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Forums - Sales Discussion - Switch 2 Sales Predictions: Next PS2 or Wii U Disaster?


How Many Units Will the Switch 2 Sell Worldwide in its Lifetime?

Under 20 million (Wii U 2.0 disaster?) 1 0.76%
20–50 million (Destined for an early death) 1 0.76%
50–75 million (Bit of a disappointment) 2 1.52%
75–100 million (Solid, but not legendary) 24 18.18%
100–150 million (Switch 2.0 confirmed) 84 63.64%
150 million+ (IT PRINTS MONEY!) 20 15.15%
Torpoleon said:

@JRPGfan Because some people are going to be satisfied with their Switch and not see a reason to upgrade, especially those who bought it during the initial lockdowns. But then again, a decent chunk of that can be offset by the next generation of kids being old enough to have a game system and buying a NS2. Ultimately, I'd put NS2 at around 120m (compared to NS12 possibly ending around 160m).

I could maybe understand that logic, if the Switch was a good deal more powerfull than it is.
Its not, alot of Nintendo's (switch's) games run very low resolutions without antialiasing..... the Switch 2, will feel really impactfull.

Ei. the visual jump, is going to be much bigger going from Switch -> Switch 2, than say PS5 -> PS5pro.
Nintendo fans, will see games run at high resolutions and be instantly sold on it (imo).

Going from 397 Gflops to 3 Tflops, is a huge increase.
Toss in DLSS, and finally haveing some Antialisasing..... its going to feel like factor 10 jump.

Meanwhile the jump from 10,2 Tflops to 16+ Tflops with the PS5pro, don't feel nearly as meaningfull (even if 6 > 3 Tflops (by x2)).
Simply because the gains from performance, are really felt much more, at the lower end.

The Switch, is the lower end.
Getting the Switch 2 will be impactfull for visuals.

Its too early to think "people are satisfied with their switch and not see a reason to upgrade".... thats BS.
Maybe a gen or two further along, that might be the case.

PS5 to PS6 is going to be odd too.
I honestly believe in the "good enough" visuals..... games already take forever and a day to make, and cost a fortune.
And the deminishing returns on hardware, once you reach this point is a issue for hardware manufactures.

Its like the new Iphone's.
Your well past the "good enough" phase, and now every new iphone looks and feels the same.
At some point, you must logically ask yourself why your upgradeing all the time.
However, the Switch isn't anywhere near there.

I just can't see the Switch 2, do less than 100m.
I think it'll do much the same as the current switch has.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 25 January 2025

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firebush03 said:

the handheld space has become a whole lot more competitive than since 2017. Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc. certainly fill a void in the industry.

Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc won't do much to slow Switch 2 sales, just as they did little to nothing to slow Switch 1 sales. Those are niche enthusiast devices, Switch 2 will be a mass market product with a much broader appeal.

curl-6 said:
firebush03 said:

the handheld space has become a whole lot more competitive than since 2017. Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc. certainly fill a void in the industry.

Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc won't do much to slow Switch 2 sales, just as they did little to nothing to slow Switch 1 sales. Those are niche enthusiast devices, Switch 2 will be a mass market product with a much broader appeal.

It's always good to get a good reminder when looking at European chart sales that those PC handheld devices are basically invisible in comparison to what the Switch does. 

Even then, appart from the 3M+ of the Steam Deck. All these other devices combined prolly didn't even sell a million units yet. 

There's really no competition to the Switch domination in the global market atm, enthusiasts gaming opinions be damned.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

curl-6 said:
firebush03 said:

the handheld space has become a whole lot more competitive than since 2017. Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc. certainly fill a void in the industry.

Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc won't do much to slow Switch 2 sales, just as they did little to nothing to slow Switch 1 sales. Those are niche enthusiast devices, Switch 2 will be a mass market product with a much broader appeal.

yep. Nintendo Switch 2 fulfill a different need than Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc. Whereas one is the cheaper (potentially less power) machine that plays Nintendo games among other things, the other devices serve more as an attempt at PC-on-the-go. Market share also exposes how little these systems will impact Switch 2 sales…3-6mil Steam Decks versus 146mil NSW units paints a pretty clear picture. Still holds that the market for gaming on-the-go has gotten (albeit marginally) more competitive than 2017, where 3DS was pretty much the only thing.

