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KLXVER said:

Ok. I have calmed down a bit. Runa just does this to me. Its not the first time. But you guys need to stop cherrypicking sentences from what people write and make them look bad. I dont know if thats your tactic or you are just too stupid to understand context, but please figure it out.

Nobody's cherry-picking sentences of yours. it's well-observed behavioural patterns we pick up on. We're just using particular sentences and highlighting them because it's easier than having to do a psychological deep dive into your habits every time. 

This is a videogame forum, not a therapist's office. IF you don't want to be called out for the things you say, then chose your words more carefully and stop insinuating that YOU Get to decide who does and does not deserve representation, and stop saying that no amount of education will change your mind (paraphrasing, of course, referring to when you said you were impressed with someone's knowledge but that still wouldn't change your mind), or acting like representation is an inherently negative thing. 

WE all know exactly what your words mean, even if you don't necessarily. You legitimately may not even understand how damaging or harmful the rhetoric you regurgitate actually is. You may just be weirded out and uncomfortable with change and unable to cope with a world around you that isn't the way it was. I get that part. I used to be kinda transphobic myself and I was in the exact same boat as a lot of people I argue with here. I used to be like 'no, it's male and female, determined by genitals, end of discussion, anything else is a mental disorder', but then I grew up. I gained empathy as I matured, I met more people, I came to understand the history and what it means, I delved a lot deeper into the difference between sex and gender, etc, and I very much so did that thing where I calculated the potential costs and benefits of this change. And it took me years but now I see the patterns and can reflect upon them. I know you aren't specifically speaking out about trans issues in this thread but it is a very hot button topic lately, one that applies to the 'woke' tags. 

The only way this shit gets resolved is if people have empathy and compassion. IF people WANT to learn from their mistakes and grow as a person. The problem is that so many people find any attempts to change them for the better as an attack and dig their heels in. And we're seeing it in this thread and with you. IT's not 'wait, what am I getting wrong and why are these people angry at me?', it's 'how dare they fucking attack me for a difference of opinion!'. 

Nobody can force perspective on you. Nobody can make you change your worldview, that shit has to come from the inside. And MANY people in the real world and in this thread have tried to explain from every angle why this outrage about 'wokeness' is harmful and where the logic breaks down and why it's actually good to have diversity and bad to be against it. But many people still act like the very existence of any sort of diversity initiatives is a bad thing, that trans people are inherently predators, that a person is defined by their genitals, and that ANY attempt to counter-balance the lack of representation is somehow WORSE than it was before because any change to the status quo may make things uncomfortable. 

People are 'calling you out' on shit because we've been observing culture and noticing patterns. You may not even realize what you're saying or what message your words carry, but we all know it's the exact same sort of shit we saw prior to women getting their rights, or black people getting their rights, or gay people getting their rights, and are still experiencing when trans people fight for their rights. IT's always someone complaining about change, trying to stop progress and doing it under a different label every time culture moves on or learns from it. 

It was Political correctness at one point, and that label has changed every few years and now we're onto woke and now we're including DEI. it's always just another way to stifle change and demonize those who push for progress. You may not even realize it's what you're doing but it is exactly what you are doing. Whether you want to or not, that's exactly what you are doing. 

Complaining about Wokeness is just the newest way to complain about positive, progressive changes. Next year it might be something else. Be sure you're not on the wrong side of history. 

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Around the Network
Runa216 said:
KLXVER said:

Ok. I have calmed down a bit. Runa just does this to me. Its not the first time. But you guys need to stop cherrypicking sentences from what people write and make them look bad. I dont know if thats your tactic or you are just too stupid to understand context, but please figure it out.

Nobody's cherry-picking sentences of yours. it's well-observed behavioural patterns we pick up on. We're just using particular sentences and highlighting them because it's easier than having to do a psychological deep dive into your habits every time. 

This is a videogame forum, not a therapist's office. IF you don't want to be called out for the things you say, then chose your words more carefully and stop insinuating that YOU Get to decide who does and does not deserve representation, and stop saying that no amount of education will change your mind (paraphrasing, of course, referring to when you said you were impressed with someone's knowledge but that still wouldn't change your mind), or acting like representation is an inherently negative thing. 

