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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The NEW Trophy/Achievement League 2025 | VGC Pledge: 36/100| Most Recent: twintail - STANLEY PARABLE(3/10) Legithyperbole - NOBODY WANTS TO DIE(4/10)

Nearly done with Grandia. If not today, then definitely tomorrow. I don't remember this game being this long. Here I am thinking I was picking a short and sweet trophy. Nearly at 70 hours.

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DID IT! Uuuugh I so happy to be done with this game.

Plat Difficulty 5/10 - A lot of missable trophies, most at the beginning of the game, so if you mess up starting over isn't so painful. There is one that requires you to collect all 18 Mana Eggs which can easily be missed because areas become locked after story progress and some only giving one chance to get them. Let's not forget the amassed 250000k which will not be done naturally. Finally one of them has you needing to be beat one of the most ass bonus dungeons in any JRPG. Tower of Temptation fucking sucks.

The Game itself - I love the Grandia series dearly, but replaying Grandia made we remember why I don't go back to the first one much. Super fucking grindy skill system (imagine Materia system from FF7, but you have to actually USE magic to level it up vs just having tit equipped) and a game that doesn't when when to stop; dungeons are loooooooong and maze like. No maps at all either! The last quarter of the game is just a slog to get through. Love the game but recommend GRANDIA II as a jump in point every time for newbies.

Next: ActRaiser Renaissance

Platinum #4 - Demon Souls. Yeah .. I think it’s time for something a little easier next, Lego Horizons lol.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

Platinum #3 - Done Soul Reaver 2 remastered. Weird that the PS4 version gives you 2 platinums (one for each game) but the PS5 version only gives you a platinum fot the first game with the second game being relegated to "dlc". If you are wondering the versions don't stack the trophies so you have to do seperate playthroughs for PS4 and PS5. I was suprised that i didn't remember Soul Reaver 2 being so short, on my second playthrough of it (after i knew the layout and solutions), i beat it in under 3 hours.

ShadowLink93 said:

Platinum #3 - Done Soul Reaver 2 remastered. Weird that the PS4 version gives you 2 platinums (one for each game) but the PS5 version only gives you a platinum fot the first game with the second game being relegated to "dlc". If you are wondering the versions don't stack the trophies so you have to do seperate playthroughs for PS4 and PS5. I was suprised that i didn't remember Soul Reaver 2 being so short, on my second playthrough of it (after i knew the layout and solutions), i beat it in under 3 hours.

How fucking weird. So its better to play the PS4 version if you want both in playthrough?

Just to be clear; Your 2nd and 3rd plat are from replaying the PS4 version after the PS5? 

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Here I am wanting to play a crime/detective game and I’ve had one I bought last July …. lol. Nobody Wants To Die, a moody cyberpunk detective game in a world where even having a new body is a subscription service (our main character is 120yrs old and their new body kinda sucks lol) The vibe and atmosphere is surreal. Add in very well implemented reconstruction tech for solving crimes and man, this game is hitting all the right notes for me.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

So I'm actually not going to play ActRaiser Renaissance at the moment (Sucks cause I bought it in preparation). A few stressful trophies that I don't want to deal with right after coming off GRANDIA. Instead I'm going to play Secret of Mana. Straight forward Plat in less than 20 hours and eliminating a game that has been on my Wishlist since 2018? Sign me up!.

5/5 for January :) Nobody Wants To Die was fantastic!! Highly recommend it. Next game won’t be a plat as it’s Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on Xbox.

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

VersusEvil said:

5/5 for January :) Nobody Wants To Die was fantastic!! Highly recommend it. Next game won’t be a plat as it’s Indiana Jones and the Great Circle on Xbox.

I'll update when I get home.

Of course when I decide I finally want to play Secret of Mana they remove it from PSN PREMIUM  >_>. Only $15.00 but still >_>. Can't be too sour; It has been sitting in my Wishlist since 2018. 

Started on Tuesday Night and I am just about done with Secret of Mana. Don't expect go beyond Sunday. Anybody have an idea of Plats you know your gonna do this year?

Currently on Secret of Mana.
1. Next game is most likely Shovel Knight Treasure Trove.
2. Definitely Tales of Arise - Been on Wishlist for as long as it was possible to put it there.
3. At least the first LUNAR game in April (Assuming each game gets it own Plat)
4. Thinking about going back and doing the second LANGRISSER game from the collection.
6. Maybe SUIKODEN 1 (Assuming each game gets its own Plat)
7. Finish SAGA FRONTIER - Want to do a 1 of the 8 campaigns every so often.(already done 1)

That 8 more trophies right there, but new game announcements for this year will shake this up. ARISE, FF12, and DEATH STRANDING are absolutes though.