Norion said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Yes but the switch 2 also has no unique selling point what so ever. At least the 3DS had a unique selling point, even though it wasn't that appealing. It's also way more expensive than the 3DS. I'm struggling to see the mass appeal.

Why does that mean it's probably gonna sell less than the 3DS? The GBA was basically a GB but much better and it flew of the shelves until the DS came out cause the brand was really strong so a much better version of what someone already had was fine. There's no reason to assume it'll be much different with the Switch 2 cause the mass appeal will be a system you can play like a handheld or connect to a TV that has good third party support and has Nintendo games. The Switch brand is very strong and Switch owners are extremely hungry for a better Switch so it's gonna have a way better launch than the 3DS.

Seriously? The GBA launched at a price of just 99$, that's why it flew off the shelves. This is going to be 400 minimum, but might be as high as 450. That's quite the difference. 

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I think the Switch 2 will sell around 100-120 million in lifetime sales.

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Norion said:

Why does that mean it's probably gonna sell less than the 3DS? The GBA was basically a GB but much better and it flew of the shelves until the DS came out cause the brand was really strong so a much better version of what someone already had was fine. There's no reason to assume it'll be much different with the Switch 2 cause the mass appeal will be a system you can play like a handheld or connect to a TV that has good third party support and has Nintendo games. The Switch brand is very strong and Switch owners are extremely hungry for a better Switch so it's gonna have a way better launch than the 3DS.

Seriously? The GBA launched at a price of just 99$, that's why it flew off the shelves. This is going to be 400 minimum, but might be as high as 450. That's quite the difference.

Yeah and the Switch was totally doomed to fail due to being as expensive as a PS4 or Xbox One. Do you have any arguments other than the price being higher and the lack of innovation? Cause the success of the PS5 despite being more expensive than the PS4 and not being that different from the PS4 other than being more powerful shows how absurd your reasoning is. Consoles very clearly don't need to innovate much to follow up a big success with another big success.

Last edited by Norion - on 25 January 2025

curl-6 said:
firebush03 said:

the handheld space has become a whole lot more competitive than since 2017. Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc. certainly fill a void in the industry.

Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc won't do much to slow Switch 2 sales, just as they did little to nothing to slow Switch 1 sales. Those are niche enthusiast devices, Switch 2 will be a mass market product with a much broader appeal.

They could potentially become less niche in the coming years. Perhaps a Steam Deck 2 two or three years from now is pushed more by Valve with more advertising and it showing up in shops for example. Though the impact on the Switch 2 would still unlikely to be major due to Nintendo's IPs.

Norion said:
curl-6 said:

Steam Deck, ROG Ally, etc won't do much to slow Switch 2 sales, just as they did little to nothing to slow Switch 1 sales. Those are niche enthusiast devices, Switch 2 will be a mass market product with a much broader appeal.

They could potentially become less niche in the coming years. Perhaps a Steam Deck 2 two or three years from now is pushed more by Valve with more advertising and it showing up in shops for example. Though the impact on the Switch 2 would still unlikely to be major due to Nintendo's IPs.

Even with more of a push, a handheld gaming PC is still just a relatively niche offering compared to a hybrid console from Nintendo. Hardly anyone is going to be dissuaded from a Switch 2 purchase by the existence of Steam Deck 2.

Norion said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Seriously? The GBA launched at a price of just 99$, that's why it flew off the shelves. This is going to be 400 minimum, but might be as high as 450. That's quite the difference.

Yeah and the Switch was totally doomed to fail due to being as expensive as a PS4 or Xbox One. Do you have any arguments other than the price being higher and the lack of innovation? Cause the success of the PS5 despite being more expensive than the PS4 and not being that different from the PS4 other than being more powerful shows how absurd your reasoning is. Consoles very clearly don't need to innovate much to follow up a big success with another big success.

When you have a powerful console, you don't need innovation or a low price. When you don't though, you have to make up for the deficit with innovations or a low price. I can't see why anyone would disagree with that.