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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Another comparison of GTA IV PS3 vs X360

Shameless said:
After seeing all this I think I'm going to get the PS3 version. The DLC is not going to be worth the price of what was going on in the GIF image.

When I saw the GIF i thought it was from a Ps2 version =(

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If the pop-ins are really ugly and frequent, I'll return (or sell as used) my copy of GTA4, and I may sell my 360 after I'm done with Ninja Gaiden 2.

I don't think they'll be that bad though.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

sorry i didnt notice that gif.

i have a feeling thats a faked up image,


anyways we will all find out in a few days time. but my guess thats a fake

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

Tat looks SO FAKE...I don't believe some Reputable Members of this site have fallen for it!!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:
Tat looks SO FAKE...I don't believe some Reputable Members of this site have fallen for it!!

It actually looks identical to popins for the Ps2. I thought this was SA when I saw it.

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well that kind of a building wasn't in SA..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

This thread grew at an EPIC rate. And I agree that that Gif is likely rigged up. If either GTAIV version looked like that, we would have been talking 7's and 8's, not 9's and 10's.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

darthdevidem01 said:

well that kind of a building wasn't in SA..

I didnt like SA... it was to urban based for me. I like the mob based ones better.

IGN (10 out of 10 for both versions)

Past GTA titles have had mild-to-serious framerate issues and technical glitches, because the games were trying to do far more than the PlayStation 2 could handle. While GTA IV is pushing the PS3 and 360 to the limit, it also runs amazingly well. Sure, there are framerate hitches here and there and (particularly on 360) there is some texture pop-in, but it actually runs better than I expected. That a game with great AI, an awesome physics engine and a detailed open world runs so well and with such short load times is a technical marvel. For that, I can forgive framerate issues and some noticeable aliasing.

The art team gets major kudos for creating a living world. There is great texture work in the environments, a nice field-of-vision blur of buildings in the distance, some excellently modeled cars, ball-jarring explosions, phenomenal water effects and one interesting-looking Eastern Euro for a lead character. Sure, it's not a game that runs perfectly all the time, but the technical elements almost never get in the way of the gameplay.

For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster. Don't worry Xbox owners, the load times are rarely more than 30 seconds and don't occur very often. The slight visual edge goes to PS3, but the 360 is no slouch. Either version will do you proud.

EGM (Print):

Grand Theft Auto IV - A+, A+, A
Good: World, relationships, story
Bad: Some missions canned, control takes getting used to
PS3 or 360 version: 360 for DLC, PS3 version looks slightly more vibrant and sharp (A+)

None of these little flaws take away from Liberty City's breathtaking vistas, incredibly varied scenery, and lived-in look (the PS3 version has the slightest visual edge, plus motion-control support -- but then it's missing Achievements and the eventual downloadable episodes exclusive to the 360 game). The city just feels alive.


While the PS3 and 360 versions of the game are functionally identical, the PS3's visuals sport noticeably smoother edges, along with a warmer color palette that makes everything look slightly more realistic. If you're looking to compare Accomplishments with your Achievement-hoarding friends, though, forget it - GTA IV ignores these half-assed consolation prizes altogether. PS3 owners also have to put up with a nearly eight-minute installation the first time they start the game, which puts the normally slower Blu-ray load times on par with the Xbox 360 version. (That is, unless it's running on a 360 with no hard drive, which we're told will face much longer loads.) (9.8)

While GT usually puts up head-to-head videos, the official video review is only for the 360 version. They have yet to play the PS3 version.

They do mention a few techical hitches here and there (with framerate), but since they can't compare it to the PS3 version, there's no way of knowing if that's for both versions in this case.

Game Reactor (Sweden)

While I don't understand the language, here's what Forsete says it translates to (and if anyone can confirm this, that'd be awesome):

Originally Posted by Forsete:
Swedish Gamereactor mentioned in their 10/10 review that they were pretty surprised regarding the difference between the PS3 and 360-versions. The PS3-version features better colours, contrast, load times and what looks to be better resolution textures. The game also looks sharper and has a more stable fps.

