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SvennoJ said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'd really love to know how you and your wife would handle Divinity OS 1 or 2. It could bring you two together in a big way over the Christmas if you were to play or you could be divorcing next year. Could go either way. 😆 

I'll look for it next time I'm in the store, maybe this afternoon. Full price on PSN atm.
At least it has proper split-screen!

HoloDust said:

Yeah, Unravel is bit tricky with both of you being tied together. As I said, I find it quite enjoyable, but then again I've played it with my son who is quite good in platforming games, so we had no problem there.

IIRC, your wife is not that skilled with gamepad, and believe me, mine is probably much, much worse, but she liked Chariot quite a bit and had no problem playing that - if you haven't already played it and you're looking for descent puzzle solving platformer.

Both Overcooked games are great, but they really call for some good gamepad skills, given how hectic they can be - I love them, but unfortunately they're way above my wife's gamepad skills, so I've only played them with my kids and my brother (4p local coop).

I have Chariot in my PSN library as well, will try!
I remember the name, maybe I already played it (looks familiar), but don't remember playing that together.

And yes, my wife's gamepad skill are also still on the level of which is the square button... She mostly plays PvZ on her phone.

I started a replay of TloU 2 remastered. It looks awesome on the Pro at 60fps. The character detail is a bit behind Horizon, but the attention to fine detail is still unmatched imo. And also still the best implementation of a flash light, feels very real the way the light changes color depending on what you light up, plus perfect shadows on the Pro.

Looks like my PS3 under the TV haha

They are worth full price. However I must warn, they are very complex. If your wife is not a hardcore gamer, skip it. Also, choosing the proper party members really changes the game so don't just pick up the first two you come across, check them all out specifically if it's DOS2. And always choose the pet pal perk as your starting perk on one of your mains. Also, DOS1 is significantly tougher to get through the first area of the game cause it takes actual exploration and brain power, expect to be roaming around for a long time until you figure it out. DOS2 is much easier to progress in but has a much more complex battle system with one simple change that there are two different armours for magic and physical, it may not sound like much but it really effects things in a big way and makes choosing classes for your party members really important. And...also, also, also... if playing DOS2, play with original characters, the game would be a lot more band if you were rolling two create your own characters. They have great little stories and alm characters interact with each other and effect each others stories in unique ways, especially along the main scenario. 

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LegitHyperbole said:

They are worth full price. However I must warn, they are very complex. If your wife is not a hardcore gamer, skip it. Also, choosing the proper party members really changes the game so don't just pick up the first two you come across, check them all out specifically if it's DOS2. And always choose the pet pal perk as your starting perk on one of your mains. Also, DOS1 is significantly tougher to get through the first area of the game cause it takes actual exploration and brain power, expect to be roaming around for a long time until you figure it out. DOS2 is much easier to progress in but has a much more complex battle system with one simple change that there are two different armours for magic and physical, it may not sound like much but it really effects things in a big way and makes choosing classes for your party members really important. And...also, also, also... if playing DOS2, play with original characters, the game would be a lot more band if you were rolling two create your own characters. They have great little stories and alm characters interact with each other and effect each others stories in unique ways, especially along the main scenario. 

We played Everquest together for years, but that was 20-25 years ago. The problem is not hardcore games, it's to find time to play with kids around. So it all depends on how hard it is to stay in the game and its mechanics when only playing a couple hours on the weekends. (We used to play Everquest 3 hours a night, longer in the weekends)

DOS2 sounds better for that, don't want to spend an hour roaming around not progressing with limited play time.

Thanks for the tips!

I can't believe how bad the graphics are on FF Rebirth compared to FF7r on performance mode. This game begs for a balanced mode. I now understand why the pro patch is getting such praise, I'd nearly stick with the 30fps if it wasn't making me feel ill.

I understand now that they expect you to have played Crisis core with FF7 and not explaining Sephiroths motives or character and now they are trying to rectify that early on in this one. 

Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 10 December 2024

Playing Renirth. Only in Chapter 3 but they've addressed nearly all complaints I've had with Ff7 remake and then some, all for the loss of image quality. I'm a bit pissed that the game on a new generation of hardware takes such a hit, texture pop in everywhere, ailising... but ah, I suppose this can be over looked because the gameplay is so much more fluid, no slowing the player down, the world is open and there's a sense of adventure to it. No ladder to climb or space to queue into every few feet but then they go further and make traversal work a charm, hopping over terrain with ease. I hope they can make part 3 a little more optimised, clearly their engine isn't made for this, perhaps they can tune it to work better along development. 

