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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%
Darc Requiem said:
JRPGfan said:

this is what I want in my fantasy games.... may they all be filled with this stuff in the future!
(and they wonder why asian games are selling well lately?)

shows what happens, if you pick "why don't you just apologies instead" option.

If this scene was described, I'd call bullshit. I wouldn't believe it. I'm in actual disbelief. That's not Dragon Age. WTF man.

I just watched this on YouTube - I am actually speechless 

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Pemalite said:

It was a generalized statement to form a context around free speech in general.

Chazore said:

Also no, sorry but no, you do not get to tell me who I can/cannot oppose, regardless of whatever standing you could ever possibly have in life. You could be my boss for all I care and you cannot tell me who I can/cannot oppose and you could fire me and I would sue, because I'm going to be super blunt with you pem, that's not how this works.

You have misconstrued my statements to be something it's not.
I am not specifically telling you who you can/cannot oppose.

I am actually stating that opposition of "someones speech" is a legal construct that actually opposes free speech.

Chazore said:

There's consequences for being a total ass, being evil, fucking up and the like, but telling me I cannot oppose or even have to oppose based on what you think in general is horseshit.

No one in the history of this entire thread has told you, that you cannot oppose something.

Chazore said:

Any company is entitled to, but that doesn't let them off the hook for being called out, and you know this, you know this damn well.

And that is part of freedom.
Again, Free Speech is not a free pass to be able to screech your opinion into everyone's face. - People are allowed to oppose you.
Free Speech works in both directions.

Chazore said:

Yeah you don't agree, but you're playing a really bad form of devil's advocate and I really don't agree with that at all. You don't get to tell me what is misplaced either.


Chazore said:

Also I don't need to wait for reviews, since I'm not the one buying the game. I'm tired of the DEI shit in case you haven't noticed, and I'm tired of corps like EA fucking around. The very last thing I ever want to see is a user playing devil's advocate for one of the corps voted "worst company".

Then stay away from it if it is going to upset you to the point where you aren't reading statements in their intended context.

I decided to renegade on my previous position to wait on more reviews. So I said "screw it" and picked up a copy to make a self-determination if the game is actually good or not.
Installing it currently. It's only $140 AUD.

I just love the fact this game truly upsets so many people just because it's got a diverse lineup of characters. Didn't think people were so fragile, but there you go...

1. I do not care, do not assume on my behalf (I will make this clear again, do not make excuses, I do not care, do not assume on my behalf).

2. That's super convenient for you then isn't it?. 

3. ???

4. And yet you chose the company first, again, very convenient. 

5. No, I'm not letting you get away with that, sorry. You chose that hill, I am pinning you the hell on it.

6. That's not how this works. That's how you think it "should" work, but it rarely ever does. 

I just love how you just out yourself like that, especially given how you spoke earlier on a user's ban. So really, any talk of anything stemming from a certain leaning side, no matter whatever it may be, is something for you to use to mock others with.

I don't mind diversity?. I just don't like alt left peddling and forcing their ideologies. I'm fucking BI, apparently that means sweet fuck all to you unless I'm fully alt left or some stupid shit you believe in with your own moral compass.

I read fan comics on FA, I talk to my gay friends on Discord, I'm literally on a gay Vtuber furry streamer's discord, and we're all fawning over himbos. What in the actual fuck are you not getting?. There's even trans folk in another discord who don't like this forced shit, because they just want it to be done organically (you know, without the chest scars, because they want to be accepted for who they wish to become, not stuck in the fucking middle). The fact you cannot see such a side existing is what makes you look like a bigot.

I like how when someone doesn't like something you have a stance on, means they're "fragile", and of course, you're a mod, so you can get away with making such a remark.

You remind me of that guy on one of the discord servers that barely anyone likes, because of how they come off as "fuck mate why you all a bunch of pussies?". You're not beating that rude mentality.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Majora said:

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

I was raised by my mother to see everyone as equals, and to not wish for any group to be segregated. What this DEI shit is doing is the complete opposite. When you start barring certain walks of colour from being able to apply for a job or a voice acting role, that's not equality, that's equity and that's just bad. Same goes for hiring people only based on their religion or their gender, that again isn't equality, that's just picking and choosing based on check-marking selection bias. 

