No one is born MAGA. You are born X. It's a very stupid comparison
The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?
No one is born MAGA. You are born X. It's a very stupid comparison
The Democratic Nintendo that a paradox? I'm fond of one of the more conservative companies in the industry, but I vote Liberally and view myself that way 90% of the time?
KLXVER said:
So you wouldnt mind a character in Elder Scrolls VI wearing a MAGA hat? |
Since when did America exist in the world of Nirn? Why not compare it to the actual complaint?
The Elder Scrolls Online has a transgender woman called Alchemy who physically transitioned via magic, she alludes that other members of her travelling group have also transitioned. Argonians can change their genders via The Hist and there are named examples of having done so, in Morrowind their sex was sometimes described as "life-phases" in which one life phase would be male, another female.
Outside of trans specifically but in a similar larger region, Daedra and Aedra have no sex nor gender and instead choose to appear as whatever they feel like, sometimes swapping between genders. Vivec is genderfluid and intersex and was even before his "Godly" ascension when he was just a regular old mortal. There are also non-binary characters and only then was it when people lost their shit, because it happened in the year 2024 when everyone is grifting rage-bait. In a world choke full of magic, changing ones gender is easy.
Ryuu96 said:
Since when did America exist in the world of Nirn? Why not compare it to the actual complaint? The Elder Scrolls Online has a transgender woman called Alchemy who physically transitioned via magic, she alludes that other members of her travelling group have also transitioned. Argonians can change their genders via The Hist and there are named examples of having done so, in Morrowind their sex was sometimes described as "life-phases" in which one life phase would be male, another female. Outside of trans specifically but in a similar larger region, Daedra and Aedra have no sex nor gender and instead choose to appear as whatever they feel like, sometimes swapping between genders. Vivec is genderfluid and intersex and was even before his "Godly" ascension when he was just a regular old mortal. There are also non-binary characters and only then was it when people lost their shit, because it happened in the year 2024 when everyone is grifting rage-bait. In a world choke full of magic, changing ones gender is easy. |
Its not about being transgender. Its about the terms used to describe it. Which are modern talk. Im sure there were men who identified more as women and vice versa back in the day as well.
the-pi-guy said:
Some people would even argue that those are political in some sense or another. There are plenty of articles about the politics of The Shining. I haven't seen the Shining, so I have no real idea about the movie. Some people have said that everything is political, but I wouldn't go that far. You can easily argue that a lot of stories talk about power dynamics, but simpler stories definitely don't. And a lot of stories are not overt about it's positions. I think it's also important to note that the political messages are often the opposite of what they basically appear to be. You can tell a story about domestic violence, and show how terrifying it is, for example. |
Yeah, I kind of agree with what bdbdbd says above. Depending on how you define things, everything is political. I guess you can make an exception for some toddler books but I'm sure someone could find a way.
That's why I think it's important to define things a bit more naturally. Otherwise the conversation of politics in video games means basically nothing.
I agree with the last bit though. It is important to distinguish between a portrayal of something and support for that thing. Many war movies are anti war, but not all. An anti war movie might hit very differently with an ex soldier who supports the war in Iraq than a movie that is more fawning towards the military
the-pi-guy said:
I keep rewatching this cutscene and I don't like it. And it has nothing to do with the nonbinary talk. Some of the speech patterns sound a off to me "Where would they gooo", and the person on the left doesn't seem anywhere near as animated as the voice actor. And most of the lines of dialogue are spoken so quickly and immediately after another. There's barely any pauses. I feel like Skyrim has more appealing voice acting. "Let me guess....  Someone stole your sweet roll." The preachiest part of the video is a direct response to the player wanting an explanation. |
Yeah, this was my thought too from watching a bit of it. It's just clunky.
The thing is, so many games have clunky voice acting and writing. Even more when you go back to the pre "woke" "golden age". And yeah, I'd like games to do better with their writing but I think it is incredibly telling when people are willing to excuse bad writing and voice acting right up to the second they deem it woke.
Like, I've seen plenty of Stellar Blade dialogue that was a mess but the anti woke crusaders love that game...
