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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%

I don't need Critic reviews when we've got Fleek.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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LegitHyperbole said:
Leynos said:

go play stellar blade

I'm not saying I wanna play a game with big boobs...just why do the DEI pushing folks hate women's body parts like... it makes no sense.

I'm just saying go play SB because it's a great game lol

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

LegitHyperbole said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

There's definitely a huge discrepancy when it comes to portraying objectively attractive people in Western vs Eastern video games these days lol.

People in the West get too easily offended, so I'm guessing it has something to do with devs wanting to avoid that kind of negative reception. It's not the case every single time, (Shadowheart ) but majority of the time it is the case. 

Damn, if you get offended by some normal sized tits then fuuuu. Did people get offended over Stellar Blade? Or Bayonetta for that matter... I don't remember any outrage for Bayonetta. I think this is the fear of outrage that isn't there. I see more people outraged when they changed a bikini outfit on stellar blade. Outrage isn't why this is happening, it's some insnae ideology among these devs. I'd love to spend a week in one of these studios to see what the hell is going on. 

Yes, they did.

That same side that rolls with DEI are the same types of people that shat all over games like Bayonetta/Stellar Blade and bring up how those games need to be done away with.

The thing is, we've had sexy guys and women in games for years, but apparently now we can only have semi sexy guys and gaunt ass looking women, and that oddly enough comes off as sexist to me, a Bi guy who loves both Dante & Bayonetta for who they were.

Trust me, you wouldn't want to spend a week in any of those studios, because you'd likely be driven out by them via their screeching, or indoctrinated/shamed for thinking individual thoughts. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

LegitHyperbole said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

There's definitely a huge discrepancy when it comes to portraying objectively attractive people in Western vs Eastern video games these days lol.

People in the West get too easily offended, so I'm guessing it has something to do with devs wanting to avoid that kind of negative reception. It's not the case every single time, (Shadowheart ) but majority of the time it is the case. 

Damn, if you get offended by some normal sized tits then fuuuu. Did people get offended over Stellar Blade? Or Bayonetta for that matter... I don't remember any outrage for Bayonetta. I think this is the fear of outrage that isn't there. I see more people outraged when they changed a bikini outfit on stellar blade. Outrage isn't why this is happening, it's some insnae ideology among these devs. I'd love to spend a week in one of these studios to see what the hell is going on. 

Yes there certainly were those that did get offended. Can thank wonderful folks like Anita Sarkessian for this new kind of Western video game mindset lol. Many online thought gamers were nothing but a bunch of horny freaks which......there certainly are those that are, but this kind of sensitivity has taken hold in Western society. 

Oh, can't forget this legendary line!

I'm glad to see developers in the East are ignoring all those external sources that don't even care about video games to begin with lol. 

Capcom knew what they were doing with characters like Lady Dimitrescu

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Leynos said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm not saying I wanna play a game with big boobs...just why do the DEI pushing folks hate women's body parts like... it makes no sense.

I'm just saying go play SB because it's a great game lol

It's on my list 😆.  Lots of games to play. Such little time. 

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Chazore said:

What I really wanna know is why is it they always change a character or create new ones that feature gaunt looking faces (cheekbones that are barely flush or filled, looking like they had the life sucked out of their facial structure) and square looking jawlines.

Like you can even spot this in the two featured images. The left has a rounded chin and some flush cheeks, whilst the right has a gaunt looking cheeks, squared off jaw line and tightly pursed lips. The right even looks like a walking irl racial stereotype, and I also gotta ask "why is that focal point on irl race put into a fantasy game, that is supposed to feature completely made up races?".

Isn't Isabella meant to be in her 40s at least by now? Looks like she is in that picture. Age hits hard.






Definitely going to be playing Witcher 3 and Stellar Blade before I even think of touching this game.

Farsala said:

Definitely going to be playing Witcher 3 and Stellar Blade before I even think of touching this game.

Are they on your list? Have you played The Witcher 3 before? 

haxxiy said:

Isn't Isabella meant to be in her 40s at least by now? Looks like she is in that picture. Age hits hard.

I've known my Ma's older friend since I was a baby. By the time I hit 20, she was 60 and yet she looked early 40's.

I'm in my late 30's and I still get ID'd for smokes. I still have teens thinking I'm within their age group based on how young I look (It literally happened to me last Sat night at a metal concert, where a 21yr talked to me and my partner and thought I was 24).

There are people that just age better, some that age normally and some that just age rapidly. I just don't get the "always gotta be gaunt" focal point with recent character designs, or in cases like Silent Hill 2, overly flush (especially considering previous designs where her face wasn't flushed like she is now in the Remake). 

I Don't want to post that collage of recent femme character designs, because I honestly think it's daft, but it does have certain points when it comes to parts of the body being seen with same level design choices (gaunt cheeks, tightly pursed lips, squared off chins, etc). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

LegitHyperbole said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

They say it's because they do not want to appease to the male gaze, so when you have a character that would be considered sexy according to the majority of the male public that means it needs to be changed. But I believe there is more behind it.

Oh christ. What about the female gaze, women assess other females bodies as much as men do. 

The only reason that comes to my mind is that these people, even if they are real women, don't like women at all and try to bring down femininity and beauty as a way to liberate women from the chackles that society impose over them, or whatever that means.

The problem I see is that it sems to me people that think this way is actually a tiny minority, very loud and very present on the internet, but yet a tiny minority. AT some point the majority gets fed up and starts to reject the bullshit.