Started on Tuesday Night and I am just about done with Secret of Mana. Don't expect go beyond Sunday. Anybody have an idea of Plats you know your gonna do this year?
Currently on Secret of Mana.
1. Next game is most likely Shovel Knight Treasure Trove.
2. Definitely Tales of Arise - Been on Wishlist for as long as it was possible to put it there.
3. At least the first LUNAR game in April (Assuming each game gets it own Plat)
4. Thinking about going back and doing the second LANGRISSER game from the collection.
6. Maybe SUIKODEN 1 (Assuming each game gets its own Plat)
7. Finish SAGA FRONTIER - Want to do a 1 of the 8 campaigns every so often.(already done 1)
That 8 more trophies right there, but new game announcements for this year will shake this up. ARISE, FF12, and DEATH STRANDING are absolutes though.