGs with  SIM like twists to the game play, but the story was trash. Rogue Galaxy was awsome with a battle system that was what FFXII should have been, still story was bad as usual though.

Then of course I played Jeanne D'Arc. OMG that game blew my MIND! I was so engrossed in the story, I never though I could like a hand held so much. THat game did things with SRPG rules that I never thought possible. One of my favorite levels was when Jeanne was trapped in a chamber with a huge dragon. The rest of the party has to find a detour through a window to get into the room. Meanwhile you must keep Jeanne alive long enough to be rescued, it was awsome. And the story tugged at my emotions. I wont give it away but someone close to the story dies in a very heart wrenching way. :(.

If the story of WKC is anything like that, It will be SUPERB story telling...



Wow.  And in a recent interview I saw it seemed that WKC will have a coherent storyline, which would be awesome if it's anything like that..

Jeanne D'Arc is their most recent RPG, so maybe that's the new direction they're going in.  I'd love for that to be true.

See, I didn't mind Dark Cloud's lack of a coherent story, for the most party.  The small stories were often pretty interesting (like the one with the Sailor and the Queen in the sunken ship), but most importantly the gameplay was awesome.  I absolutely loved collecting the Georama and rebuilding the towns how I saw fit.  I ultimately didn't finish the game, however.  I stopped in the final temple, and looking back, I realize it's because there were no more towns to rebuild, just memories to organize, and the whole thing was somewhat boring.  I already had my favorite sword by that point as well, and the uninteresting main story left me with little reason to actually finish the game.

I'm having trouble getting through Rogue Galaxy for similar reasons.  The gameplay is pretty fun, but I'm currently trying to escape a jail.  Why I'm in the jail, I have no clue, and I'm also at a loss as to what the hell I'm supposed to do after I find my way out.  When I died once after a twenty minute stretch of gameplay with no saves, I said screw it and went on to play Ico, Okami, and now I'm in the middle of FFX.  I'm absolutely loving it (my first FF), and I hope to finish Rogue Galaxy when I'm done, but I'm just not sure I'll be able to get through it.

Anywho, a good story is a real plus for me. :)

makingmusic476 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Dgc1808 said:

Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
White Knight Chronicles [hopefully this year]
Little Big Planet
Resistance 2
Dead Space
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Tekken 6

..... I hope I have enough money for all this......


Heh.  Maybe in Japan.

I just hope the game actually has a good plot for once.  I like Level 5's work (the world building in Dark Cloud was really fun), but their stories are usually pretty weak.

I used to think the same thing about Level 5. I love all their game's battle systems and actual gameplay. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 were great RPGs with  SIM like twists to the game play, but the story was trash. Rogue Galaxy was awsome with a battle system that was what FFXII should have been, still story was bad as usual though.

Then of course I played Jeanne D'Arc. OMG that game blew my MIND! I was so engrossed in the story, I never though I could like a hand held so much. THat game did things with SRPG rules that I never thought possible. One of my favorite levels was when Jeanne was trapped in a chamber with a huge dragon. The rest of the party has to find a detour through a window to get into the room. Meanwhile you must keep Jeanne alive long enough to be rescued, it was awsome. And the story tugged at my emotions. I wont give it away but someone close to the story dies in a very heart wrenching way. :(.

If the story of WKC is anything like that, It will be SUPERB story telling...



Wow.  And in a recent interview I saw it seemed that WKC will have a coherent storyline, which would be awesome if it's anything like that..

Jeanne D'Arc is their most recent RPG, so maybe that's the new direction they're going in.  I'd love for that to be true.

See, I didn't mind Dark Cloud's lack of a coherent story, for the most party.  The small stories were often pretty interesting (like the one with the Sailor and the Queen in the sunken ship), but most importantly the gameplay was awesome.  I absolutely loved collecting the Georama and rebuilding the towns how I saw fit.  I ultimately didn't finish the game, however.  I stopped in the final temple, and looking back, I realize it's because there were no more towns to rebuild, just memories to organize, and the whole thing was somewhat boring.  I already had my favorite sword by that point as well, and the uninteresting main story left me with little reason to actually finish the game.

I'm having trouble getting through Rogue Galaxy for similar reasons.  The gameplay is pretty fun, but I'm currently trying to escape a jail.  Why I'm in the jail, I have no clue, and I'm also at a loss as to what the hell I'm supposed to do after I find my way out.  When I died once after a twenty minute stretch of gameplay with no saves, I said screw it and went on to play Ico, Okami, and now I'm in the middle of FFX.  I'm absolutely loving it (my first FF), and I hope to finish Rogue Galaxy when I'm done, but I'm just not sure I'll be able to get through it.

Anywho, a good story is a real plus for me. :)

Your in the jail because you were framed for an attack on the embassy area and that really popular chick Mio.

