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The Ghost of RubangB said:
rocketpig said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:

If I could only bring one game to the moon, I'd bring GTA4. In that case, replay value would be the only deciding factor.

Moron. It's all about survival if you're stuck on the moon. I would take this game:

Some people just don't think these things through.

Wait... it depends what moon we're talking about. I was assuming I'd basically bring my bedroom with me, and have internet, food, booze, my wife, and ONE VIDEO GAME.

If it's just me, one game, and limited food and booze, I guess I'd go with X-COM: UFO Defense.

Too late. You made your bed, sleep in it. While you're killing virtual hookers and having your domain surrounded by green men intent on violating your bowels, I'll be training to be the best super-commando/buggy driver in all the land.

Or check out my new webcomic: