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Forums - General Discussion - The Official "My Life Kind of Blows Right Now" Thread

So here's my mini rant/lament about my life right now, presented in an easy-to-read bulleted format so you can feel bad for me more easily.

>My sleep schedule is completely boned. I wake up at 2 or 3 in the afternoon unless I make a massive effort. This has resulted in me missing more and more classes over the semester (even though I typically never miss class).

>On the subject of sleep: Even after being awake for 18+hours, I have trouble getting to sleep. When I do sleep, I sleep for around 9 hours. Despite all this, I get random spells of fatigue during the day.

>College has kind of sucked. I've always been really smart, had excellent SAT scores, great High School GPA, and for the most part feel like I've excelled academically in college. The trouble is, I've spent the whole year hating school; it's a big business school full of frat boys and rich kids. I'm an English Major, am not into the frat scene too much, and hate the hugeness of the university.

 >I've always been in great shape, I lift, I run, etc. I still stay in shape, but, post high school, I have no sports to apply that too. You'd be surprised how down this gets me.

>I'm pretty sure I have some kind of virus, but I'm not sure what. I feel woozy and feverish and random times, even though I'm otherwise very healthy (great diet, exercise, etc).

>Videogames, Reading, Writing, Working Out...I don't really enjoy any of my typically favorite past times. I have no real explanation for this. I just have trouble focusing my attention on anything.

>My bank completely boned me. They had to issue a bunch of new credit/debit cards (some breach or something), mine being one of them. They forgot to send me my new pin number. It will be at LEAST 1-2 weeks. So I haven't been able to pay my bills; my bank account is getting its ass beat with service fees. I'm about to head home for the summer and am in between jobs. I'm going to end up in the negative any day now, and there is literally NO way for me to get money...I've pretty much already sold all the games that are worth anything.

Besides that, I have NO way to access my money. The closest branch of my bank is quite far away; I don't have a car on campus. I rely on direct deposit or my parents (at the branch back home) to make deposits for me. Without my card, I'm boned; for some reason transfers to Paypal aren't even working (voiding any chance of paying my cell phone bill).

>My roommate is an uptight douche who I've dealt with in a civil, detached attitude all year long. The thing is, recently he's decided to hate me. Claims I steal his stuff. Locks up everything (including his shampoo) in a safe. He's a materialistic, arrogant snob with a multi-millionaire father who looks down on me for being relatively aescetic and liberal arts oriented. It wouldn't bother me much, but somehow having the person you LIVE WITH look down on you for no other reason than they're narrow minded, self centered, and biased definitely gets you down. He's one of those guys with zero personality; dresses gangster, only calls girls 'bitches', thinks he's the shit but is in fact a shallow loser.

>I still haven't beaten Ninja Turtles for NES

>Normally I love writing. Stories, plays, editorials, whatever; I write more than I game if I'm in the right mood. Lately I've been brain dead. Can't write a thing. It's usually one of my main vices when I feel down, and now I can't even do that. 

That's my general rant about the downward spiral my life has been taking, without getting into to much exhaustive personal detail. Don't really know why I posted this, guess I just figured a rant plus some support from you guys would cheer me up some. Thanks for taking the time to read it. 

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

Around the Network

I suck at college, money, relationships (lack of), job, life blows right now.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Edited for being a self-proclaimed douche.

Good luck with your stuff. 

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

2007 was the worst year of my life (easily edging out grade 7). My Newyears resolution was to make sure 08 is a better year. 08 got off to a rough start but it's turning itself around. In fact I'm about 2 weeks from making 08 a terrific year.

So chin up blaydcor. It'll get better at some point.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Faxanadu said:
why thank you, I am doing quite fine at the moment.

Just got promoted, will get a new car in a month, am flying to portugal for a quick vacation on thursday and have a gorgeous and fun girlfriend.

oh, wrong thread.


Around the Network

Trouble in school and I got rejected from a girl I have crush on and I dont have any money because I have not worked over a year so all my savings are gone now :(. I was little down for several a months but...cant let life win over my and it is almost summer.


Blaydcor--just keep trying you only got a couple more years of college correct?

Ben--Every dog has his day, Ben...You remember that. One day you will find that beautiful, perfect girl that loves you for who you are and it will be a great.

Stof--Good for you stof. Staying positive does wonders.

Faxanadu--lol, dick. :) xD

Yojimbo--Refer to Ben.

Life rocks, when problems appear, get over them.

Man up and solve your life.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

As happy as people look in Wii commercials, you'd think you all would be brimming with sunshine!

I kid!

I'll be graduating college soon, and seeing as my job kind of relied on me being a student, I'll be unemployed in the very near future.

Faxanadu said:

Edited for being a self-proclaimed douche.

Good luck with your stuff.

 we can still all see it