Random_Matt said:
LegitHyperbole said:
Looked into see how the vibe was an found a "mostly positive" rating on steam at 77%. I'd trust that more since the gamers have to own the game. Seems to be a bit more generous than the average streamer but the casuals are really vibing with it and the hardcore fans are defending it to high heaven, I'd have to assume out of spite cause as a fan I don't know how they can be enjoying it unless they haven't been playing games the past 10 years since Inquisition and this is just one of the few series the check in on.
Tons of player's who make a review after a couple of hours? Please, stop it, credibility completely shot.
It's still more reliable than the 2.5 on MC. Trust me, 90% of the reviews are people coming from the reactionary Youtubers, this game isn't a complete bomb or an absolute dud, many people are having a good time on YouTube let's plays to twitch streamers... not a great time but better than many games I've seen with the same critic review score like Outlaws.
Just cause it has social politics doesn't automatically make it a 2.5, it may for people but that's BS, it's a bit of cringe in a long ass game and trust me I know it's cringe and I feel insulted by how they have handled it and shpved it in and the damage it has done to LGBT in the gaming community cause these devs and writers lack nuance and talent to do even the basic writing in this game justice let alone a character sitting down and going straight to "I'm no binary" and the like.
However that doesn't change the quality of the game, it should be easy to look past if it was done well, for people who aren't bigoted by nature, like we look past character sefect in games like The last of US and writing mistakes or motives that don't make sense or are cringe at times. I did see some valid criticisms on MC user reviews like gay people calling this out that it does harm and makes us look like a bunch or self righteous zealots and as bad as evangelicals and I'd do the same as a bi man, if it had any chance of making a difference but it's lost in a sea of angry people who aren't even interested in the series at all and had no intention of playing.
Trust me I'm angry as these people review bombing it and boycotting has crossed my mind or waiting for it to come to PS+ Catalogue in a few years but I'll probably dive into this at a deep sale during a drought, the last few hours are supposed to pay off and finalise the Dragon age series.
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - on 02 November 2024