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Forums - Politics Discussion - Dragon Age: The veilguard reviews at 83 Opencritic/84 Metacritic.



Will play 9 18.00%
Will not play 26 52.00%
Will play on sale 12 24.00%
I don't like Dragon age. 3 6.00%
JRPGfan said:

I cant believe it....

.... A return to form? I'm skeptical.

I honestly hope that you don't, because that would make you one of the most gullible people I've seen on this website. Surely you just didn't pay attention to it? Just read any sentence again, it's riddled with spelling and definition errors and nonsense.

For instance, "EA Bioware" is not even the name of the developer, and BioWare is a subsidiary, not a "sub-division" (sic) 😭😭

Their GM as legal representative 😭😭

MrMattyPlays 😭😭






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JRPGfan said:
JRPGfan said:

I cant believe it....

.... A return to form? I'm skeptical.  link.

Since this is being shared around everywhere at this point, that NDA looks fake as hell.  Now, granted, I didn't receive a Veilguard review code, so I can't directly deny this; that said, of the codes I've received the structure simply... looks off.  Not all of it, but there are some strange inclusions to have.

Beyond those indiscernible features, the top-lefthand corner of the page has the blinking cursor we all have when typing anything on here, Word processor, or wherever else.  Also, it looks like Moriarty (Last Stand) has directly denied this being the review code agreement.

Last edited by coolbeans - on 30 October 2024

SvennoJ said:
Random_Matt said:

I liked Eurogamer once upon a time. Seems worse now since IGN bought them out.

Same. I had an account there for 17 years, cancelled it last year after they, Eurogamer of all places, banned me for being too critical of them. Or rather I got put on some 'terror' watch list so every comment I tried to post was put on hold for moderation, not to show up until 48 hours later. Can't have a conversation that way.

They alienated their fan base (lot of people left) while the quality or articles and reviews have gone down the drain. That's been going on since they stopped using scores, or rather got bought by ReedPop in 2018. DF was still good until they lost the plot as well, with the sale to IGN about.

Digital Foundry has credibility still, the only real change is that there is more advertising in their videos.
But their tools and approach to analysis has remained the same.

Eurogamer I have never really given any attention to anyway.

IcaroRibeiro said:

I've played some older games, Dragon Age II (good) and Inquisition (average) and some Old Republic Star Wars games (which I honestly did not like at all, but that's beside the point).

Very rare I see someone who thinks Dragon Age 2 is better than Inquisition.

Inquisition had better visuals, landscapes, story and characters... It wasn't limited to basically one city.

Chazore said:

Just a reminder:

It's basically telling Matty he can't say or do anything, he has to basically 100% do as told by EA, and that's not free speech at all, that's a demand or "we'll blacklist you", which is scummy as hell. 

We need to get away from the stupid idea that free speech allows you to say whatever you desire without repercussion, restriction or opposition.
Free Speech actually has a ton of restrictions; See: Libel, Slander etc'.

EA are actually entitled to place people on a blacklist... As that is their "free" right to do so. Freedom is a two way street.

That doesn't mean I agree with EA's approach, but the moaning is misplaced. Just wait for reviews outside of the mainstream outlets.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

We need to get away from the stupid idea that free speech allows you to say whatever you desire without repercussion, restriction or opposition.
Free Speech actually has a ton of restrictions; See: Libel, Slander etc'.

EA are actually entitled to place people on a blacklist... As that is their "free" right to do so. Freedom is a two way street.

That doesn't mean I agree with EA's approach, but the moaning is misplaced. Just wait for reviews outside of the mainstream outlets.

I never said anything about freedom from repercussions?.

Also no, sorry but no, you do not get to tell me who I can/cannot oppose, regardless of whatever standing you could ever possibly have in life. You could be my boss for all I care and you cannot tell me who I can/cannot oppose and you could fire me and I would sue, because I'm going to be super blunt with you pem, that's not how this works.

There's consequences for being a total ass, being evil, fucking up and the like, but telling me I cannot oppose or even have to oppose based on what you think in general is horseshit.

Any company is entitled to, but that doesn't let them off the hook for being called out, and you know this, you know this damn well.

Yeah you don't agree, but you're playing a really bad form of devil's advocate and I really don't agree with that at all. You don't get to tell me what is misplaced either.

Also I don't need to wait for reviews, since I'm not the one buying the game. I'm tired of the DEI shit in case you haven't noticed, and I'm tired of corps like EA fucking around. The very last thing I ever want to see is a user playing devil's advocate for one of the corps voted "worst company".

Last edited by Chazore - on 30 October 2024

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Chazore said:

I never said anything about freedom from repercussions?.

It was a generalized statement to form a context around free speech in general.

Chazore said:

Also no, sorry but no, you do not get to tell me who I can/cannot oppose, regardless of whatever standing you could ever possibly have in life. You could be my boss for all I care and you cannot tell me who I can/cannot oppose and you could fire me and I would sue, because I'm going to be super blunt with you pem, that's not how this works.

You have misconstrued my statements to be something it's not.
I am not specifically telling you who you can/cannot oppose.

I am actually stating that opposition of "someones speech" is a legal construct that actually opposes free speech.

Chazore said:

There's consequences for being a total ass, being evil, fucking up and the like, but telling me I cannot oppose or even have to oppose based on what you think in general is horseshit.