For years I have considered myself a part of that community, but in the past 5-6 years I've been feeling more estranged by the day, simply because I'm not fully alt leaning, and I disagree with that mob mentality, because it's not even trying to foster equality, but another kind of hatred, and that's not what LGBT is about, it's about loving one another, being accepting, not being selective, using movements as weapons to silence others.

I've personally been called the F word multiple times, but I don't let that hurt me, because I don't see there being anything wrong with me liking guys and gals. I have noticed over time that people have been hijacking the Trans movement to try making "femboy" a slur, when it's not, it's literally how I appear as (I inherited my mother's hips and slimline legs and cushy butt, with a youthful look, that's just how I am). The fact some ppl use that movement to try turning femboys into "oh they're coming out as Trans" scenarios is what disgusts me, because there are some Bi and gay guys that like being a femboy and there's fuck all wrong with that.

When you have people assuming there is no hijacking, no nasty shit going on behind the scenes, I just think "wow, they're either defending the bad actors in bad faith, or they just don't care to look around and notice the signs). Hell, one of the original founders of LGBT doesn't like how what he originally founded for love and acceptance, has instead been hijacked and made all about certain parts of the LGBT, not everyone, and I totally understand him on that. 

Despite not having played all the DA games, I have seen some of the romance options in the previous games and can agree. I also liked back then you strictly had characters that were gay, and couldn't be outright romanced by someone non gay. Now with the new game it's just "everyone's gonna bang one another because everyone's pan now"?.

Also thank you again for saying this. I feel it needs to be said, because me and my partner have been feeling that way for some time now (not feeling like we're included in the group). I'm glad we're not the only ones who feel that vibe.

pokoko said:
Majora said:

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

Very well said.

As I've stated repeatedly, a significant amount of the backlash isn't about the existence of diverse characters, it's about self-righteous writers and developers who feel the need to "educate" the consumers that they look down on by hammering them over the head with ham-fisted, over-the-top sermons and scenarios that feel artificial and contrived.  They would go full Clockwork Orange if they could get away with it.  People simply don't like being preached at, especially not when any and all criticism is framed as prejudice.

All that accomplishes is to breed anger and resentment, which makes everything worse.

If they just treat diverse characters as NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS with just as many flaws as everyone else then the majority of the audience would accept them without issue. 

See Pem?, it's not so hard to understand. Poko gets it, I get it, others in here get it.

Like Poko said, we don't fucking need to be sat down like a toddler and educated on how to interact/treat other walks of life, most of us know this. It's insulting and degrading the way that we've gone from having games that featured black characters, gay characters, flamboyant ones, ones that were accepted before in the past, to a point now where the game has to only market those points as if they are the main game, when they were already accepted years ago.

I'm seeing black folk speak out against the same shit, the same crap that gets peddled to them, and even they don't like it, because it's DEGRADING (especially when it's a White writer who barely knows fuck all, and just assumes every Black person has the same fucking haircut or talks in the same manner).

pokoko said:

If they just treat diverse characters as NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS with just as many flaws as everyone else then the majority of the audience would accept them without issue. 

The people I know, be they black, Trans or Gay, they just want to be treated like normal human beings, not treated as some separate special group or propped up like some gimmick marketing ploy (which is what we're seeing a lot of these days and folks are getting sick of it).

Diversity is something that needs to naturally/organically progress, not be forced, because that almost always gets met with backlash/kickback. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 31 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

pokoko said:
Majora said:

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

Very well said.

As I've stated repeatedly, a significant amount of the backlash isn't about the existence of diverse characters, it's about self-righteous writers and developers who feel the need to "educate" the consumers that they look down on by hammering them over the head with ham-fisted, over-the-top sermons and scenarios that feel artificial and contrived.  They would go full Clockwork Orange if they could get away with it.  People simply don't like being preached at, especially not when any and all criticism is framed as prejudice.

All that accomplishes is to breed anger and resentment, which makes everything worse.

If they just treat diverse characters as NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS with just as many flaws as everyone else then the majority of the audience would accept them without issue. 


