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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Gamesfreak will be competent in bringing a Pokemon game for Switch 2 with ok graphics and stable 30 fps?

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What you think?

Yes 9 18.00%
No 34 68.00%
I don't know 7 14.00%

Honestly, I dont think so... but I dream with a Pokemon Open World Game made by Monolith, but I know that will never happen.

Zelda Breath of the Wild (Wii U game released in March 2017) x Pokemon Legends Arceus (Switch game released in January 2022).

SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

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If the development is done entirely or even primarily by Game Freak, then no, it will not be a competent-looking game. They have proved over and over again that they are not capable of delivering a good-looking game in the time allotted to them. However, if Nintendo steps in (which is not that far of a reach after the PR disaster that was Scarlet/Violet), it is possible that they could push the studio to expand or to restructure the development of Pokémon games.

We didn't get any Pokémon games/expansions in 2024, the first time since 2015. If Legends Z-A turns out to be the only one releasing in 2025 (which seems likely since we don't have a release date yet) and they push Gen 10 to 2026, they could be cooking.

I don't think they can deliver a good looking game. Also am I wrong or do they reuse assets of all the pokemon?

Gamefreak managed to make a very good game for once with SV, but damn it's completely embarasing the state the actual game released, and as always they gave it a total of 0 fucks to try to improve it.

If it was any other massive series getting a game in such poor state that would be huge, pretty much the Assassin's Creedy Unity or Fallout 76 treatment.

So yeah, not hopeful at all regarding the tech side of things for the new pokemon.

But as always, hopeful to have fun with it.

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BraLoD said:

Gamefreak managed to make a very good game for once with SV, but damn it's completely embarasing the state the actual game released, and as always they gave it a total of 0 fucks to try to improve it.

If it was any other massive series getting a game in such poor state that would be huge, pretty much the Assassin's Creedy Unity or Fallout 76 treatment.

So yeah, not hopeful at all regarding the tech side of things for the new pokemon.

But as always, hopeful to have fun with it.

Yeah, i had fun with SV, Legends Arceus and even with SS, but the technical state of the games is nasty asf.

SteamMyAnimeList and Twitter - PSN: Gustavo_Valim - Switch FC: 6390-8693-0129 (=^・ω・^=)

No. It's less about the presentation for me but more on the laziness of Game Freak. The amount of corners they cut pisses me off. Why can't Pokemon maintain difficulty levels? Because Game Freak would have to design a Normal and Hard battle for every fight and they don't want to do that.

It is time that Game Freak past the torch. Level 5, Monolith, Gust. Hell, I think NIppon Ichi would make a better Pokemon game.

Not without a lot of help from Nintendo and Monolith Soft.

No chance. Scarlet/Violet were riddled with bugs and they still sold gangbusters, they have no reason to change or get better.

You know it deserves the GOTY.

Come join The 2018 Obscure Game Monthly Review Thread.

Darwinianevolution said:

No chance. Scarlet/Violet were riddled with bugs and they still sold gangbusters, they have no reason to change or get better.

^ Lazy or just bad at their job.... the IP and character, and peoples love for collecting pokemon, hard carries these games.

Ask gamefreak to work on a differnt game (non-pokemon), and watch it crash and burn.