WE all know exactly what your words mean, even if you don't necessarily. You legitimately may not even understand how damaging or harmful the rhetoric you regurgitate actually is. You may just be weirded out and uncomfortable with change and unable to cope with a world around you that isn't the way it was. I get that part. I used to be kinda transphobic myself and I was in the exact same boat as a lot of people I argue with here. I used to be like 'no, it's male and female, determined by genitals, end of discussion, anything else is a mental disorder', but then I grew up. I gained empathy as I matured, I met more people, I came to understand the history and what it means, I delved a lot deeper into the difference between sex and gender, etc, and I very much so did that thing where I calculated the potential costs and benefits of this change. And it took me years but now I see the patterns and can reflect upon them. I know you aren't specifically speaking out about trans issues in this thread but it is a very hot button topic lately, one that applies to the 'woke' tags. 

The only way this shit gets resolved is if people have empathy and compassion. IF people WANT to learn from their mistakes and grow as a person. The problem is that so many people find any attempts to change them for the better as an attack and dig their heels in. And we're seeing it in this thread and with you. IT's not 'wait, what am I getting wrong and why are these people angry at me?', it's 'how dare they fucking attack me for a difference of opinion!'. 

Nobody can force perspective on you. Nobody can make you change your worldview, that shit has to come from the inside. And MANY people in the real world and in this thread have tried to explain from every angle why this outrage about 'wokeness' is harmful and where the logic breaks down and why it's actually good to have diversity and bad to be against it. But many people still act like the very existence of any sort of diversity initiatives is a bad thing, that trans people are inherently predators, that a person is defined by their genitals, and that ANY attempt to counter-balance the lack of representation is somehow WORSE than it was before because any change to the status quo may make things uncomfortable. 

People are 'calling you out' on shit because we've been observing culture and noticing patterns. You may not even realize what you're saying or what message your words carry, but we all know it's the exact same sort of shit we saw prior to women getting their rights, or black people getting their rights, or gay people getting their rights, and are still experiencing when trans people fight for their rights. IT's always someone complaining about change, trying to stop progress and doing it under a different label every time culture moves on or learns from it. 

It was Political correctness at one point, and that label has changed every few years and now we're onto woke and now we're including DEI. it's always just another way to stifle change and demonize those who push for progress. You may not even realize it's what you're doing but it is exactly what you are doing. Whether you want to or not, that's exactly what you are doing. 

Complaining about Wokeness is just the newest way to complain about positive, progressive changes. Next year it might be something else. Be sure you're not on the wrong side of history. 

I want to argue that, but what you just said applies to you as much as you think it applies to me...except the cherrypicking part. I try not to do that. 

KLXVER said:

Oh go fuck yourself. Im tired of you guys twisting my words now. Call me whatever you want. Im fucking done with all of you liars.

I'm not calling you an abuser. 

But there's this problematic rationale of justifying people apparently getting pushed to an edge. 

Like if someone punts a puppy, and they get called out for it; being called out for it isn't a defense of punting more puppies. 

You wouldn't justify it, by saying "well he had a disagreement with a puppy once, and got called out for it. And now he sees red flags when he sees someone with a sign that says they love puppies."

And I'm sure you're going to feel that this comparison isn't appropriate for X or Y reasons. Whether it's no one is actually being punted, or that puppies aren't controversial or something like that. I don't really care about your reasoning, I don't support harm for people just trying to live their lives. 

the-pi-guy said:
KLXVER said:

Oh go fuck yourself. Im tired of you guys twisting my words now. Call me whatever you want. Im fucking done with all of you liars.

I'm not calling you an abuser. 

But there's this problematic rationale of justifying people apparently getting pushed to an edge. 

Like if someone punts a puppy, and they get called out for it; being called out for it isn't a defense of punting more puppies. 

You wouldn't justify it, by saying "well he had a disagreement with a puppy once, and got called out for it. And now he sees red flags when he sees someone with a sign that says they love puppies."

And I'm sure you're going to feel that this comparison isn't appropriate for X or Y reasons. Whether it's no one is actually being punted, or that puppies aren't controversial or something like that. I don't really care about your reasoning, I don't support harm for people just trying to live their lives. 

