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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Square Enix set to celebrate CHRONO TRIGGER'S 30th anniversary. Various projects in development.

Chrono Trigger celebrates 30th anniversary; various projects beyond the game world planned

30 years of the timeless RPG classic.

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Most likely a HD 2D remake which would be passable. I would much prefer a new game; maybe Chrono Break resurrection. I will only take a new Chrono if Masato Kato and/or Takashi Tokita are involved. If not, just do the HD 2D remake.

I'd be happy if they took the DS version and re-release it for modern consoles. An HD 2D remake would be good as well, but I fear they'd change something.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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These concerts are a very Japanese thing and rarely does anything significant come from them. Don't set yourself up to be disappointed. Unlikely to be a remake or a new game. Maybe some Japan-only Merch and emotes for a popular Japanese messaging service. Dumb shit like that.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

I’d love to see a pixel remaster of the original SNES game. The same one that was ported to the Wii virtual console.

If not that, then a port of the original SNES game would be great. One that doesn’t try to attach it to Chrono Cross or add other unnecessary new content. I don’t care if they do other things - release the PSX or DS port, remakes, sequels - but I want to be able to play the original game on Switch/Switch 2.

Last edited by Jumpin - 1 day ago

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3 things need to happen

1. Port the original game to all platforms like Chrono Cross
2. Remake the original game
3. Make a new entry

Gimme a port, now

Hard to believe gaming peaked 30 years ago with the best game ever made, and has been trying to catch up ever since.

I just want a remake of the original game on current/last gen systems. It doesn't need to be as ambitious as the Final Fantasy VII Remake project.

I just bought the cart, so I sort of lucked into this unknowingly. My celebration will be to finally play it on a real SNES and CRT, just like it was meant to be played. Can't wait to see if it lives up to the hype.