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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What small little thing makes you go "Instant no buy for me" in an upcoming game?



A dog person 2 8.33%
A cat person 12 50.00%
Both cat and dog person 5 20.83%
A Nazi 5 20.83%

Sometimes it's the story.

I didn't buy Doom Eternal because of the twist that the creator of the universe turned out to be evil. So sick of cosmic horror stories. *kicks Lovecraft's headstone, he was an antisemitic bitch anyway*

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Tower Defense
No physical
Online required for single player

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

No physical release.

Live Service
No difficulty options
Political/social agendas
Turn Based

Other than that i’m pretty open to whats out there.

Dahum said:

Live Service
No difficulty options
Political/social agendas
Turn Based

Other than that i’m pretty open to whats out there.

For me, live service, assuming Splatoon doesn't count.

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Live Service is a cancer to the Video Games industry in my humble opinion

DRM, account requirement, launcher requirement (aside from Steam). Technically I might buy games with these, but the value of the game is massively reduced to me. Because of a stupid misunderstanding, I've bought some games using Denuvo in the past, but I'm hoping that's a thing of the past now and I won't be buying anything with Denuvo in the future. It's even worse than simpler DRM, because at least you can fairly easily crack simpler DRM, but with Denuvo, you might as well lose access to the game if things go really bad at some point.

I would probably be much more willing to make an exception for DRM, if there was a reliable promise to remove the DRM after X time passes. After all, many games don't really benefit from DRM after sales have dropped enough, so might as well treat your customers with at least some respect.

Other than that, I'm pretty open-minded. There are some genres/themes I'm significantly less interested in, of course, but I'm usually ready to make exceptions where suitable. Warhammer 40k is not my cup of tea though, and it would take a miracle for me to touch anything related to Warhammer 40k.

Last edited by Zkuq - on 22 January 2025

Modern audience games

Koragg said:

Modern audience games

As in overly sensitive to stereotypes? Yeah, that audience is pretty damn annoying.

Online only/MP only

This includes but not limited to - hero shooters, MOBAs, MMORPGs

I only play and buy games that are single player and offline accessible.