Thats the problem here. Everything you argue are about feelings. "I dont want puppies to get hurt" Oh really? Thats weird since alot of us want them to suffer immensly... Dont be silly. Pretty much no one in the world thinks that. A dog cant bully you. A dog doesnt think about what its doing. Its pure instinct. It doesnt have rational thoughts.

A fact is that people who are bullied or is threatened on a daily basis have a tendency to lash out at the people doing it to them or worse, people who remind them of those people. Its not a good thing, but it happens. Sure you can blame the person lashing out and move on, but that wont really fix anything in the long run now will it? 

Its easy to say you want peace on earth and people to get a long, but you cant even get along with several people on just this site alone. You really dont see any flaws in your logic here?

KrspaceT said:

....What on earth was 'Woke' about Suicide Squad? I've heard dozens of issues with it and that's a first target. Unless Woke is just something applied to all bad games now.

It definitely has woke tendencies.

Finished it recently.

The obvious one, it has a huge LGBTQ+ flag in the Hall of Justice which acts as your HQ so you'll be seeing it dozens of times:

The other thing that I noticed is that Wonder Woman, the only female Justice League member is also the only one that Braniac couldn't get under his control. (The typical a woman has to be stronger than a man trope)
And consequently that means it's the only JL character that you aren't going to kill. (I guess because if the player was to kill a woman in a video game it would be bad?) Definitely a weird coincidence.

Around the Network
KLXVER said:

Thats the problem here. Everything you argue are about feelings. 

And you feel that these things are being pushed on you, that they feel forced. 

Feelings have real world impact. People make choices based on how they feel. Politicians pass laws based on how people feel about things.

KLXVER said:

 "I dont want puppies to get hurt" Thats weird since alot of us want them to suffer immensly... Dont be silly. 

Some people do want them to suffer.

Even more people don't particularly care until it starts affecting them. 

KLXVER said:

A fact is that people who are bullied or is threatened on a daily basis have a tendency to lash out at the people doing it to them or worse, people who remind them of those people. Its not a good thing, but it happens. Sure you can blame the person lashing out and move on, but that wont really fix anything in the long run now will it? 

This goes both ways. 

Many countries in the world pushed back against gay people, criminalized them. Some of that still happens to this day. It wasn't that long ago, that gay people were allowed to get married in some of the freest countries in the world. 

Plenty of gay people are tired of being pushed out of conversations, and they're lashing back. 

Same goes for trans people. They're tired of being pushed out of society. They're lashing out with the little power they have. 

Yet you don't seem to have as much empathy for those people. 

KLXVER said:

Its easy to say you want peace on earth and people to get a long, but you cant even get along with several people on just this site alone. You really dont see any flaws in your logic here?

Getting along with people goes two ways. I'm not able to force people to get along with them. The best I can do most of the time is advocate for people; and be kind when I can. 

Barozi said:
KrspaceT said:

....What on earth was 'Woke' about Suicide Squad? I've heard dozens of issues with it and that's a first target. Unless Woke is just something applied to all bad games now.

It definitely has woke tendencies.

Finished it recently.

The obvious one, it has a huge LGBTQ+ flag in the Hall of Justice which acts as your HQ so you'll be seeing it dozens of times:

The other thing that I noticed is that Wonder Woman, the only female Justice League member is also the only one that Braniac couldn't get under his control. (The typical a woman has to be stronger than a man trope)
And consequently that means it's the only JL character that you aren't going to kill. (I guess because if the player was to kill a woman in a video game it would be bad?) Definitely a weird coincidence.

This dates back to the 1950's comics. 

I'm not sure if there's actually a given reason for it, but people speculate that it's because her origin is that she was sculpted from clay and isn't a human; or it could've been one of her divine gifts. 

Weekly Wonder Woman: Sensation Comics #7, Superman Doomed #2 30 September 2014

"The goddess Wonder Woman is immune to both Brainiac’s mind tricks and the Phantom Zone so has gone into the zone to get help."

the-pi-guy said:
Barozi said:

It definitely has woke tendencies.

Finished it recently.

The obvious one, it has a huge LGBTQ+ flag in the Hall of Justice which acts as your HQ so you'll be seeing it dozens of times:

The other thing that I noticed is that Wonder Woman, the only female Justice League member is also the only one that Braniac couldn't get under his control. (The typical a woman has to be stronger than a man trope)
And consequently that means it's the only JL character that you aren't going to kill. (I guess because if the player was to kill a woman in a video game it would be bad?) Definitely a weird coincidence.

This dates back to the 1950's comics. 

I'm not sure if there's actually a given reason for it, but people speculate that it's because her origin is that she was sculpted from clay and isn't a human; or it could've been one of her divine gifts. 

Weekly Wonder Woman: Sensation Comics #7, Superman Doomed #2 30 September 2014

"The goddess Wonder Woman is immune to both Brainiac’s mind tricks and the Phantom Zone so has gone into the zone to get help."

Could be. I'm definitely not that much into DC stuff other than Batman, but I'm pretty sure that wasn't really explained during the game so I felt it was weird how Braniac could get the fastest (Flash), the strongest (Superman) and the smartest (Batman) and for whatever Green Lantern is known for under his control but not her.

Not sure if that explains why he couldn't simply catch her though with the help of the others...

Last edited by Barozi - on 26 December 2024

the-pi-guy said:
KLXVER said:

Thats the problem here. Everything you argue are about feelings. 

And you feel that these things are being pushed on you, that they feel forced. 

Feelings have real world impact. People make choices based on how they feel. Politicians pass laws based on how people feel about things.

KLXVER said:

 "I dont want puppies to get hurt" Thats weird since alot of us want them to suffer immensly... Dont be silly. 

Some people do want them to suffer.

Even more people don't particularly care until it starts affecting them. 

KLXVER said:

A fact is that people who are bullied or is threatened on a daily basis have a tendency to lash out at the people doing it to them or worse, people who remind them of those people. Its not a good thing, but it happens. Sure you can blame the person lashing out and move on, but that wont really fix anything in the long run now will it? 

This goes both ways. 

Many countries in the world pushed back against gay people, criminalized them. Some of that still happens to this day. It wasn't that long ago, that gay people were allowed to get married in some of the freest countries in the world. 

Plenty of gay people are tired of being pushed out of conversations, and they're lashing back. 

Same goes for trans people. They're tired of being pushed out of society. They're lashing out with the little power they have. 

Yet you don't seem to have as much empathy for those people. 

KLXVER said:

Its easy to say you want peace on earth and people to get a long, but you cant even get along with several people on just this site alone. You really dont see any flaws in your logic here?

Getting along with people goes two ways. I'm not able to force people to get along with them. The best I can do most of the time is advocate for people; and be kind when I can. 

Why has me not wanting to be lectured in video games suddenly turned into that I dont have sympathy for people in the LGBTQIA+ community? Im trying to explain how some people may behave the way they do from past experiences, but all you guys see are hate. When have I said anything about not caring about other people? I do care and I want everyone to live their lives the way they want. I also care about people who get blamed for being anti this or anti that. Because I know that people arent born evil and I try to see their side of the argument and what makes them think that way. I have tried to find common ground with you guys, but thats just a waste of time obviously.

I talk about people who have experienced something negative and they see red flags in everything. You guys think that is stupid and then you turn around and call me hateful because "You are seeing the patterns" in how I talk. Red Flags......Seeing the patters.......anything? We are talking about the same thing!

You dont even know that you agree with a lot of what Im saying. You are just so obsessed with coming off as the good guys to see that we are not that different. We just express ourselves in different ways. I have flaws(obviously), but nothing I have said in this thread is in any way hateful towards any kind of person.(Except you and Runa, but you know...) 

Anyways, I need to go to bed. I will dream of world peace and happy puppies.

KLXVER said:

A dog doesnt think about what its doing. Its pure instinct. It doesnt have rational thoughts.

I am just going to nitpick this because it's demonstrably false.

Dogs have and use their brains… Arguably better than some humans.
Dogs can solve problems: If you've ever given a puzzle toy or dog treat toy, you've seen these skills in action where they demonstrate learning, practice, problem solving, remembering and more and thus exhibit a degree of "thinking".
Dogs can also have a sense of time.

The argument that animals don't have "rational thought" is one that tends to stem from religious bias... As religion likes to think of animals (We are animals) as a lower form.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--