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Forums - Sony Discussion - KillZone 2 "officially" delayed to 2009

If the game is ready then they should release it ASAP.
PS3 needs more games! More better games on the market is always better, who cares about timing?

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Don't tell me...PS3 domination delayed to 2009?lol
don't worri there is another good exclusivity out there,(r2 or mgs4)

1/ it is a non event on sales since most gamers dont know this game (it is not GTA4 ...)

2/ it is still very bad for hardcore gamers that know the story of this game (and his cost ...)

E3 2005 amazing visual
E3 2006 nothing
E3 2007 good visual
then report report report report report ......

3/ how this game will be able to handle things like :
Gear of war 2 ?
Farcry2 ?
Resistance 2 ?
Crysis on console ?

Guerilla, you are bit on shit for me ... good luck to you.

Time to Work !

GTA IV = 29 April 2008 (Arrived)
MGS 4 = 14 June 2008 (Confirmed)
Kill Zone 2 = September 2008 ?
Resistance 2 = November 2008 ?

If this is true, a lot of crow will have to be eaten on a whole range of issues:

-Comparison of Killzone 2 media slowdown to Lair.
-Tallies with Surfer Girl rumours that development management is an absolute shambles and the budget is blowing out BIGTIME.
-Tallies with rumours that the gameplay is shot, and brings about the possibility that Sony may have decided to go for broke, putting so much money into the title that it's nearly impossible for it to be bad (if you believe in that logic). DMeisterJ highlighted a source that indicated other developers had been brought on board development, and he believed this was to increase the quality of the title. However, in light of this, that source could be taken as indicating that Sony has lost faith in GG, and is trying to save the title with other developers.
-Oh and makingmusic, if this really is true, I'll actually be able to say Killzone 2 was delayed


Edit:  And of course, before a lot of 360 announcements and game media, it was claimed that the PS3's 2008 line-up crapped on the other two consoles.  After a lot of announcements/media, it became "the PS3's lineup edges out the other console's."  Now, with Killzone 2 delayed and both Microsoft and Nintendo confirming they have unannounced games for E3, where does the PS3's 2008 domination stand?  I've seen a lot of posters claim that Killzone 2 could be a boon for Sony in Europe, where the first title was popular despite it's flagging quality.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
If this is true, a lot of crow will have to be eaten on a whole range of issues:

-Comparison of Killzone 2 media slowdown to Lair.
-Tallies with Surfer Girl rumours that development management is an absolute shambles and the budget is blowing out BIGTIME.
-Tallies with rumours that the gameplay is shot, and brings about the possibility that Sony may have decided to go for broke, putting so much money into the title that it's nearly impossible for it to be bad (if you believe in that logic). DMeisterJ highlighted a source that indicated other developers had been brought on board development, and he believed this was to increase the quality of the title. However, in light of this, that source could be taken as indicating that Sony has lost faith in GG, and is trying to save the title with other developers.
-Oh and makingmusic, if this really is true, I'll actually be able to say Killzone 2 was delayed

 I hope starcraft does not end up being correct about Kill Zone 2 being delayed.

starcraft said:

If this is true, a lot of crow will have to be eaten on a whole range of issues:

-Comparison of Killzone 2 media slowdown to Lair.
-Tallies with Surfer Girl rumours that development management is an absolute shambles and the budget is blowing out BIGTIME.
-Tallies with rumours that the gameplay is shot, and brings about the possibility that Sony may have decided to go for broke, putting so much money into the title that it's nearly impossible for it to be bad (if you believe in that logic). DMeisterJ highlighted a source that indicated other developers had been brought on board development, and he believed this was to increase the quality of the title. However, in light of this, that source could be taken as indicating that Sony has lost faith in GG, and is trying to save the title with other developers.
-Oh and makingmusic, if this really is true, I'll actually be able to say Killzone 2 was delayed

==> u go too far making statements that are only possibility.

and IF sony wanted to stop losing money on KZ2 THEN they would just release the game NOW


Edit:  And of course, before a lot of 360 announcements and game media, it was claimed that the PS3's 2008 line-up crapped on the other two consoles.  After a lot of announcements/media, it became "the PS3's lineup edges out the other console's."  Now, with Killzone 2 delayed and both Microsoft and Nintendo confirming they have unannounced games for E3, where does the PS3's 2008 domination stand?  I've seen a lot of posters claim that Killzone 2 could be a boon for Sony in Europe, where the first title was popular despite it's flagging quality.

 ==>  do you know Sony may have some secret title on their pocket too ???

the only thing that can save MS is their entry price : 199 for arcade + 2 paddle + GTA4 + Halo3 + PGR4 (WOW)

If they dont outsell the PS3 WW BEFORE MGS4, they will never come back in the race and slowly collapse in PAL and later in NA ...


Time to Work !

libellule said:
starcraft said:

If this is true, a lot of crow will have to be eaten on a whole range of issues:

-Comparison of Killzone 2 media slowdown to Lair.
-Tallies with Surfer Girl rumours that development management is an absolute shambles and the budget is blowing out BIGTIME.
-Tallies with rumours that the gameplay is shot, and brings about the possibility that Sony may have decided to go for broke, putting so much money into the title that it's nearly impossible for it to be bad (if you believe in that logic). DMeisterJ highlighted a source that indicated other developers had been brought on board development, and he believed this was to increase the quality of the title. However, in light of this, that source could be taken as indicating that Sony has lost faith in GG, and is trying to save the title with other developers.
-Oh and makingmusic, if this really is true, I'll actually be able to say Killzone 2 was delayed

==> u go too far making statements that are only possibility.

and IF sony wanted to stop losing money on KZ2 THEN they would just release the game NOW


Edit: And of course, before a lot of 360 announcements and game media, it was claimed that the PS3's 2008 line-up crapped on the other two consoles. After a lot of announcements/media, it became "the PS3's lineup edges out the other console's." Now, with Killzone 2 delayed and both Microsoft and Nintendo confirming they have unannounced games for E3, where does the PS3's 2008 domination stand? I've seen a lot of posters claim that Killzone 2 could be a boon for Sony in Europe, where the first title was popular despite it's flagging quality.

==> do you know Sony may have some secret title on their pocket too ???

the only thing that can save MS is their entry price : 199 for arcade + 2 paddle + GTA4 + Halo3 + PGR4 (WOW)

If they dont outsell the PS3 WW BEFORE MGS4, they will never come back in the race and slowly collapse in PAL and later in NA ...

Of course, everything I said is dependant on this rumour being true, and even then is only my opinion.

Microsoft will never beat Sony in the EU this generation, but that is not their goal.  Their goal is to stay within reach of Sony, and be competitively placed for the next generation.  The last MGS only sold 2 million in the EU on a FAR larger userbase.  This game alone will not save Sony in Europe, or give it an unassailable second place.

As for the USA?  MGS sells even less there.  And it is silly to believe Sony beating MS in America is a forgone conclusion.  


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It ain't official until its official. Not saying this may not turn out to be true - but until it does I think folks should wait and see (and maybe play GTA IV to pass the time).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

starcraft said:

Now, with Killzone 2 delayed and both Microsoft and Nintendo confirming they have unannounced games for E3, where does the PS3's 2008 domination stand?  I've seen a lot of posters claim that Killzone 2 could be a boon for Sony in Europe, where the first title was popular despite it's flagging quality.

Some of us have argued that there ain't such a big difference between the X360 and PS3 game lineups for 2008.

Turns out we were right.