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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%

Interesting, much higher than I expected. Watching Skill Up review right now, it seems pretty bad.

edit: just read what JRPGfan said, the reviewers were very cherry picked, it will probably go down in the next few days.

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JRPGfan said:
Jpcc86 said:

atm it sits at 84 in Metacritic (PS5 version) with 50 reviews taken into account, so its got generally good reviews. The mid 80s is kinda what I expected to begin with, so atm my expetations are being met as far as critical reception goes.

Regardless of the reviews imma play it. Ive been looking to something new from this franchise for a while now.

The thing is they were very selective about who they gave review codes to apparently.
Anyone that seemed skeptical, or against too much DEI, was not given codes or time to do a review early.
So all the scores we see atm, are from "yes people", that were selected to give high score reviews.

Once it has had some more time, for reviewers that didn't merit a review code, giving reviews... it will drop lower than it is.
At least that's my thinking.

Basically this:

Yeah, thats fair. Id be getting in a couple of weeks regardless, cant get it on launch because reasons. 

So we'll see in a couple weeks how the reception settles. 

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

JRPGfan said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm going in at 88. I believe this will get a bump from journalists because Bioware is in such deep shit if it fails. Gamers won't find it as great though apart from a few really hardcore who stuck with it even through DA 2.

This.... I'm waiting for the player base feedback, and the user scores.
I don't believe (or rather trust) alot of these reviewers that use pronounes stuff, and wave their flags around.

"It has DEI... omg 10 out 10, best game ever!"

When its a broken mess, with horrible game play and story.

Nope... waiting on user feedback.

Look at something like Star Wars Outlaws, its currently at 7,5 out of 10.
But early reviews were higher than its current score. 
It has way to many 9 and 10 scores, for the quality it has, by reviewers.

Oh, there is that angle and all. IGN have been sucking the games dick for sure. But it's hard to tell these days, Baldurs Gate 3 had all this stuff and it reviewed great and was praised my gamers as a great fame and oddly this DEI stuff was never brought up, I suppose it's how it's implemented but I do see journalists bumping it from that angle also. Indeed, best wait to see what the gamers think. 

xl-klaudkil said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

Is life fun when everything offends you and you can't enjoy anything?

This is verry funny.

Okej .

A man is a man and a woman is a woman.

Cutting your D or tits wont make a difference.

There are only 2 genders.

Who is "offended" now

I know this is abit over the top... but I honestly hope this isn't a perma ban.
We have too few people on vgchartz as is.
XL-klaudkil has been here for years.

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this is insane.

Clear case of access journalism.
Bioware are manipulating reviews, by screening everyone (reviewers), and only those with clean records of pure praise for the game, get codes.
worse they "lie" about, to manipulate channels, for free PR.  So they promis codes, if your videos are well recieved, but if your even slightly critical of anything, you get blacklisted (without being told so). When its time for a review code, they just dont talk to you, or hand you any.

This way, they ensure first impressions of fans, that watch early reviews, are all left with positive takes, and a high metacritic score.

Its a house of cards though.

If you game is really good, you don't have to take measures like these.
They must fear something, if they are resorting to these sort of measures.

Bet you, by the time, non favored early access reviewers, get codes, scores drop.
By the time, the public (ei. users scores are out) they are alot lower than current (early access reviewers) ones.

Might have been forced to use "return to form" in review conclusion.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 October 2024

Still soiiler free so this is a 'drive by' post, but this is good. Not as good as DAI got but level with DA2 which was still in my view fantastic.

Hmm, pie.

Leynos said:
xl-klaudkil said:

Nope. Wont support that forced lgbqti+ sweet baby inc bought reviews crap

Posts like this make me wish being gay was airborne so people like you would catch it. Most games use some sort of consulting firm. It's how you avoid accidental nazis symbols or how Nintendo could have avoided having to reprint OoT on N64 due to the fire temple music. It's not forcing agendas. It's just trying to avoid a fuck up.

Theres options to play as a Transgender Rook (with more dialog options ect). (ontop of pronounes/gender, topsurgery scars in character creator)
And lots of the characters ingame, talk as if transgender apparently.

Maybe its not "forced onto you (or a agenda)", like you can just try your best to ignore all that stuff.

Spot the differnce, in character models? Isabela isn't allowed to be curvy or have boobs anymore.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 28 October 2024

JRPGfan said:
LegitHyperbole said:

I'm going in at 88. I believe this will get a bump from journalists because Bioware is in such deep shit if it fails. Gamers won't find it as great though apart from a few really hardcore who stuck with it even through DA 2.

This.... I'm waiting for the player base feedback, and the user scores.
I don't believe (or rather trust) alot of these reviewers that use pronounes stuff, and wave their flags around.

"It has DEI... omg 10 out 10, best game ever!"

When its a broken mess, with horrible game play and story.

Nope... waiting on user feedback.

Look at something like Star Wars Outlaws, its currently at 7,5 out of 10.
But early reviews were higher than its current score. 
It has way to many 9 and 10 scores, for the quality it has, by reviewers.

Honestly I distrust most journo reviews because 8/10, they end up feeling the opposite of what the actual gamers feel with what they like. At this point it's become such a contrast, that there are even reviews these days that just cram in pointless drivel like irl politics, or taking petty ass potshots at "Gamers™" in their own articles. 

I'm more trusting of user reviews that have played the games for 10-20+hrs, but will never trust the reviews based around the 0.5-5hr marks (especially for RPG's). 

Critics praised Outlaws, but the general gamer community census was completely different, and that's what I mean with modern review critics being out of touch with the general communities they are meant to be writing for. 

Going by how the general public is receiving this new DA, it isn't looking good. The UI, animations, over use of purple tones for most of their UI, the clunky look to navigating their UI during gameplay, and the general shift of how this game plays compared to past DA games, just isn't that grand. 

What I don't understand is why the hell can't EA just stick to a formula to that works and stick with it. Games like Gears and GTA have stuck with theirs and it's worked for years. EA just seems to change their IP's with whatever dart hits the board and expects everything to work out (like look at the multiple times they tried to change up Battlefield and how they screwed up).

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

coolbeans said:
LegitHyperbole said:

Dropped to 82 on Opencric. Ouch.

Speaking as someone who noticed EA's cagey attitude with Veilguard's review codes, I think it's only going to go down from there.  Something was off about that from the start.

Any publisher big or small that tries to review embargo or only choose "yes" folk to only give positive reviews, is possibly a few of the bigger red flags that tell me the publisher has no faith in both their game, nor their consumer base (if anything they want to sucker their consumer base by being wholly dishonest with tactics like that). 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.