Shadow1980 said: "Woke" was a term created by African Americans like a century ago, but was appropriated (i.e., stolen) by American right-wingers as a generalized political slur to mean "Whatever we don't like." It's just one of many examples of weaponized language by the right, where they just redefine terms as they see fit for propaganda purposes. It's like they don't care what terms like "socialism" or "Marxism" actually mean, but rather they only care that they're useful terms to throw around as slurs because red-baiting still works in American political discourse (most voters are still old enough to remember the Cold War). Second, the fact that this is even a discussion is goddamn embarrassing, and is an indictment of American culture and "Western" society more broadly. The right is convinced they're fighting some "culture war" that must be won at any cost. These are people who get apoplectic over anyone other than white cishet males getting treated as equals in both law and in practice. Much of the modern American conservative movement originated as a backlash to the Civil Rights, women's liberation, and LGBTQ+ rights movements, after all. They are tyrants, who, despite all their rhetoric about how the support "individual rights" and "small government," want to use the full power of every level of government to create a de facto Christian theocracy where everything offensive to their religious and cultural views is flat-out banned by law (see Trump's announcement that he'll sign an anti-trans executive order on day one as but the most recent high-profile example). Right-wingers care about their freedom and their freedom alone, which also apparently includes the "freedom" to have unchecked power to dictate to anyone they deem "The Other." Right-wing politics was, is, and always will be little more than a negative reaction towards emancipatory movements. That's because those movements upset long-standing social hierarchies and political/economic power structures that have no justification for their existence besides "Well, that's just how we've always done things" or "God said so" or whatever ever bullshit excuse conservatives invent just so they can continue not believing in universal human rights. And as that pertains to gaming, this simple hobby was turned into another front in the "culture war," because apparently everything must be a part of it these days. It dovetails with the same asinine cottage industry that is "anti-woke" media criticism we see with films & TV. Right-wing gamers are little more than whiny man-babies who do nothing but moan and complain about absolute non-issues. They get angry when video game protagonists don't conform to the incredibly narrow parameters of what a video game protagonist should be. As far as they're concerned, there's no place for LGBTQ+ or POC protagonists in video games, and if we must have women in games, they should be little more than fap fodder. So, they'll give games like Stellar Blade a pass but act like it's a personal affront to them that Intergalactic (apparently) has a female protagonist that supposedly isn't conventionally attractive. "Oh no! An average-looking non-white woman with a buzzcut in my vidya gamez! It's the end of Western civilization as we know it!" Or they'll have idiotic freakouts over pronouns. Pronouns! A part of speech that we learned about in grade school! "But I don't want to be preached to!" Bullshit. You just don't want to have to acknowledge the existence of people different from you, much less treat them with basic human dignity. These incel losers somehow think that their hobby belongs exclusively to them. The view themselves as gatekeepers of an entire industry, and believe that any game that does anything that might brush against their comforting little bubble is an existential threat to the medium. It's a reflection of their overall worldview, where they view anyone who doesn't look, love, or believe like them as an existential threat to society as a whole. Movements like Gamergate from a decade ago or the "anti-woke" crusade of the past few years are just a symptom of a larger problem, that being a resurgent fascism in our politics. These are people who think all aspects of society, from our entertainment to our government, should cater to them and them alone, and that everyone else should be treated at best like third-class citizens. Oddly enough, there's plenty of things that are decades old that they would deem "woke" if they were released today, but they give those things a free nostalgia pass, and will twist themselves in knots to pretend that their favorite childhood shows or movies or games weren't "woke." It also helps that they often have zero media literacy and don't "get it" unless the message is as subtle as a brick to the face (see how long it took them to realize that The Boys was ridiculing them). Turns out that subtlety and nuance don't come natural to chuds. Who'd've thunk it? |
Nailed it. I'm typing with my feet because my hands are too busy applauding you
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With all of the talk about the word "woke" in this thread. Can we even agree on its definition? Google search results....
BFR said: With all of the talk about the word "woke" in this thread. Can we even agree on its definition? Google search results.... |
My dude we settled this.
Progressive people/liberals use it as its traditional form, as in, to be aware of social injustice and willing to fix it. Originally specifically for black culture and oppression but gradually expanded to include other social injustices pertaining to all minorities.
Regressive people/conservatives use it as a perjorative to decry any form of social change, such as 'forced inclusion' and 'diversity'.
We all know what it means and how the different groups define it. One of them is right, the other is using it as an excuse to justify their hate, bigotry, and an adherence to the status quo.
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