Gamespy UK

Although it's got a few problems that pop up from time to time, Grand Theft Auto IV is still an absolutely gorgeous game. Like the previous games in the series, it suffers from some texture pop-in and draw distance issues, although these should in no way affect your enjoyment of the game. It's easy to just consider those technical flaws the price you've got to pay for admission to the most impressive game world ever created. There's so much going on that you'll only really notice the flaws if you look for them, and if you're doing that there's a good chance you're missing out on something spectacular. The overall art design and visual aesthetics are extremely pleasing to the eye, and they aren't hurt by the technical issues.

For those who have to decide between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions, we should mention that these flaws are slightly less noticeable in the PS3 game. There are a few other minor differences as well, the biggest being the PS3 game's Sixaxis controls. You can use the controller's tilt feature to perform wheelies on motorbikes or control your helicopter, but it just ends up feeling forced. You're much better off just turning them off and sticking with the default control scheme. The Xbox 360 version, on the other hand, has Achievements and features a more intuitive controller (though that may just be this reviewer's personal opinion). Both versions are excellent, so you really can't go wrong.
Originally Posted by AgentOtaku:
IGN Insider points:

- really are visually identical as far as effects motion blur
- Driving sensitivity "feels" better on PS3 analog ...(I personally like hearing this as I know what he's talking about. I'm a big fan of the SIXAXIS's analogs)
- Depression of L2 trigger takes a bit more getting used to than 360 LT for free-aim....(but then again, you can turn this off entirely, which I plan to do)
- Once again, PS3 version seems to have an edge in both AA, pop-in, and overall loadtimes
- motion control for Cars, Bike, Helo, darts, bowling, car jump "aftertouch" ....seems best implementation is for Helo and worst is for Bike
- Supposedly there is a weatlh of TV contrast/brightness/tweaker settings built into the game
- Basically buy the version your friends are playing if your gonna be playing alotta MP

Hit the link for the full scoop. Here's some choice quotes:

The Grand Theft Auto series has never been synonymous with a rock solid frame rate, something it generally seems to get a pass for. While GTA IV is smoother in general than it's predecessors, it can expectedly suffer during chaos. The Xbox 360 version seemed capable of achieving a smoother frame rate, peaking higher in certain circumstances, such as in confined spaces or during light traffic, but both versions seemed to regularly run at a similar clip.
The PS3 version, with its required HDD install, loads missions a couple seconds faster and decreases pop-in. The Xbox 360 version can suffer from some very noticeable texture loading, as things like trees, vehicles and building signs will regularly pop-in as one tools about town. It can be distracting, especially during high speed chases, and the PS3 version isn't entirely immune from it, but it's not a game killing problem.
I noticed that the paint filter applied to cover some of the game's imperfections appeared a tiny bit muddier on the PS3 version, with night time scenes seeing more streakiness. Some of these minor complaints may be the result of our particular television settings and require the finest of fine tooth combs to assess.
Credit: Neogaf

Originally Posted by Heggo
The xbox360 version always looks better, you should know that by now

And yet the 360 version doesn't look better this time. Enjoy.


You'll love

- Like having New York as your personal playground
- Deeper and more immersive than ever
- The aiming's finally been fixed! (Mostly)

You'll hate

- No downloadable content on PS3? Lame
- Repeating tough missions over and over gets old
- Trying to understand Little Jacob without subtitles


You'll love

- The high-def Liberty City is a thing of beauty
- A brilliant cast and an involving story
- Fixes all the rough edges of yore

You'll hate

- Occasional pop-up
- Still the odd targeting issue
- Virtual strip clubs are still weak

the PS3 version has the slightest visual edge, plus motion-control support

Sure, there are framerate hitches here and there and (particularly on 360) there is some texture pop-in, but it actually runs better than I expected.

For those wanting to know which version looks better, the edge goes to the PS3. The textures and framerate are comparable, but the PS3 has far less pop-in. The 360 has richer colors, but the PS3 has better anti-aliasing making it look a little cleaner. Because GTA IV can preload onto the PS3 hard drive, the in-game loads are faster

The Xbox 360 version can suffer from some very noticeable texture loading, as things like trees, vehicles and building signs will regularly pop-in as one tools about town. It can be distracting, especially during high speed chases, and the PS3 version isn't entirely immune from it, but it's not a game killing problem.

(360 version) Occasional frame-rate issues

Kotaku= Microsofts bitch