Majora said:
Chazore said:

Not really. That's like saying a Centrist has to agree with every single Pov and say yes to everything (which isn't even possible when you account for personal bias). 

I'm having to remind the site that I'm Bi, I like men and women, I pick and choose from both the left and the right on what I agree/disagree on, what I find progressive and what I find regressive (I agree and am for Gay marriage, but I'm also not for the alt left's desire to eradicate the nuclear family either, as some examples).

Right now, it's the scales tipping to one side and the radicalisation that's been growing world wide, on the net, in general society, that is not the sort of thing anyone, not even a centrist can nor should ignore. Again, being a centrist doesn't mean you get to wipe yourself of bias and just be a blank slate. 

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

I agree. It's so alien to me to define everything by your sexuality and make that the main pillar of your personality that everything else is built around, I guess I'm in the minority cause I don't even want to discuss my sexuality or parade about. It's such a small factor of who I am, I'd like to fit in and want the same for my characters the same as any straight person, not stand out and show off. 

Around the Network
JRPGfan said:

I cant believe it....

.... A return to form? I'm skeptical.  link.

#1: We'll just ignore the 40+ reviews that don't mention a "return to form"? That's a rather strange agreement if only a few random reviewers have to follow it. I didn't actually search all of the other 40, but I looked at around 15 of the other ones, and only one additional reviewer I saw made a similar comment about Bioware returning to RPGs.

I don't feel like bullet point #4 even particularly makes sense. "dictionary of blacklisted", "truth of choice"

Most of that paragraph feels like someone inventing rage-bait about things they don't actually understand. 

I knew Matty wouldn't get himself in legal trouble or cause LSM any grief. 

I've known for years that companies get picky/choosy with who they send review codes to, but at this point I get it, people are fed up of this, and that's why people are going to call it out more and more as time goes on.

The few of you here going on and on about "fear mongering" or "fragility" can parrot that as much as you want, no one's stopping you, but at the same time you have got to start to realise that you're defending bad actors, you're defending companies being biased as hell and following some shitty guideline orchestrated by a hijacked group/sector.

What EA is doing, what any company that does this sort of thing, is morally wrong. Yeah you can "pick" who you want for a "favourable" outcome, but that's still the morally wrong thing TO DO, because you're not being fair, it tells the world you are in fact NOT OPEN to criticism, and it shows you hold a form of disdain for it. 

EA has been known for being an assclown of a company, but the fact they hide behind a group like a shield is what disgusts me more than anything, and people eat that shit up, and that makes it even worse, because that tells me the people on the other side don't actually understand right from wrong, they just make up batshit excuses for why they think they're in the right. 

EA doesn't even care, none of those companies do, because they just use what they think works and then toss it away when it stops working. Look at all the companies that fucking use those LGBT symbols during Pride month, and how they don't use those same symbols for other regions. They don't care, they just want your money, and they'll wear whatever flag, use whatever symbol they can to get it, and that's what makes it disgusting, because none of it is genuine nor organic. 

I'm going to be honest, Pem and otter struck a chord with me, not in a good way. The both of you have the gall to come down like you both think you know me & others, like you know what's right, neither of you two do, you're both fucking fallible like everyone else. Calling others "fragile" because they don't fucking side with your viewpoint is just asinine, and the "fear mongering" horse shit line is even worse, because it's telling everyone else in the room that they don't give a shit, but they give a shit to shut others down. 

I actually give a shit because I fucking care, I'm sick of it, I'm so tired of being thrown around and told what to think, what to say. To have someone come in and call me "fragile" for not wanting the insanity to go about fucking me and others over for personal gains is what really pissed me off. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 31 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

The game releases today. I'm really actually interested now and wanna see someone play a trans pkaythrough. From what I've seen so far, Either it's gonna be so bad it's good or really cringe inducing.

Watched Fighting Cowboy play from about 45 minutes, honestly aside from the really stiff facial animations it doesn't look all that bad. Looks like a more action oriented Inquisition. I can see casuals vibing with this and not giving a fuck, I reckon the game will sell, it may under perform but it's not gonna flop.