No one in the history of this entire thread has told you, that you cannot oppose something.

Chazore said:

Any company is entitled to, but that doesn't let them off the hook for being called out, and you know this, you know this damn well.

And that is part of freedom.
Again, Free Speech is not a free pass to be able to screech your opinion into everyone's face. - People are allowed to oppose you.
Free Speech works in both directions.

Chazore said:

Yeah you don't agree, but you're playing a really bad form of devil's advocate and I really don't agree with that at all. You don't get to tell me what is misplaced either.


Chazore said:

Also I don't need to wait for reviews, since I'm not the one buying the game. I'm tired of the DEI shit in case you haven't noticed, and I'm tired of corps like EA fucking around. The very last thing I ever want to see is a user playing devil's advocate for one of the corps voted "worst company".

Then stay away from it if it is going to upset you to the point where you aren't reading statements in their intended context.

I decided to renegade on my previous position to wait on more reviews. So I said "screw it" and picked up a copy to make a self-determination if the game is actually good or not.
Installing it currently. It's only $140 AUD.

I just love the fact this game truly upsets so many people just because it's got a diverse lineup of characters. Didn't think people were so fragile, but there you go...

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

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So, I just watched that clip from the game.
Oh dear, that's some really terrible voice acting right there. Not to mention visuals that belong to last best.

Chazore said:
rapsuperstar31 said:

A centrist, is someone that can play through an entire game without looking at reviews have a fantastic time, and than look to see if others enjoyed the game as much as you did just to find a bunch of people complaining about some woke shit you didn't even notice.  And than scratch your head and think what was woke about this game.

Not really. That's like saying a Centrist has to agree with every single Pov and say yes to everything (which isn't even possible when you account for personal bias). 

I'm having to remind the site that I'm Bi, I like men and women, I pick and choose from both the left and the right on what I agree/disagree on, what I find progressive and what I find regressive (I agree and am for Gay marriage, but I'm also not for the alt left's desire to eradicate the nuclear family either, as some examples).

Right now, it's the scales tipping to one side and the radicalisation that's been growing world wide, on the net, in general society, that is not the sort of thing anyone, not even a centrist can nor should ignore. Again, being a centrist doesn't mean you get to wipe yourself of bias and just be a blank slate. 

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

Majora said:

I’m gay and I completely agree with you. I’m also for gay marriage and against the eradication of the nuclear family. I am in favour of every person being granted equality under the law and I am against the notion that a persons personal identity, whether based on immutable characteristics or individual feelings/perceptions, should be considered the most important aspect of that person. I also take issue with the alphabet brigade acting like they speak for all gay people; I am a gay man, but I’m also many other things, and if LGBTQ+ is in fact a community then I can surely choose not to be a part of said community and am really sick of being associated with it. I share little in common with that community other than a sexual orientation, and even then, it now no longer covers only sexual orientation (also covering gender identity and things like queer where you can be opposite sex attracted and still call yourself queer) and I just want to get on with life as a multidimensional human being. 

Side note - I really enjoyed romancing Dorian in DAI because he was a fantastically written character and yeah, as a gay guy who’s romantic, I enjoyed that a lot. But I could also relate to Geralt and Yennefer’s romance because I’m also a human being and guess what? Love is love. 

Very well said.

As I've stated repeatedly, a significant amount of the backlash isn't about the existence of diverse characters, it's about self-righteous writers and developers who feel the need to "educate" the consumers that they look down on by hammering them over the head with ham-fisted, over-the-top sermons and scenarios that feel artificial and contrived.  They would go full Clockwork Orange if they could get away with it.  People simply don't like being preached at, especially not when any and all criticism is framed as prejudice.

All that accomplishes is to breed anger and resentment, which makes everything worse.

If they just treat diverse characters as NORMAL HUMAN BEINGS with just as many flaws as everyone else then the majority of the audience would accept them without issue. 

Honestly I think a lot of you are in denial. There is no reason why a few arcs of dialogue with one character is causing so much vitriol if it wasn't for the fact that you aren't already embroiled in very strong feelings about these social political topics. It is actually more reflective of your own political extremities.

By the looks of it, this game has been Disney-fied in attempt to forge a super mainstream blockbuster. This doesn't make it a bad game, but for sure can mean it falls far short of its potential and what fans want. The art direction is lovely, but too whimsical compared to the more gritty fantasy people were expecting. This is more Netflix/Disney entry in something that should of been a HBO series. The character interactions are too placid, like a summer Blockbuster which is afraid to do anything too bold and instead just wants you to enjoy the ride. They've toned aspects that may been sexual or provocative. The gameplay is driven by more recent successful action RPGs and watered down compared to what we want.

There's absolutely no reason why a whole good 10 pages here are dedicated to dissecting LGBT+ existence within the game based off one snippet of interactions.

Last edited by Otter - on 31 October 2024

JRPGfan said:

this is what I want in my fantasy games.... may they all be filled with this stuff in the future!
(and they wonder why asian games are selling well lately?)

shows what happens, if you pick "why don't you just apologies instead" option.

If this scene was described, I'd call bullshit. I wouldn't believe it. I'm in actual disbelief. That's not Dragon Age. WTF man.