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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:

BTW, Chess is probably a bad example to compare to videogames because it's quite possibly the greatest, most complex, and deep game ever created. That's a pretty damned high bar to set for anything else.

I notice you left "fun" off the list. Well played.

Well, fun is pretty subjective.

Personally, I think Chess is loads of fun.

Ah but you're not being honest. When you thought up that list of adjectives for Chess, fun probably didn't even occur to you. You turn around and say "Of course it's fun; Words of Wisdom you're just being silly" but the truth is that fun isn't why you play Chess.

You said it and now you can't unsay it.

Leaving out a word does not prove nor disprove my personal feeling about something, especially when I was focusing on the depth and complexity of it over my own personal sentiments.

It's rather arrogant of you to assume you know why I do or do not play a game.

I am not assuming. You yourself said it or rather, didn't say it. ^_^

Oy. I'm not going to get into an assinine semantical argument about this.

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rocketpig said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

If I could only bring one game to the moon, I'd bring GTA4. In that case, replay value would be the only deciding factor.

Moron. It's all about survival if you're stuck on the moon. I would take this game:

Some people just don't think these things through.

 Wait... it depends what moon we're talking about. I was assuming I'd basically bring my bedroom with me, and have internet, food, booze, my wife, and ONE VIDEO GAME.

If it's just me, one game, and limited food and booze, I guess I'd go with X-COM: UFO Defense. 

Bodhesatva said:

No one here actually believes we're having way more fun than our great grandparents, can you? Please don't tell me you're that narcissistic.

Because if games are actually getting more fun, that's the only conclusion one could draw. And again, our great great great great grandparents must have been having negative fun.

 I thought those ancient folks just played games like "sex" and "fight your neighbor" and "read the Bible really fast" and "beat your kids."

Bodhesatva said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

People spent many centuries walking behind bushes to pee and poop. Does that make the bush better than a modern toilet because it has been used longer? Of course not, it's an entirely absurd thought.

Your comparison fails for the same reason the comparison of GTA4 and OoT fails. Different times. I'd wager if all those people who were playing those games for millenia had the alternatives we have today that they would not be playing them.

None of this makes any sense, because people are still playing Chess even with more modern alternatives.

If people were still peeing and pooping behind bushes with regularity, then yes, it would absolutely be fair to conclude that these were acceptable substitutes to toilets.

Furthemore, that's an issue of technical hygeine -- a completely separate issue than fun, or endorphin release.

That really is an awful analogy, WoW. 



My example is a perfect counter-example to your desire to compare our ancestor's playing the various games they had compared to our playing of the games we have.  Also I honestly doubt most people here have played Chess in quite a long time however I bet most everyone here has played at least one video/computer game within the past 3 days.

Bodhesatva said:

No one here actually believes we're having way more fun than our great grandparents, can you? Please don't tell me you're that narcissistic.

Because if games are actually getting more fun, that's the only conclusion one could draw. And again, our great great great great grandparents must have been having negative fun. 

You better believe people are having more fun today than they did 1,000 years ago. Back then life was hard and short. There was no quick transportation, horrendus medicinal practices, and no way to artificially manipulate the temperature of your immediate surrondings. Broken bones could often mean death, and a bad infection could easily cost you a limb. I am having a shit load more fun with none of that hanging over my head,

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Around the Network
The Ghost of RubangB said:
rocketpig said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

If I could only bring one game to the moon, I'd bring GTA4. In that case, replay value would be the only deciding factor.

Moron. It's all about survival if you're stuck on the moon. I would take this game:

Some people just don't think these things through.

Wait... it depends what moon we're talking about. I was assuming I'd basically bring my bedroom with me, and have internet, food, booze, my wife, and ONE VIDEO GAME.

If it's just me, one game, and limited food and booze, I guess I'd go with X-COM: UFO Defense.

Too late. You made your bed, sleep in it. While you're killing virtual hookers and having your domain surrounded by green men intent on violating your bowels, I'll be training to be the best super-commando/buggy driver in all the land.

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rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

I am not assuming. You yourself said it or rather, didn't say it. ^_^

Oy. I'm not going to get into an assinine semantical argument about this.

Hah.  You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders.  The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this:  Never go up against Words Of Wisdom when semantics are in the thread.  ^_^

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Bodhesatva said:

No one here actually believes we're having way more fun than our great grandparents, can you? Please don't tell me you're that narcissistic.

Because if games are actually getting more fun, that's the only conclusion one could draw. And again, our great great great great grandparents must have been having negative fun.

I thought those ancient folks just played games like "sex" and "fight your neighbor" and "read the Bible really fast" and "beat your kids."

They only did that when they weren't busy dying in massive numbers from an unknown plague.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:

I am not assuming. You yourself said it or rather, didn't say it. ^_^

Oy. I'm not going to get into an assinine semantical argument about this.

Hah. You've fallen victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: Never go up against Words Of Wisdom when semantics are in the thread. ^_^

See, but in this case you're wrong. You're under the gross assumption that lack of a descriptor somehow indicates its falsehood.

Anyway, enough. I'm busy making fun of Rubang because he's going to get raped by Martians. 

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Viper1 said:

Now that we're off topic and on to something interesting, a discussion of great voice acting cannot consider itself credible without the absolute genius that is Eternal Darkness.






Listen to Maximillan Roivas autopsy reports.



Anyway, back to the real topic.

The voice acting doesn't really sound that great in Eternal Darkness based on that clip... just distorted.  I wish I could find more Acanum videos...