FF7 rebirth is sooo good. I can't imagine how mindblowing it would have been had they released the remake in two parts and cut some of the fat off Remake but they have a chance to do a directors cut with the three games packaged into one and remove all the slow parts of Remake and make possibly one of the best games of all time. They released a patch for Remake recently to allow players to speed things up so they are thinking in the right direction. I'm a bit disappointed that they choose to spread the games thin when they could easily have made a more focused Remake of the whole of FF7, I hope other studios don't" get the idea to copy them and make their own remakes into episodic releases.

Still, it's great to have Rebirth. They fixed every issue I had with Remake asides from multiple difficulty options that don't feel tuned correctly but that's me, I prefer games with fixed difficulty cause you don't run into the problem of it getting to easy or hard out of nowhere. 

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I'm replaying TLOU 2 on PS5 Pro. Not quite as beautiful looking as Burning shores, yet the character expressions are unmatched. Fun to play again.

I played the Subside Demo, underwater exploration for PSVR2. Looks great, will buy when it comes out.

Some GT7, puzzling Places and Metro Awakening as well.

For co-op we picked up Sackboy adventure again, and put it back down again :/ I don't know what it is with the levels, they never feel satisfying. The comedy of hitting each other / picking up each other instead of what you want to pick up wears off fast. The movement of sackboy still kinda sucks and with the shared screen approach one of us (with 3 players) often ends up at the edge or even out of view.

Split-screen action games, do they still exist???

SvennoJ said:

I'm replaying TLOU 2 on PS5 Pro. Not quite as beautiful looking as Burning shores, yet the character expressions are unmatched. Fun to play again.

I played the Subside Demo, underwater exploration for PSVR2. Looks great, will buy when it comes out.

Some GT7, puzzling Places and Metro Awakening as well.

For co-op we picked up Sackboy adventure again, and put it back down again :/ I don't know what it is with the levels, they never feel satisfying. The comedy of hitting each other / picking up each other instead of what you want to pick up wears off fast. The movement of sackboy still kinda sucks and with the shared screen approach one of us (with 3 players) often ends up at the edge or even out of view.

Split-screen action games, do they still exist???

I'm not sure tbh, I think double dragons released a new game a while back but if you're looking for a good one Alienation is a top down twin stick shooter with split screen. Mostly 2d games come to mind though, perhaps Streets of Rage 4... I think I seen local vo-op on that. 

BTW, great choice. TLOU2 is an excellent game. 

I was playing DMC4 SE on Xbox Series X. I did the main story then all of Vergils then needed a break. I did everything on the PS4 version years ago. Saw Lords of Shadow 2 on sale and picked that up. Still early but so far it's fine.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

LegitHyperbole said:
SvennoJ said:

I'm replaying TLOU 2 on PS5 Pro. Not quite as beautiful looking as Burning shores, yet the character expressions are unmatched. Fun to play again.

I played the Subside Demo, underwater exploration for PSVR2. Looks great, will buy when it comes out.

Some GT7, puzzling Places and Metro Awakening as well.

For co-op we picked up Sackboy adventure again, and put it back down again :/ I don't know what it is with the levels, they never feel satisfying. The comedy of hitting each other / picking up each other instead of what you want to pick up wears off fast. The movement of sackboy still kinda sucks and with the shared screen approach one of us (with 3 players) often ends up at the edge or even out of view.

Split-screen action games, do they still exist???

I'm not sure tbh, I think double dragons released a new game a while back but if you're looking for a good one Alienation is a top down twin stick shooter with split screen. Mostly 2d games come to mind though, perhaps Streets of Rage 4... I think I seen local vo-op on that. 

BTW, great choice. TLOU2 is an excellent game. 

Already played both of those. Streets of Rage was fun!
(Both are not split-screen btw :p)

I saw Dungeon Siege 3 has split-screen maybe (can't confirm anywhere, just saw one screenshot with split-screen)
I guess not, looking a bit further people complain it's 'tethered' even in online co-op

Is no company going to cater to split-screen anymore?

Yes Tlou2 is great to play again. It did hang on PS5 Pro on the 'shuttle launch' sequence. The screen froze on Ellie sitting in the capsule while the sound kept playing. After the whole sequence was done I had to force shutdown the PS5. I skipped it the second time. No other glitches, but this one was annoying, one of the coolest sequences. (At least the soundtrack brought all the memories back anyway)

Does it look any better on the Pro? I can't tell. But I can tell it looks great and now runs at 60fps as it did at 30fps before.

3 years ago

Last night

Background does look more sharp now I look at it closely. Yet playing on TV it looks the same to me as 3 years ago, just running at double speed now :)

Going back to clear up trophies in Tales of Arise for the platinum and boy is this games combat great, so simple yet feels way deeper than it is, it's just so fun. Other JRPGs need to take heed of this, if this was mixed into FF7 rebirth with real time pausing for skill, It'd be the perfect JRPG action combat system. And man, this game is so beautiful, another example of style over graphics.