(And you have another game to finish too .......) 

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

forevercloud3000 said:
I used to think the same thing about Level 5. I love all their game's battle systems and actual gameplay. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 were great RPGs with  SIM like twists to the game play, but the story was trash. Rogue Galaxy was awsome with a battle system that was what FFXII should have been, still story was bad as usual though.

Then of course I played Jeanne D'Arc. OMG that game blew my MIND! I was so engrossed in the story, I never though I could like a hand held so much. THat game did things with SRPG rules that I never thought possible. One of my favorite levels was when Jeanne was trapped in a chamber with a huge dragon. The rest of the party has to find a detour through a window to get into the room. Meanwhile you must keep Jeanne alive long enough to be rescued, it was awsome. And the story tugged at my emotions. I wont give it away but someone close to the story dies in a very heart wrenching way. :(.

If the story of WKC is anything like that, It will be SUPERB story telling...


Have you heard about what happens to Gilles de Rais after he accompanied Jeane d'arc in real history?
It's quite the mind fuck.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

outlawauron said:
makingmusic476 said:
forevercloud3000 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Dgc1808 said:

Valkyria Chronicles
Eternal Sonata
White Knight Chronicles [hopefully this year]
Little Big Planet
Resistance 2
Dead Space
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm
Tekken 6

..... I hope I have enough money for all this......


Heh.  Maybe in Japan.

I just hope the game actually has a good plot for once.  I like Level 5's work (the world building in Dark Cloud was really fun), but their stories are usually pretty weak.

I used to think the same thing about Level 5. I love all their game's battle systems and actual gameplay. Dark Cloud 1 and 2 were great RPGs with  SIM like twists to the game play, but the story was trash. Rogue Galaxy was awsome with a battle system that was what FFXII should have been, still story was bad as usual though.

Then of course I played Jeanne D'Arc. OMG that game blew my MIND! I was so engrossed in the story, I never though I could like a hand held so much. THat game did things with SRPG rules that I never thought possible. One of my favorite levels was when Jeanne was trapped in a chamber with a huge dragon. The rest of the party has to find a detour through a window to get into the room. Meanwhile you must keep Jeanne alive long enough to be rescued, it was awsome. And the story tugged at my emotions. I wont give it away but someone close to the story dies in a very heart wrenching way. :(.

If the story of WKC is anything like that, It will be SUPERB story telling...



Wow.  And in a recent interview I saw it seemed that WKC will have a coherent storyline, which would be awesome if it's anything like that..

Jeanne D'Arc is their most recent RPG, so maybe that's the new direction they're going in.  I'd love for that to be true.

See, I didn't mind Dark Cloud's lack of a coherent story, for the most party.  The small stories were often pretty interesting (like the one with the Sailor and the Queen in the sunken ship), but most importantly the gameplay was awesome.  I absolutely loved collecting the Georama and rebuilding the towns how I saw fit.  I ultimately didn't finish the game, however.  I stopped in the final temple, and looking back, I realize it's because there were no more towns to rebuild, just memories to organize, and the whole thing was somewhat boring.  I already had my favorite sword by that point as well, and the uninteresting main story left me with little reason to actually finish the game.

I'm having trouble getting through Rogue Galaxy for similar reasons.  The gameplay is pretty fun, but I'm currently trying to escape a jail.  Why I'm in the jail, I have no clue, and I'm also at a loss as to what the hell I'm supposed to do after I find my way out.  When I died once after a twenty minute stretch of gameplay with no saves, I said screw it and went on to play Ico, Okami, and now I'm in the middle of FFX.  I'm absolutely loving it (my first FF), and I hope to finish Rogue Galaxy when I'm done, but I'm just not sure I'll be able to get through it.

Anywho, a good story is a real plus for me. :)

Your in the jail because you were framed for an attack on the embassy area and that really popular chick Mio.

(And you have another game to finish too .......) 

Dude, I have way too many games to finish.

I've been cramming the past two weeks hoping to get them all done by Monday when school starts back up.

I haven't even started FFXII, Zack & Wiki, or Professor Layton.  ;_;

makingmusic476 said:

Dude, I have way too many games to finish.

I've been cramming the past two weeks hoping to get them all done by Monday when school starts back up.

I haven't even started FFXII, Zack & Wiki, or Professor Layton.  ;_;

I would tell you to skip FFXII, but you seem to be dead set on playing it.
The game starts out great, but it gets really boring midway( by the time you realise it, you'd have wasted a lot of time), exploration also means nothing gear-wise since treasure boxes pop out randomly. You could beat a hard boss to reach a treasure chest at the end of the hallway and it could turn out to be some cheap potion.
My two cents. ^_^


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags?