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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Switch owners; what games do you still plan to get?

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3-4 is the only future release I'd say I'll definitely get. Still need to get Tomb Raider IV-VI and Echoes of Wisdom as well.

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Terramlea said:
killer7 said:

Forget it! Many people refuse to accept this fact! Of course Switch will get games after Switch 2 release! I am even planning buying games till 2027! Nintendo won't stop Switch 1st party support before march 2026 earliest!! Of course there will be cross gen games but i do not see MP4B or Pokemon ZA part of it despite many do. This is only because they wish for it. MP4B and Pokémon ZA will be Switch 1 only (of course a GOTY edition in 2026 is still possible). I would even bet on this! Like i was right with a 2025 launch back in 2019!

At least we know that ZA is a switch one only game just by stating a fact : Gamefreak didn't release any pokemon game as cross gen and they're not able to do such a thing anyway.  Sure, ZA will not do a SV since we'll be able to play on switch 2, but they can't release a clean game once, we better not ask for miracles.

Of course switch 1 will still get games, the ps2 got games like fifa till ps4 era, you can't just ditch 150 millions players, the reason we're still getting ps4 games by the way.

If they plan to support switch 1 with only ports of old gen, i've got my list to send to help them.

Exactly this! I'm even starting to think Gen 10 will be cross gen when it releases ~ november 2026, which is why i expect the possibillity of even a full 10 years first party support even more. Anyone who expects zero Switch games in 2027 must be out of their mind!

I plan on getting the Dragon Quest I and II remake and Pokémon Legends: ZA, for sure. But I'm open to Metroid Prime 4 and indie games.

Last edited by Deburgerack - 4 days ago

Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
Hollow Knight Silksong (only if It is still alive)
MIO - Memories in Orbyt (I could be opened to this one)
Yakuza Kiwuami (I am trying to get The physical version but It is imposible mission)

I am rebuying Xenoblade X. A long time ago, when the original came out (10 years ago? What!), I made a thread complaining about the offensive cliffhanger in Xenoblade X. How could the creators of this wonderful game leave such an infinite amount of cliffhangers that make me want to rip my hair out? For ten years I have dealt with this horrible age. Ten long years of pain and suffering, thinking it would never end because Monolith Soft would never make a sequel. Then hope.

Look! My wishes could be answered!

Brand-New Post-Game Content

The Cliffhanger On The Wii U Version Will Be Resolved

Finally! All I have to do is play the 100+ hour game, and the ten-year suffering will end. While everyone is playing it for the first time, I will be reliving the old days and receive an answer I long sought for. 

Tag:I'm not bias towards Nintendo. You just think that way (Admin note - it's "biased".  Not "bias")
(killeryoshis note - Who put that there ?)
Switch is 9th generation. Everyone else is playing on last gen systems! UPDATE: This is no longer true

Biggest pikmin fan on VGchartz I won from a voting poll
I am not a nerd. I am enthusiast.  EN-THU-SI-AST!
Do Not Click here or else I will call on the eye of shinning justice on you. 

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XCX and MP4 are the ones I have my eye on.

Quite a few, actually, now that I think about it.

I already pre-ordered XCX, and I plan to get Metroid Prime 4, The Hundred Line: Last Defence Academy, Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma, Ninja Gaiden Ragebound, Shinobi: Art of Vengeance, and Star Overdrive. Basically every Switch console exclusive and a bunch of indie games.

Probably like 20 titles...and thats just the ones I know about. lol

BasilZero said:

For MAR10 day - since they are going to have a sale

-Princess Peach Showtime - $40
-Mario VS DK - $30

I'm gonna get a Switch voucher after I buy some e-shop cards from Costco since they are cheaper than anywhere else, gonna get the following two...

-Super Mario Party Jamboree
-Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition

Afterwards, when they go on sale (eshop cards) at Costco (or if I buy them sometime down the line again), I'll get

-The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
-Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

Got myself Mario VS DK on the eShop the other day.

It was $35 but I had about $12 worth of gold coins/points so got it there.

Here's hoping there's digital codes for the Princess Peach game at one of the retailers I buy from (Amazon, Best Buy, Target).

XCX is already pre ordered because I'm a buffoon and want that shiny poster. Only other game I might get is Metroid Prime 4, but that's only if there's no switch 2 version.

I like it when my mom goes out of town because I get to sleep on her side of the bed. -William Montgomery